Thank you, thank you for your advice on the lampshade! Remember this? Cute, but I wondered if it needed something.
Lampshade: The Results!

before and after,
Lampshade Advice
Remember I told you I was nesting, but almost in reverse? Knowing that once we move to California, I might (gasp!) not be able to find my hot glue gun for awhile...well, that's got me all fired up! And since I feel rather helpless and immobile as we wait to sell our house, I find myself inventing projects to keep the stress at bay.
Here's my latest. It's an old milk jug that used to be my mom's, converted into a lamp. I love it!

Biting the Silver Bullet, Part II
This silver thing has brought up a lot of helpful comments. Thank you to all of you who gave me a "recipe" for cleaning silver with baking soda. I am proud to announce that I tried it today! Googling "silver cleaning" and "baking soda" will give you quite a few recipes to go on, but I chose Real Simple's version because it was...ah...surprisingly real simple.
I will let you know if it continues to go well. :)

before and after,
Biting the Silver Bullet!
A few weeks ago, I read a post by Katie at Harrington House that inspired me. She doesn't even know I follow her, because I never have time to comment on blogs anymore, but Hi Katie! Thank you for the tips!
She told us about her silver collection. She said that she started searching for pieces after she got married, and then later made the switch from using her regular stuff to using her mismatched silver pieces everyday. I love that idea!
Starting a collection is hard. Not hard in the real-life-hard kind of way, but just daunting, especially when you see Katie's collection over at her blog. But over the weekend I found myself at an antique shop, and lo and behold, look what I found!

Buying and Storing Kids' Clothes
I am in a weird place. Knowing that we're moving, that our house is on the market, but we have no buyer yet, so we have no idea when this move might take place. We therefore can't commit to any house in California, enroll Nina in preschool, or even decide, in some cases, which furniture to keep and which to sell.
It's like the nesting phase before having a baby, but not. My garage sale pile grows ever-larger:
Nina's ready too!
But here's my question: Do you have any other tips for buying and/or storing kids' clothes? What has worked well for you? The only problem is that sometimes I duplicate items when I buy ahead, because I forget what I've already got.
Share any thoughts you've got! I'm a desperate girl, in need of projects while I wait for my house to sell!

A New Room for an Old Coat Rack
Another idea born of recent panic!
As we scour Craig's List and for houses in the San Francisco Bay area, I am reminded again and again of how much we need to downsize. My pile of garage sale items grows bigger and bigger! But I am also on the lookout for projects that might make our storage options in California a bit easier.
A month or two ago, before we decided to move, I picked up this coat rack for $5 at a garage sale:

before and after,
For Sale!
Well, it's official. This sign appeared in my front yard yesterday:
There I was, thinking "There can't be anything the realtor would want to change about my house to make it sell faster!" Ha. Ha Ha. Pride comes before the fall, my friends! Turns out there's a whole list of things that needed to happen, in order to maximize the square footage and various other features of this house. So much of my stuff has now been moved to the basement, in order to make the rooms look larger, that I am surprised my husband hasn't broken something. Either a bone, or maybe one of my knickknacks, out of frustration.
In the good news department, we already had our first showing this morning and our realtor seems hopeful that we won't sit on the market too long. I'm not holding my breath, though.
Mostly because I am so tired from all these house projects, I might pass out.

My Refinished Tool Box
First of all, thank you SO much for your encouraging words about our move to San Francisco. I get totally overwhelmed if I think of all the details, so your comments help me to slow down and just take one step at a time. We are meeting with our real estate agent later today, so I will keep you posted!
I've been thinking about all my stuff, and which items to keep, which to sell, and which to re-vamp for our new (slightly cramped) California lifestyle. A long time ago I told you about this antique tool box.

Have a great week!

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