
My New Spa Bench!

I have been trying to get this project done for weeks, and it is finally ready to show you!  It all started a few months ago when I bought this iron bench at a garage sale for $5. 

See?  Pretty cute as is.  But I had been looking for a way to "cozy up" my master bathroom.  It has ceramic tile, dark wood cabinets and shutters on the windows.  I love it, but it feels rather cold.  So I had the idea to create a little spa bench.  You know, somewhere to sit while I try to reach my legs to put lotion on after the shower, which is getting increasingly difficult as the belly gets in the way!

Around this same time, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a woman who does monogramming out of her home.  A few weeks ago, I dropped off a few things for her to work her magic.  Above is a cozy white bath towel that I gave her.  Can you see where I am going with this?

I wanted to cover the bench in a fluffy white towel so it would be a cozy little addition to my bathroom.  But I also wanted the cover to be removable, because (bathroom + permanent fabric + no way to wash it) does not work in my house.  This baby needs to be able to go in the washing machine!  So no staple guns for this project.  Instead, I got iron-on Velcro strips and went to town.

After I affixed the Velcro, I cut the towel to fit and then folded it up like a big Christmas present.  And below you can see the results!

I am almost afraid to sit on it, I love it so much!  Plus, I adore monograms, and anytime I can figure out how to add a monogram to something, I can't resist!   If you enlarge the photo below, you will see that the bottom of the bench is not perfectly trimmed; I have a little more fabric cutting to do.  But it still looks pretty cute in my bathroom these days!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Amanda said...

LOVE, Love it...Great idea! AMEN on the monograms, but lucky me my MIL does it for me on her machine, the best! Now, you go take a long bath in your spa bathroom, light those candles.

Inspired Kara said...

Holy heavens, this is such a wonderful idea! I have a place in by bathroom one would fit perfectly!

A bench hunt begins...

Shell in your Pocket said...

Queen Bee, you never surprise me...you have the touch! How great to find someone who monograms out of their home. I love the spa bench..it's perfect!

There is a shop that monograms girls hair bows...I just had two done for my daughers! I would monogram everything if I could!
-Sandy Toes

Joanna said...

It looks great! I saw this on that show with Candace Olsen, last year or so. They remade a bathroom with a custom built in bench, they used a towel to cover it over. Of course the one they used wasn't monogrammed. *smiles* So yours looks so much more finished!

Liza said...

omg, that's awesome! I love it!! What a great idea.

Unknown said...

what a great idea!

Free Art Printables said...

Cute! I love it. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it as well. Good job, my friend, good job!!!!

Wendy said...

Goodness I LOOOOOOOVE that idea. I have been wanting to put a little bench all dolled up in terry cloth in my bathroom too...but adding a monogram (and velcro!!) Sheer genius!!!!

Jboo said...

Wow -- it's beautiful!! I sure wish you lived near me and could do a re-do on my house and furnishings!

Have a great weekend!


the undomesticated wife said...

You rock! Very cool project!

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty. Love the monograms too.

Marie said...

Great idea! I love the look of the terry cloth. Enjoy your bathroom. It's so pretty!

Melissa said...

Oh, it looks so easy to do and looks very elegant.

cherry said...

I have seen that done but with curtains..I love that look. That is one rockin bench. cherry

Sweet Simplicity said...

I adore monogrammed things! You are so creative. I love it!

Shannon said...

That is really creative. . . and cute! I think you could market that cover ( :

Angie said...

Fabulous idea! I too love anything monogrammed! You were so smart to think of using a towel and making it removable.

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for your kind words about my post.

They meant a lot to me.


Shannon said...

Love Love Love it!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Lovely bathroom by the way...

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

I absolutely LOVE it!! Oh my gosh you inspire me! Ok, now let me ask, how do you do the monogramming with the initials, which letter goes where? (I've heard different things!)

ROXY said...

Great idea!! I absolutely love that you covered the cushion in terry. What a good idea:)

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

So clever and beautifully cozy. I linked to your framed wedding invitation post today - hope it's okay!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Love it...the bench is so spa-like....and you are right, it definitely warms up the space....I feel the same way about my master bath....it is nice and big, but not very cozy....I loved your Chandelier post too and have been looking for something similar to do to our bathroom!

As always, thanks for sharing your clever projects....I love them all!

Enjoy your weekend!


Belinda said...

What a cute idea and I love the monogram! clever!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is beautiful! Love the monogramed towel on it!

Our Complete Family said...

Oh my oh my...you were busy and the end result is FAB hun! Love it so much! Have fun lotioning up on your neat new bathroom addition! ~ Les

Our Complete Family said...

p.s. Thanks for waving at him ;) If he passes through again I told im he'd better take a layover and take me along to come say 'hi'!!! xo

Faith said...

LOVE the bench! And, of course, anything is better with a monogram!

AJ said...

Oh my gosh! I love it! I could so use one of those in my bathroom! What a great find!

Shilo said...

Carrie...it's beautiful! Kudos!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

That is great - what a great find at a garage sale. I love any monograms.

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

That looks FANTASTIC!! What a great idea using the velcro strips too! It definitely looks "spa" like :)


Lisa & Gerald said...

Oh I just love the spa bench! You aways have great idea's!

edie said...

Dear QB,
I so adore this project. I'll just add that to the ever-increasing list of things I've discovered since blogland overtook my life! Thanks for sharing.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

You are just too darn crafty! I love this spa bench...great job!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

That is AMAZING!!! Couldn't be more perfect for your black & white bathroom. So glad you shared it with us for MORE inspiration!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh, that is absolutely adorable! What a great find and I love, love the monogram.

Vern ~ Inspired said...

You did a great job!
The monogram is a perfect touch for the Queen!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

That looks nice, and love the monogram on it. Looks great in your bathroom. Have a great weekend! Jackie

duchess said...

That turned out great.
I love anything monogrammed.

Jodee said...

What a fabulous idea! It looks like the perfect addition to your bathroom. I love monograms too!

I hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Your bench turned out so pretty! What I really want it your master bathroom though. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It was fun to hear from you!

Angie in OH

Carolina Mama said...

Too cute. You did a great job! WIll be rewarding... ;)

Lisa said...

Wow!!! I'm very impressed...AGAIN! I just love the way it turned out! I love anything with a monogram on it!

Amanda said...

Happy Weekend! I tagged you, did you use your bench yesterday?

Anonymous said...

I love your site! I love the project. I just finished painting a queen bee and it is so cute. Check her out on my website...she is so funny. If I were better on the computer I could probably show you here maybe?? Anyway great site, I am new to blogging but I am trying. www.ticklishmermaids.com

Sibi said...

This is just darling! How creative are you?
Every girl needs a monogrammed bench near her bubble bath! I love it!

Congratulations on your pregnancy too!
Hope that you are feeling well and getting some rest!



Joy said...

Oooohh lots of great posts to catch up on! The spa bench is fantastic!
The spray painted accessories look great in their new black coat. And I enjoyed the tour of your family room.
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Blogger said...

I LOVE that sweet little monogrammed bench!!! What an awesome idea :) I have a plain jane bench in my bathroom, maybe I should do something like this?



Sarah said...

What a great find! It looks so good in your bathroom! My mom is learning how to embroider so I am excited about all of the future gufts!
Don't get me started on the Nalgene bottles. At this point it looks like an actual collection rather than a few of them. :)

Twice as Nice said...

Love love love it!! Monogram is the perfect touch. Such a cute styled bench.

Darlene said...

What a great idea....I just LOVE it!!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

OOOHHH! Another great idea that I'm going to steal! Now if I could just find a great bench at such a good price.

Meaghan said...

Wow impressive! Congratulations on your blog award :) Love your site.


Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

What a cool idea. I love the monogramed towel.

I am so amazed at how much creativity is in blog land. It is so easy to get inspired seeing projects like yours!

P.S. Glad you stopped by

Chic and Charming said...

I love that idea, so darling with the monogram!

Denise C said...

Oooooo...I love it! I love monogramming too!!!
I just figured out that you are expecting a little blessing! How wonderful!!!
I'd love to add your blog to my sidebar list of "Blogs I Love" if that would be OK with you???
Have a blessed Monday...and keep those wonderful, creative ideas coming...I just love them!

Anonymous said...

goodness, this is one of the best projects I've seen for a long time...my mind is literally whirring with it. i will for sure be looking out for a similar stool and of course think about the monomgramming

great idea, great post


Kristen said...

AHH!!! SO CUTE!!! I love love love it!!

Anonymous said...

Monogramming is so classic. I love how you covered this with a towel. Great blog and thanks for sharing

Lulu said...

I'm totally crazy about this! Starring it in my Google Reader so I can do something similar (when I'm not living in a shoebox!) Hope you're having a great one!