*Updated to add: Many of you have asked what program I used to create my images. It was Scrapblog! If you've been around here for awhile, you will know my obsession with this free website where you can create cool scrapbooks. Notice I don't actually create scrapbooks. :) But I do create Christmas cards, birth announcements, blog headers, and, now, t-shirt designs. Just create your image and save as a .jpg file. Then you can print using Melissa's instructions. Enjoy!
Want to see my new favorite find? Melissa at 320 Sycamore did a tutorial about iron-on t-shirt transfers a few months ago, and I took her advice and bought these:
I just found out not long ago about the great things you can do with iron-on transfers.
I did a t-shirt for my daughter's 9th birthday party it was part of the goody bag. See here http://allyscorner-ally0005.blogspot.com/2009/01/annas-birthday-party-on-saturday.html
And this iron on that I just love http://allyscorner-ally0005.blogspot.com/2009/03/can-you-say-meow.html
I love the block with the star and name! Great idea!
Those are so cute! Great job.
Love your designs... darling!
very cute. may have to make my daughter one.
thanks for sharing.
So cute!! You are one talented mama! Have a great week.
What a GrEaT Idea!!!! I love it! I will have to try this this weekend. I have an embroidery machine, so my little one's name is on everything. But doing this transfer will give it a diff look and style. Thanks for the fab ideas! ;o) Andi
Too cute! What program did you use to create the names/images?
Carrie~ I love what you did with these! The designs, the colors and that dragonfly?? Perfect! Thanks for the shout-out~
I love iron on transfers!
Love them! I wish I lived next door to you so that I could drop in and watch you do this stuff!
Love them - I'll have to check out her tutorial!
I love these! How did you do the block with the star and henry in it? I want to make some of these for my little boys. I love your blog (read it all the time!) and you have beautiful taste!
This is SO cute!!
Absolutely adorable! So sweet! :)
Awww too cute....
I am going to do this! I have been wondering how I can do this. I knew that there was special paper you could buy, well now I am gonna buy some!
So cute!!!
Those are so cute!!!!! I'm off to check out the link. Thanks!
These are so cute! Great job! I love the onesies!
Make me a Charlotte Rose too!~ My Charlotte is Charlotte Rose!!! I too, have just started making iron-on tees and stamped onesies...have you been to darby's blog to see? www.flythroughmywindow.blogspot.com - her blog is amazing!!!
Absolutely Adorable!! I am going to head over and see how you did that.....I can't sew, but I can iron:)
Have a great week!!
Too CUTE!!
Way cute!
Thanks for sharing!
LOVE them!
Sooooo cute! I have had that same pack of iron on stuff like yours for years and have never tried it. Maybe now I finally will!
these are so adorable! henry will look so cute. baby jack might have to have one of these...
wow! That is so neat! I went to Walmart to check and see if they carry that paper and they do. I think its a great idea and I am going to try my hand at them! Thanks for sharing!
I attempted this a few months ago, but did not have success. I think I will head over and look at that tutorial!
I LOVE iron-ons- my kids think I walk on water because I started doing them last year!!!
What a great way to have a fun Tee-
Great job on yours....
Adorable!! I'm not an ironer...but I might be able to pull that off! :) does her tutorial show where you printed those images from too?
Gotta copy that one asap!!
Thanks for sharing!
These turned out sooo cute!
Oh my goodness! How cute are those?! I'll definitely be checking out that link and trying that sometime in the future.
SO cute! I can't wait to tell Mr. Perfect's mom! :)
She has such a great blog - I love her stuff...but your shirts turned out ADORABLE!! On my list to copy next time a shower invite comes my way! Too cute!
Those are adorable! What a great gift idea.
I'm a follower now!
So very cute. I've been wanting to do some pillows with that stuff. Mimi
Those are so cute! Thanks for sharing. I'll have to make some after we find out next month what the gender of the new baby is and decide on a name. Hope things are going well. Loving the warm weather we are getting...aren't you?
So awesome!!!! I will totally grab this and use it too!
♥ Jen
Way to cute. I love the graphic-ness of the logos. That Henry is one stylin' baby. My sister is having a baby (don't yet know the sex) but am definatly wanting to make her some cute onesies.
Those turned out super cute! What a great little shower gift too! Glad your creative juices are flowing again and your back to creating and sharing! Welcome back!
oh my these are gorgeous!
great work, you are so crafty and creative, I just sigh when I pop over here
Hey girls! I just added some info to this post about where I got my images. Good luck!
Hey Carrie! Playing catch up while in FL visiting the hubby! Love the t's you made~ darling hun! Glad you found the fabric you were on the hunt for, too. I can't wait to see your finished product! Girl, I am so glad to know I'm not the only woman that doesn't know how to fire up my sewing machine to make curtains! A class is on my 'to do' list when Jas gets home, too! :)
Happy Cinco de Mayo...xo Les
Yeah, you are right. CUTEST. T-SHIRTS. EVER.
Oh yes - adorable. Coping is the best form of flattery (especially when giving credit where credit is due. :) hee hee)
Those are adorable! They'd look cute on little doggie tshirts too! Hmm....maybe I should do that. LOL
A few years ago I did transfers in honor of hubs (since he's a musician). I did one that says "{hub's name} rocks" and a couple others. Only problem was I couldn't find tank tops that weren't ribbed, so eventually the transfer stretched out weird from the ribbing.
Cute! Cute! Cute!
I just love the great ideas you have. Or the great ideas you borrow...either/ or : ).
Cute as can bee!!! I joined Scrapblog but can't find that cute little dragonfly. Is that from Scrapblog?
aww, great work, your awesome, and Im motivated!! ;) ♥ LA
Yep, they are all from Scrapblog! Not sure how I found the dragonfly, but it's in there somewhere!
How cute...I have had iron on transfer stuff for ages..but don't have ink....drag. I love the images u used. cherry
Oh my goodness, you're on a roll. I loved catching up on all the goodies you've been creating or making over recently. Great job!!! And thanks for all the info you shared.
Um, yes...the cutest things ever (and possibly the easiest?) I'll take one to go. Thanks! ;)
I'm bookmarking this idea for future gifts. I am part of the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) leadership team and this would make a fabulous "welcome new baby" gift. Love it!
I've been playing around with this technique. I've got a pattern I'm trying to design. If it works out I'll post it...if not, I'll be back to cry on your shoulders.
Your tees came out adorable.
What a great gift idea and you know I like craft ideas. Especially the ones that have the kinks worked out for me. :D
Please invite your friends over, I've posted my Mothers Day gift ideas.
I've worked the kinks out so your good to go, lol!
Sweet wishes,
You are so clever! I just love your blog!
These shirts are so adorable! What a wonderful idea...I checked out the tutorial on 320 Sycamore too...looks like some of these are in my future!! Thanks!
Ohmygosh! I LOVE those little shirts! I've done a lot with Scrapblog, but never thought of t-shirts!! What a cool, easy, and totally inexpensive thing to do. I love it!
Hope you're having a great week!
OK - now that is too stinking cute! Gonna have to try this one.
WHAT?!?! Amazing! Love it!
Wow. I go to the same church as Jill. I just saw baby Charlotte yesterday at church. What an adorable onesie for her! What a small world! I got to your blog from the Nesting Place blog. How fun! Last week, I just used those exact t-shirt transfers to put a #3 on a pillow in my computer area. Love it! Great idea! I need to do this for my little ones! Thanks for sharing!
Found you over at Melissa's blog. Your shirts turned out just adorable!! These would make the cutest baby gifts!
so.. it's impossible to say exactly how I found your blog.. blog surfing plus a twist of fate.. not sure. However, boy am I happy I did! I hope that you get these posts e-mailed to you so that you see this!! I was wondering how you used that scrapblog website and were able to save the image as a .jpeg?? I'm all signed up on there, but can't figure out how to just print my image?!
Thanks for the help!
okay.. never mind.. I figured it out :)
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