I have mentioned before my love of the website Scrapblog. In the past few months I have used this scrapbooking website to make the header for my blog, and also to make our Christmas cards. I love it!
Of course, with Henry's arrival, I went back to Scrapblog to design his birth announcement! What do you think?

100 stamps...........................................$42.00

Our last name is blurred out, but you get the idea. And because I would want to know if I were you, I will brag about how inexpensive this whole thing was!
Printing of 100 (5x7) cards................$49.00
100 (5x7) envelopes (Walmart!)......$8.88100 stamps...........................................$42.00
This worked out to be $1 per announcement, including postage, which is about half of the prices I saw online on a few specialty websites, and they didn't include postage!
Gotta love a bargain! :)
You are so good. Even with a newborn baby you can be creative (and frugal). Great deal.
He's adorable, Carrie.
Wow...first, those are so very cute and the price is just amazing!!! Love it!!!!
-sandy toe
He is a handsome little guy..... oh and yes what a wonderful deal on the announcments!!!
They look lovely! What a cutie. :)
I love it too! So cute...what a darling!
Wow!! That turned out great!! He is such a little cutie!! Hope all is going well with all of you!
That is a beautiful birth announcement! Great price too!
Cute announcement...super cute baby. I seriously need to figure out how to use Scrapblog.
The announcements are darling! You did a great job! And the price is right too!
what a great deal and the cards are amazing!
They are adorable!! I love scrapblog, it's the best!
Wow, those look great and for a great price!!
Looove the announcements and what a great deal! Super cute pic of your new little love, sooo adorable!
Those are SO cute! What a deal!
just precious. I love it.
I love that site! I used it for Christmas pics and think I'll do a V-day card using it too! Love it! I used Quark for my son's announcements -- I had seen one I wanted and recreated it myself for pennies. Your boy is adorable!
Isn't that the cutest thing??? You did great on that! I'll spread the word...my ovaries are long dried up! LOL!
Absolutely precious. I love it. What a fab picture.
So Cute!!!
you must be a popular girl to know 100 people! ;) just kidding. what a steal! i've got that site bookmarked for next year's cards.
Cute announcements and thanks for the info on Scapblog. I checked it out and really like it! I have already sent a couple of my friends there.
Those look great, and you definitely can't beat that price!
The announcement is perfect for your new addition. He is absolutly adorable!
My brother's name is Henry after my grandfather. When he was little I would call him Henrietta just to annoy him ~ it worked every time like a charm ;)
I love it Carrie! (and that's a good price too) He is a doll. Take care of yourself...
That's an awesome bargain! I ♥ Scrapblog too! What a cute announcement...and Henry is simply adorable!
So cute! I'm going to have to check into that!
That turned out wonderful, Carrie!
That turned out soooo cute! You just gotta love a good bargain!
Those turned out so sweet. With such a cute little man you didn't have to work too hard :) I love the choc/blue combination. What a steal. $1 with shipping is nuts.
Very nice announcements! Thanks for the tips!
I absolutely love this! It is really cute!!!
Adorable! Love It!
Super cute and a super good deal! I design photo cards, and I love being able to make things for my own use because it truly is very inexpensive (especially when printing them at Costco). I've done both my kids' birth announcements, party invites, and created invites for baby showers I've hosted. I've heard Scrapblog is a great place, so I'll have to go check it out.
I couldn't help but give you a "shout out" the other day for all of your creative transformations...
Hope you're adjusting to life with two! Blessings to you and your family!
Very adorable announcements! And a really good price! He is adorable. Congratulations!
I love it. Boy, the things that can be done now. Wish it was around 30 years ago when I was having babies. Mimi
Looks great! I'm going to have to check out that site!
if you have time could you please do a short tutorial on exactly how you create these cards at scrapblog? from start to finish along w/ printing? i'm not so computer savvy but would love to know how you create these beauties for such a low price!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the birth announcement!!! hope you can share...
Soooooo cute!! I love those scrapbook sites. I use smilebox.com and I loooooooove it!!
Those are soo cute and the price is right~ Look at his sweet little smile!!! Scrapblog... I think I should check it out. :)
Great deal and he is so darn CUTE!!! (the announcement is too, but Henry - SUPER cute!)
Oh Carrie, he is beautiful!
Congrats on the new baby boy!
Truly precious!!
Good deal!
The announcements look timeless and elegant. The fact that you designed them makes them even more special to the recipients. LOVE that they were such a steal! Way to go!
Way to go! It looks gorgeous. :)
They're adorable Carrie! I dropped the ball with my third (Aurora), but loved the announcements I made for my second (Jett). I checked scrapblog out at Christmas after you wrote about them and definitely liked them. I'll have to try them out sometime this year.
Those are the cutest announcements! I have to check out this website. I bought Valentines cards at Snapfish for almost as much, and I only got 20!!
I am so impressed you are already ordering birth announcements. It making me feel the need to get modivated. I am hoping to make mine sometime in the next week or two. We shall see. Maybe I will at least start on my list of who I will give them to. Thanks for the modivation and to learn about this great website!
They look so great!! He is so cute! You cannot beat that price!
what a good looking boy you baked there carrie. he looks beautiful mama. love his announcement looks professional mama good job.
you can add to that your list baby announcement specialist.
How precious!! Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!!!!! :)
Those cards are so cute! And little sweet Henry is just adorable! :)
It turned out wonderful! I hope everything is going well and that you are enjoying this time with your precious baby boy. :)
It is beautiful and a great bargain. I need to try the website out again...I got scared off the last time I tried something there.
~ Sarah
Carrie~you're amazing! "Buzzing of a Queen Bee" is the perfect description for your talents and dedication to multitasking! The announcements are very professional looking! The picture of sweet Henry is so precious. I can't believe I was fortunate to meet and join in your journey. As an Empty Nester of two sons this means a lot. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely family.
Sweet Wishes,
Congratulations on baby Henry! He's adorable.
So stinkin' cute Carrie! I love the color combo you used and could he be any more cute and handsome already? I think not!!!
Where did you get them printed? What a deal-i-o!
Go give Prince Henry a squeeze for me hun and big sis Nina a super high five.... Hugs, Les
What a beautiful announcement!
That's a bargain for sure! And adorable!
I love this! Such a cute baby announcement and of course, beautiful baby!
Thanks for sharing your bargain find because...
I found out that I am five weeks pregnant!
Henry is adorable :-)
I think it is PERFECT and he is a doll! CONGRATULATIONS
Good for you and the cards looks great!
He's so beautiful and so are the announcements.
henry's announcement was beautiful. hope mother and baby are both doing well. can't wait to see some pics:)
They are so adorable and what a bargain price.....you did a fantastic job as always!!
I am still catching up from my little weekend away.....hope things are going well for you!!
Oh my goodness, these are so super cute. And I love that you got them for so little money!!! I hope you are feeling well!
Okay so I know you are home now wit your baby...but I am so missing your posts...Its been 5 days!!!! I just tagged you to receive an award in my blog! Please go read it! http://abigailhutch.blogspot.com/2009/02/award-time-perfect-way-to-close-out-my.html
Happy Friday!
Hey there! He is so handsome! I know you must be so excited. Thanks for stopping by my wife and I's blog! I aplogize for just now getting back to you, but I dont often go there since its just a blog page off of our family blog. If youd like to come back and follow please go to http://fortthompson.blogspot.com as that is our main family blog. We look forward to getting to know you better. It seems as though we both follow many of the same blogs.
Love and Prayers,
I cannot believe you have time. I am going to look up that site!
Congratulations! I am glad you both are doing well!
I loved your idea! I went to scrapblog after I saw your post. It took me a bit to figure it out. They have such pretty designs! I am impressed.
I am very involved in the preschool ministry of my church. It seems there is never time for such things as scrapbooking at my house! I love this, I can send cards to my family for birthdays and special events and holidays for mere pennies!
I posted my new pics I created at scrapblog on my blog-- whatareyouuptonow.blogspot.com (giving absolute praise to you, of course!). Thanks so very much! I am going to put it to use!
Hey, by the way, if you want your header to fit, go into edit html--go to the section for header, it has a bunch of dashes to mark it
#header-wrapper {
margin:-30px auto 20px;
border:2px solid $bordercolor;
Under Header Wrapper--The one that says WIDTH:#px, change it by a few, you may want a notebook to mark what you did. And do it all slowly=).
Go up on the width number(this is the first header listed--Header Wrapper)if you need your header wider.
All the other Headers that say (a number) px solid border color
can be adjusted to make a wider/thinner border--just go up or down a number. (These are in all the Header section)You can hit the preview button first, then clear the edits. Save it when you are satisfied. If you get scared, hit the clear edits button.
I have just fiddled around with it. The first one (Header Wrapper WIDTH) is the one that will make it wider--it has a large number usually. I haven't messed with the margins. Too scared=)
I finally got mine to fit. Yea!
Enough rambling, have a wonderful day!
Very cute announcements!!!!
Really lovely! New babies are so exciting! AND exhausting!
We got carpet tiles from Flor (an Interface company, very green and environmentally friendly). They have options for stripes and all sorts of patterns (we were doing a Winnie the Pooh theme and they happened to have those on clearance!). The tiles can be stuck together to make a rug that can be moved as one piece, plus if it gets damaged or stained, you can pull that one out to clean or replace it. Pretty cool.
Hi! I'm trying to copy your idea with my birth announcements, but the only card options they have are a folding card or a postcard - which did you use? How did you get them so cheap?
I converted my card to a .jpg (which is a command under the File menu, I believe) and then I sent the .jpg file to Kodak.com for printing. You can choose 4x6 or 5x7 with them. That was the cheapest way I could find to do it. Good luck!
It is very interesting for me to read this article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Hi - I would really like to create the birth announcements for my new son, however I am computer un-savvy. Can you please guide me in the right direction? Thanks so much.
Nice blog as for me. It would be great to read a bit more concerning that theme.
By the way check the design I've made myself A level escort
My best advice would be to look back at my other posts that give some more details on how to use Scrapblog. The link to this one should get you started:
Good luck!
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