Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Around here, we thought we were going to have a fun fall weekend. However, when we woke up on Saturday morning, it was to this:
Mother Nature decided to dump a cloudy, overcast, foggy, rainy, 5o degree day on us. Of course, this was the day we had planned to go to a charming local Pumpkin Festival, complete with corn maze, rides and games for kids, and a pick-your-own-pumpkin field.
When I was growing up in Ohio, fall activities were some of my favorites. We always went to Rouster's Apple Farm where they had apple orchards, a crackling wood fire in the fireplace, lots of yummy apple cider, and, of course, pumpkins. For Nina's first October, back in 2006, we made sure to take her to the apple farm. Check out this photo with baby Nina and the little bin of apples (that has been there since I was a kid!), labeled "Little apples for Little people."

One blogger showed the snow she got in Utah this weekend! Our weather was beautiful and today will be the last day of it. But I wasn't doing anything fun...washing windows and my car. Winter will be here soon and I thought I'd get some outdoor work done...BORING!! I'm now thinking I should have taken advantage of the good weather and had fun.
That darn weather. It has a way of messing up plans. Sorry about the pumpkin festival. sigh.
Hi there! I found your blog through Sandy Toes's blog, and I must say that you are very charming. I love your blog title; I grew up with parents who were bee keepers and was around bees all my life. I could eat honey all day.
Did you know that if you eat a tablespoon of LOCAL honey a day you tend not to have seasonal allergies? True! But the honey has to be from local bees.
Anyways, sorry to hear about your dreary weekend. We in Northern Virginia had an unusual warm weekend in the hight 70's and went to a fall festival.
Nice green pumpkin too! You could paint some white polka dots on it and brown strips or polka dots on the orange one.
Well, first I love you new header on your blog! So cute!!!
I was (or am) in Michigan...it was a true fall weekend!
Maybe you can do all your activities next weekend!
Happy Monday! Sandy Toes
I can't wait to have a nice, cold, cloudy day like that here. I'm tired of hot weather. It's a little over cast here, but it will burn off. Enjoy it, it could be hot and muggy.
Your pumpkin display is so pretty - love the gourd and the green pumpkin.
I love your green pumpkin! Sorry about the weather...it was rainy all weekend here too.
Sorry about the weather, I hate cold, dreary weather! The pumpkins outside your house look so cute! I love the different colors!
I love your new header on your blog!
Sorry that it was such a yucky weekend for you:(
Back here in Ohio we are having Indian Summer. A couple of weeks ago it was in the 50's and this week it is in the 70's and 80's. I'm not complaining though because I'm not ready for the cold and snow.
I like your arrangement by the front door... very pretty!
The weather was beautiful in NC.We spent the weekend outside.I love Fall activities,too! The Pumpkin patch, hay rides, apple cider and the leaves are all wonderful.Sorry you missed out.There is still time. Great green pumpkin!
What an adorable blog you have. I am sorry about the weather. Cute pictures.
Ahhhh -- your pumpkins are adorable even though you didn't get to enjoy the pumpkin patch! And little Nina -- what a sweet baby girl!! Hope you have a good week.
Your hubs did good with the green pumpkin!
Awww, sorry about your weekend. Your plans sounded really fun! At least you got that pumpkin. Over the weekend I went to a few community yard sales. The weather was quite dissapointing. It didn't start raining though like it did on you!
OH I am so sorry the weather did not cooperate!!! I love the sweet picture of Nina and the cute little apple bucket from days past!
And...I LOVE the green pumpkin that your hubby found!!! So very pretty in front of your home!!!
Sweet Blessings!
It was gross here this weekend! We tried to go to Chatfield yesterday and it was a muddy mess! So I feel your pain!
Sorry about the weather but I really love the green pumpkin
Wow, your scenery is gorgeous! Bummer about the weather though! We did go to a pumpkiny patch place but I'll post some pics, not exactly like the one we went to last year on the east coast...:)
I LOVE that green pumpkin! How unique! Maybe next weekend will work out for you guys. It sounds like so much...I hope you get to go back!
I'm loving that little stumpy pumpkin on the right hand side!!!
Unfortunately, my weekend was not much better! We had fantastic weather, but a sick child....bummer!
I love the green pumpkin...
PS...Little Nina is so cute!!
Sorry to hear about your disappointment. But I sure enjoyed hearing about your childhood traditions. Here's hoping for better weather next weekend.
Mary Lou
This time of year can often be testing in CANADA, but the weather has been fantastic.
We actually got our yesterday with just short sleeves and a vest over top so we could go on a hike.
We;ve had frigid long weekends in past years and it's always nice to be able to go outside and enjoy the weekend.
Aww what a shame you didn't have nice weather...yuk!
We helped friends move into a new house, cleaned, had lunch with family on Sunday... Nothing major.
I love your pumpkins! We are growing 6 pumpkins in my backyard right now...I can't wait to pick them!!! Hopefully we'll get some warm weather soon!!! I love going to the pumpkin patch every year. My husband asked me why we needed to go this year since we have them in our backyard...I told him that we HAD to go because I want pictures of the kiddo's with all of the pumpkins...he just laughed at me! : ) Happy Monday!
I hate yucky weather...but if it makes you feel any better, where I am it is still 85 degrees so it does not feel too FALL here either!
Awww...so sorry about the bad weather. We spent the weekend driving home from the beach and doing vacation laundry. :) The green pumpkin is really pretty - your husband did good!
We had the same type of weather here in ND but I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was a great excuse to stay in pj's all day and play with some new crafty things :) I think I read that you are new to Colorado and I want to recommend the Rocky Mountain Pumpkin Patch in Longmont for your little girl. It is relatively small, but so perfect for kids! (We just moved from CO this summer) Hope you get another shot next weekend!
Sorry for the bad weather! In Utah we had SNOW! Saturday was cold with wind and on Sunday we woke up to a couple inches of snow! I am definately not ready for that yet! I will have to post my pumpkins we grew this year. We have some green pumpkins also, and one is even kind of square! Look for that tomorrow or on Wednesday. Thanks for visiting my blog again. I loved the gourd or squash that was with your pumpkins!
One of my girlfriends in Denver got snow. :) Did you see flurries? Love the green pumpkin look. Our camping weather was flawless. Best on your next activity and in Colorado it will be. :)
Your pumpkins by the door look delightful! We had perfect weather this weekend, and we were all sick! So sick we couldn't enjoy it! There's always next weekend, right?
I know exactly what you mean! I found a place here that billed itself as a pumpkin patch and was so excited b/c I have never been to one. The "patch" was a tent with some pumpkins in barrels (very expensive!), a goat, and a table to decorate. I was so disappointed! We ended up going to Walmart for pumpkins - they were cheaper!
Too bad you couldn't go to the festival! Love the pumpkins though!
Cold yes....rainy no!
It was 80 here!
I was in the same boat! I was sooo looking forward to a fall outing which never happened. In fact, I had a pity patty party all day on Sunday! We were also suppose to go to the pumpkin patch today but it rained!
Love the pumpkins!
Oh my gosh~ is that the view from the back of your house? It is AMAZING! Holy moly! I know where I want to vacay next!!! I love the pic of baby Nina and your green pumpkin? Awesome addition! Hope you have a Happy Tuesday! xo, Les
Football...and more football!
I like the gourd outside-I am going to look for one too!
I love the green pumpkin! That is usually my pick when we go pumpkin picking. Cute site!!
We had a beautiful weekend! I think maybe we had your nice weather! hehehehe The last few days before our weekend it was real cold and damp!Well enjoyed weekend and weather! Hope you have a great week! Hugs!
If only the weather would cooperate with us!! At least you tried to make the best of it. I just stopped by for a visit , check out my blog to see what we did this past weekend!
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