Today I'd like to tell you about the desk in Nina's room. That desk has seen many lives. I got it (free!) from a friend of my mom's when I moved into my first apartment as a single girl. It was originally a honey-colored wood and I painted it white, even before I understood the utter magic of painting things white! And here is the desk in my Colorado guest room a few years ago. It's on the right side of the photo if you look close.

Do you have a piece of furniture sitting around that you could "upgrade"? Before we all head out to the malls, or even to the Goodwill, it's even easier to wander downstairs to the basement or out to the garage. I still have a few pieces that I'd like to paint or update, right here in my own house, without spending a dime!
I'll be back with more next week. Have a great December weekend!
What a great makeover! It inspires me to do something with my old desk :)
I love your desk makeover and it looks perfect in your daughter's sweet room. You have such a great way of finding just the right details for the spaces in your home. Thank you for sharing!
Dear Carrie, Yes, it is incredible what we can do with what we already have or can pick up at a real,real bargan. That is what is so great about your blog for instance, to show what a person can do. I still can't believe what you did to your coffee table when you took the sides off and painted the legs white. That idea was incredible,genius in fact. Your dad is soooo cute, and yes, you can tell he is lovin it. Hugs, Joyce
So glad you are back, I had to scroll through your posts. I grew up in Lamorinda (Lafayette-Moraga-Orinda). You will be so happy with the schools. My daughters room had a twin bed and a crib which is about all it would hold. Finally gave a way the crib and was left with a very bare room. It was amazing how I could steal a few things from other rooms and make her's cozy - $0 spent.
p.s. my two favorite pieces in the house came from antiquing in Petaluma - go check it out when you have time.
I have that same quilt from PB! Only next time we are in the US, I'm hoping to get something a bit more practical for where we live, with less white! :) But it is so cheery!
The desk looks fantastic! As usual!
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