*Updated to add: St. Michael's Wife asked me if I made the doormat in the bottom photo. Wish I could say yes, but it was a birthday present from my mom. You can get your own from Williams-Sonoma here!
Well, since you liked that last post so much, how about we rip off another big and beautiful home store today? Anyone like Ballard Designs? Me too! I stare and stare at their catalog every time it comes in the mail, and actually just placed an order there the other day. So it doesn't count if I want to rip off their boxwood wreath, does it?

Image from BallardDesigns.com
Actually, this is a Christmas wreath, so it's not available now anyway. But I wanted something new for my front door, and I saw a styrofoam square wreath form on clearance the other day at Michael's. Hobby Lobby was selling greenery for 50% off last week. Coincidence?
I know, I know, I have been on a wreath kick lately! But I am not really good at gardening and, you know, generally keeping plants alive. Wreaths are a great way for me to add greenery to my house without the "dead plant factor" coming into play!
I won't give you another tutorial on this wreath, because I basically hot glue gunned my way through it, just like I did here. But be sure and let me know if you try it!
Carrie, this is ADORABLE, just like the last one you made hun!
I love the potted topiary cuteness by your front door as well. They look like the same greenery...did you make that as well?
And your front door mat~ super cute!
What a great way to start off the week with a terrific project idea!
Happy week ahead chicadee!
xo Les
Beautiful! I don't know what I would do without Hobby Lobby!
Hobby Lobby and Michael's Ya. You did a great job and another blue door. I love it.
This is a great wreath too! Very clever!
I love this one, too! I don't see many square wreaths, but they are gorgeous...good job!
Perfect! After stealing your last wreath idea, I'll steal this one too :). Reading this was so funny because I have actually been looking for a square wreath form to do this very project. (I can't remember who it was, but some lucky girl blogged about how she snuck over and "stole" her neighbor's discarded boxwood branches to make a wreath like this. Ever since seeing hers, I've had square boxwood wreath on the brain.) I'll link back to you if I do it :).
Hi I saw your comment on another blog and when I saw you are from Denver I had to say hello. My son daughter-in-law and baby grandson live there and I recently visited. I love your city! My last blog post is about The Tattered Cover bookstore in LoDo ..lol
No fair! You have a Hobby Lobby AND a Michaels?! Waaaah!! ;) I'm just jealous of all you Hobby Lobby girls.
The wreath looks great, btw!
~ Sarah
So cute, Carrie, as usual! I love Ballard's and their boxwood wreath. Plus, I'm good at killing green things, too - I'm definitely copying you! :)
Cute! You know me, I say copy away! ;) Jen
ooh cute!!
Love the greenery choice and you always have such great ribbon to use!! Looks great on your front door. The square gives it a fun and different (in a good way) look!
Kind of random...did the porch light come with your house or did you buy it somewhere because I love it and we are in desperate need of a new one! ;)
Wow, I finally got up early enough to get in the "top 20" of your massive comment list!! :)
I, too, love the Ballard and Pottern Barn catalogs, they're like free magazine, there to use for ideas to steal!
Oooh, you are so good at this! My Ballard catalog has dogeared pages throughout!
We will actually be in VA the first week of July--boo-hoo! Check with Christy though, she might be in town!
Love it! The whole combo, mat, wreath, everything! ps. the "G" mat would look great here. I'm going to "copycat" your wreath! Thanks!
Love it! I am wanting to do one of the monogram wreaths. I bet you will before I get around to it though, so I'll be watching. The square looks fantastic on the door.
Pretty...I love the rug in front of the door, too!
sandy toe
That turned out soooo cute! I actually like yours alot better too!
I am just loving all your wreaths...very great knock-offs.
Now I was just wondering the other day how I could make a square wreath. I didn't know that square forms were available. Thanks for telling us! Yours looks fabulous!
Oh I love this one! I seriously might have to try it!
Oh, i love it!
Very very cute my friend! Love it!!!!
Love Ballards too and have drooled over those wreaths! Yay -- now I know how to make one myself!
Hope you have a great day!
I like yours even better, especially against the gorgeous color on your door!!
I'm loving the square wreath! Is it embarassing to say that I've never seen one? I've only seen round.
I think I've made it clear how in love with your wreaths I am. This one is just as adorable as your other! Good job!
I really like this wreath. I think it's even better than the inspiration photo.
Love it! I love seeing all the creative things that people do using the expensive catalogs for inspiration!
Love it!!
This looks GREAT! And the color of your door with the color of your siding is beautiful! Love it! And did you make your door mat? (Stencil?) If so, give us an easy tutorial! (It looks really classy!)
I love the outside of your home. It's so warm and welcoming. And of course, I'm loving the little black star that you have out there. Absolutely gorgeous!
I seriously LOVE this wreath!! What a fabulous idea. I love that it is square and different from most other wreaths. You did an awesome job. I might just be coming and checking this out again once we are in our new house and decorating a little more!
Looks great. I love Ballard too. Deana
Yes, yes! Ballard Designs is a favorite too. Just recieved my new catalog the other day and have been plotting a ripoff myself. Hopefully I can get to it soon.
Love the wreath. The square is so much more intriguing.
What a pretty, cozy, welcoming front porch!
A square wreath, who knew?
And this Ballard's catalog?
Why don't I know about this???
I didn't think there were any catalogs that I wasn't getting.
Must Google!
I too am a huge fan of Ballard Design! I find myself flipping through the catalogs over and over. Your wreath is adorable. I think I am going to have to try to make these. I wish I lived near a Hobby Lobby.
I love Ballard Designs.....and drool over each and every catalog!! Your knock off wreath is perfect......it looks great on the front door!! Isn't it amazing what a little hot glue can do!!
I love it! Love it!!!
I like this wreath a lot! It is very non-traditional being square shaped and all. You are very creative!
That looks AMAZING on your front door! You did such a good job. I, too, drool over the Ballard's catalogs. That's where I got my Santos figurine.
And the mat...THAT I can't even talk about because I'm green with envy. : )
Looks fab!!! I'm in awe of your super-crafty powers!
My gosh, that is the cutest wreath! You are so creative!
Looks so inviting at the front door... Love it..
These wreath ripoffs you've been doing are adorable! I really love the square one...so unique. I want one!
Hope you've been having a great week!
I really love this Carrie! I was just thinking that I desperately needed a new wreath for the front door! I have never heard of the company that made it, but it is super!
LOVE it! I have a square wooden stretcher bar frame...wonder if that would work? *smiles*
I'm totally going to have to give this one a go. I trim my live boxwood hedge constantly...I wonder if I can dry the cuttings in a way that will allow the cuttings to retain some color... Any ideas for drying botanicals to retain some of their color?
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