Hi, I'm Carrie. Remember me?
We've been busy around my house lately! First of all, my husband would be offended if I didn't mention that the Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl. You may remember that I am a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan, and that these two teams are rivals. So Brent got a one-day reprieve from my ban on Steelers paraphernalia, and here is the result:
I completely admit that I have done very little on Henry's nursery. I have a few things to share with you next week, but I have just been relishing in having a new baby, trying to keep up with the laundry, and actively restraining myself from eating ice cream for three meals a day!
I appreciate all of you who have said such sweet things about me taking time off. These days are just too precious to miss! But I do have a decorating-related post all ready to go for next week. Stay tuned! And have a great weekend!
What a fun update! Congrats on being a new auntie!! How funny to get a girl when everyone thought it was a boy. And what a pricless photo of your brother-in-laws reaction!! I'm glad to hear you are doing so good. Miss you bloggin' but know that if I had a little brand new baby in my house, I'd be taking a big blogging vacation.
Oh, and GO STEELERS! :o)
Oh how wonderful! Two beautiful little ones! I am so glad things are going well for you! :) Jen
Please just enjoy your time!! I just posted this week about how precious it is, especially when they are tiny!! That picture of your BIL is just as precious -- that is one I hope they treasure forever. It just says it ALL. Beautiful.
You have beautiful babies and they are too precious to miss a moment with!
Oh, Henry is precious! The nursery can wait - enjoy this time with your baby!
Those are cute pics - I love how big the hands always look in front of their faces. Love brand new babies.
I'm so glad you're enjoying your time - take your time. I'll still be here.
What a great post! I think it is great that you are spending less time with your blog~and enjoying those sweet moments with Henry. He is ADORABLE. And your neice...so cute! Enjoy.
glad to hear from you carrie! i look forward to reading your posts again, but take the time you need.
Glad you're soaking it all in!
Look forward to seeing your project next week...
Oh, first bath picture - too fun, and that pic of your brother in law is priceless. Can't wait to hear more. :)
So fun and sweet!!! I love all the matching football shirts. We are Colt fans and my girls have cheerleading outfits and pom poms!
Have a wonderful weekend!
~Sandy toe
p.s. It's so fun having Two...
Good to "see" you....glad you are enjoying this precious, fleeting time! Can't wait for your next post. Take care-
Welcome back!! As a fellow Browns fan, I think those outfits are downright hideous, but your husband and kids are quite cute! :)
So glad you're doing well, can't wait to see what you have to share next week!
You have some cute Steelers in your house! So glad you have been enjoying your time with little Henry, and how exciting that he is gonna have a cousin his same age to grow up with. That pic of your BIL brought tears to my eyes. There was such joy in that shot. Hope you start getting more sleep, those first few months are tough. Enjoy your snuggle time, they grow up too fast!
Babies, babies everywhere. How fun.
Glad to hear y'all are doing ok & love seeing the updated pictures.
Enjoy your time - we're not going anywhere.
Enjoy every second with your sweet baby boy! It goes soooo fast!
Congrats on your new niece. She is adorable too!
glad to hear you are doing well. Maybe I should try ice cream three times a day!
SO happy to hear from you!! Those are the cutest Steelers Fans I have ever seen:)
Congrats on the new niece...she is adorable!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to your decorating post....I have been in withdrawal:)
Miss YOU,
Hi Carrie! It's so good to hear from you and glad everything is going well. Congrats on your new niece!!
I'm so glad that your back, I've missed your posts. Take care.
Great to hear from you! Congrats to your sister! The picture of her hubby is priceless. I can't believe how much they look alike, wow! Enjoy this time, as you know, it goes by way too fast.
Glad to see the updated pics. Henry and Caroline are both beautiful babies. Enjoy your time. :)
How fun that little Henry James will have a cousin just his age to hang out with! Such sweet photos of your hub and the kids in their Steeler gear!
Have a great weekend! Enjoy that baby and Nina -- they grow up so fast!
I'm so glad you took the time to post. Congrats on the new niece. Henry is a doll (as is your dd). Looking forward to more posts from you when you have the time.
Oh you have two beautiful babes in your life.
Congratulations on your new niece.
Continue to get plenty of rest. We will all be here when you are rested up and ready to go.
awwwe, thanks for the fun update!!
I hear about people having the opposite sex of what they're told all the time - that's part of the reason why I never wanted to know!!
Glad to hear things are going well!!
Now how could we forget you! I'm am so happy that you are taking this time for yourself and your family. Henry is so sweet and congrats on your sister (OK, that picture of your BIL almost made ME cry!).
Continue to enjoy your time and we'll be here when you get back!
It was so good to see your family-even in the Steelers stuff :) My six-year-old would LOVE that-he sleeps in his Steelers jersey and old-time helmet. (We are on his second jersery, btw-he's a life long fan...)
Henry looks so darling-except in the bath!
Blessings to you and your sister-in-law!!!
I am glad to know you are resting and enjoying your time with Henry James. It flies by so fast and you should do all you can to enjoy it!
Congrats on the new niece - that is the proudest Daddy moment I've seen:)
That picture of your BIL is fantastic. He looks so happy! Cute little babies!
What a fun update! Thanks for popping in! I've missed you...but I agree, you don't want to miss out on these early days. They're way too precious!
Love the photo of your BIL! Henry and Caroline look like they were separated at birth! Glad your back ( :
SO glad to hear everything is going well. No one can blame you for not making blogging your biggest priority. The babies are precious so you need to cherish these moments while they are here. You have to do what is best for you and your family right now.
Thanks for updating! Henry is so cute!! You and your sister are so lucky to have babies so close in age!!
I always look forward to your posts! Have a good weekend.
I loved all the sweet pictures! Congrats on being an Aunt! How fun to have them so close. Can't wait until next week to see your posts. :)
Oh my goodness that waiting room picture is PRICELESS!!!!!!
Fun update! It was good to see your name on my Reading List today!!! Little Henry is just the sweetest thing! I love the name of your new niece...Caroline...she's a doll!
Looking forward to your next post.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Congrats to the new family! Henry is just as precious as ever...Your right these days are just too precious to miss. Just let us know y'all are all well every now and then! *smiles*
I was so glad to see an update on your little angel and now there are two precious babies!!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of your hubby sleeping with Henry....so beautiful.
Hey Carrie! So good to see you back on here for a post! I've missed you hun!
That is a riot that you gave Brent a one day pass on the terrible towel and such for the big game. What a hoot! They do look cute all dressed up though!
Henry looks so cute~ even while fussing in his bath. Such a sweetie!
Congrats to your sister on her new bundle of joy as well. How neat to have cousins living so close by now. What a blessing! And you know, I think she chose the best name ever for a girl!!! ;) I might be a tad partial though!
Happy TGIF day to you. Hope you get a nap today girl~ Les
Yea! You're back! Congrats to your sister!!!
Congratulations on your niece!!! The picture of your brother-in-law made me tear up--so sweet!! Henry is just precious and I know y'all are having so much fun with him. It's making me anxious to meet my newest little one in just a few more months! Take it easy and know that all of your blog readers will still be here, no matter how long in between posts---those sweet children of yours need you more than we do! :)
So great to hear from you, again! Your little one is a doll! I hope you find a way to catch a little shut-eye, but that's easier said then done! Congrats to your sister and her hubby on their new arrival...she's sweet, too!
Take care and get lots of lovin' from those little guys of yours!
He is so darling. I too am just relishing my time with my little guy. It is such a fun stage. I am already sad he has made it to be a month! How does that happen so quickly? Keep enjoying your little guy!
I am so excited for you. He is perfect in every way : ). And you are so right, he really does look like his cousin. WOW : ). Wishing you all the best!
Aw, this is all so precious! What a great capture-the-moment photo of your brother-in-law.
All of it just makes me want to cry..."happy cry" as my son Josiah would say! :)
Sweet Babies! I can't even remember mine being that little. And my youngest is only 23 months. How quickly we forget.
Good to hear from you again! How wonderful it will be to have a cousin so close in age...so close to home!
We have similar Steeler fan pictures at our house...it is amazing what a black & gold bow can do for a steelers jersey!! :)
How wonderful! Congrats to your sister and her husband on baby Caroline.
Breath in as much baby as you can. The time passes by way to quickly.
Maybe he steelers picture should be an annual event. We take a picture every Sept of my husband and girls in their LSU Tigers shirts. My first daughter was 2 months old when she took her first picture. She will be 6 this year.
those kids look darn good in black-and-gold if you ask this anonymous blog reader.
Congratulations to everyone! So much fun.....so little sleep :)
They are both precious. What happy, wonderful, blessed times you are having! Thanks for the update!
so glad to hear you guy are doing well. congrats to your sis! those two look so much alike it's almost unreal. they are both beautiful! have a blessed weekend.
You will never look back and think (I wish I had blogged) instead of cuddling with that new baby, never! Enjoy this time. Blogging will always be there, but they're only small once.
Cutest babies I've seen all day! Enjoy every minute. Before you know it they'll have babies of their own. Mimi
Oh So Precious...both babies! Take all the time you need. We'll always be here, but babies grow up much too fast. : )
Congrats on the new niece! I've found your blog recently and really enjoy it. Can't wait for you to be back more often, but PLEASE enjoy the time with your new baby!!!!!!
Two new babies in the family ~ what fun! They will have a great time growing up together.
Before you know it, your little ones will be off to college. Time just goes all to fast! Enjoy them by just being with them.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Love the pictures you take! How precious Brent and Henry sleeping and how lovely little Caroline. You are truly blessed, sweet lady. Thanks for letting us know that all is well with you, even if you are tired. But it's a good tired. xxoo
Carrie, for some reason I thought of you when I woke up this morning and wondered how you were. :) I prayed for you and your sweet little family then checked your blog to see if you had posted. :)
Such precious little ones and how great that they will be so close in age.
So great to see y'all! Everyone looks wonderful. They are too cute. Take your time and enjoy! Blessings.
Congrats on your niece. Sweet name.
Love the pic of daddy and his babies. Sweet.
I had to enlarge that pic of your brother in-law, to see the details of his expression of overwhelming joy!!! The tears on what I'm assuming is Grandmas face, brought tears to mine.
Yes, there's a strong family resemblance. Henry looks so little amongst the suds and bubbles. Isn't it funny how babies can be surrounded by water for nine months and yet dislike baths.
I hope you've been able to catch up on your Zzzzz's
Sweet Wishes,
Congrats on the wonderful additions to your family!
Glad to see you back! You have just an adorable family. Hold tight to the days!
Awww momma been busy!
You got some really cute Steelers fans in your house! My hubby is a big fan too! I know your husband was a proud papa to have a son to watch his football with !
Love those pictures. What fun that the cousins are close in age and will have each other to grow up with. Take care and enjoy every sweet minute. I miss those days when our children were that little.
What sweet little pictures.
My little Charlie loves his Soothie paci. I love looking back at how BIG it looks in their tiny mouths when they are new.
Oh, they do lok so much alike! And those little tiny wrinkly hands...babies are so sweet!
Hey Carrie! Congratulations on becoming an aunt! And tell your hubby congratulations on the Steelers. lol :) The baby photos are just adorable! Thanks for sharing them!
Just precious! I love those little hands by their faces too...wonderful shot of dada with Henry as well. How exciting for you and your sister...take all the time you need away from blogging...you'll be glad you didn't miss this special time with family.
What a sweet baby boy you have, Carrie!! I love your blog (just found it today) - I will be following along.
Such sweet baby pictures. Better nap while you can.
You had your baby! Congratulations! Your son is adorable~ so little and sweet! :) And don't at all worry about taking time off! You have your hands full for sure! Take care of yourself! :)
What a sweet family you have! Thanks for the update and you have your priorities in order. Keep up the good work! They will be grown before you know it!
Love the pics! Hope you get caught up on that sleep. :)
How precious! Enjoy the time with him!
Oh he is just so precious!!!
I'm so glad you are taking the time away to enjoy your newest little one and your family time, rest all you can, and soak in the little moments that I know will go by too quickly when you look back! How exciting that Lindsay had her little one! That picture of her hubby's sheer overwhelmed joy is absolutely precious!
Things sound like they are going great! The picture of you BIL coming out to tell everyone the news is precious - what a great "dad" moment!
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