
My Latest Buzzings

Hi, I'm Carrie.  Remember me?

We've been busy around my house lately!  First of all, my husband would be offended if I didn't mention that the Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl.  You may remember that I am a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan, and that these two teams are rivals.  So Brent got a one-day reprieve from my ban on Steelers paraphernalia, and here is the result:

In other news, Henry James got his first bath.  He is not a fan!

We've also been sleeping a lot.  Not as much as we'd like (at least for Mama and Dada!), but still.

Next, you may remember that my sister and her husband live about a mile from us.  They were expecting their first baby, and last weekend the little bundle arrived!  Here is a photo of my brother-in-law right after he came into the hospital waiting room to tell us the baby was here!

It's a girl!  We ALL thought it was a boy, so WOW, were we shocked!  Welcome to baby Caroline!  Isn't she precious?

And just to prove that Caroline and Henry are indeed related, here's a photo snapped of Henry tonight, asleep on his daddy's lap.  Gotta love that pacifier!

Yep, those are two different babies.  They look so similar with those pacifiers, don't they?  I love how they both bring their hands up to their faces like that.

I completely admit that I have done very little on Henry's nursery.  I have a few things to share with you next week, but I have just been relishing in having a new baby, trying to keep up with the laundry, and actively restraining myself from eating ice cream for three meals a day! 

I appreciate all of you who have said such sweet things about me taking time off.  These days are just too precious to miss!  But I do have a decorating-related post all ready to go for next week.  Stay tuned!  And have a great weekend!


I'm Still Here!

I think about blogging just about every day, really I do!  But between feedings and catching naps when I can, I can barely find my way to the shower, let alone the computer!  But I miss chatting with all of you, and wanted to check in to let you know I am still alive!

I forgot how all-encompassing having a newborn is.  But today I got out of the house for a few hours all by myself, and went shopping for a few things for Henry's room.  Girls, I stood in the middle of the store and felt completely lost!  What has happened to my decorating mojo?  

So in a few days I hope to be able to post a few photos of Henry's nursery to get some help from all of you...maybe you can help me get my mojo back!  In the meantime, here's one photo to show you what we've been doing the past few weeks.  Isn't my husband the cutest dad in the world?

More to come soon...really!


Birth Announcement Bargain!

I have mentioned before my love of the website Scrapblog. In the past few months I have used this scrapbooking website to make the header for my blog, and also to make our Christmas cards. I love it!

Of course, with Henry's arrival, I went back to Scrapblog to design his birth announcement! What do you think?

Our last name is blurred out, but you get the idea.  And because I would want to know if I were you, I will brag about how inexpensive this whole thing was!

Printing of 100 (5x7) cards................$49.00
100 (5x7) envelopes (Walmart!)......$8.88
100 stamps...........................................$42.00

This worked out to be $1 per announcement, including postage, which is about half of the prices I saw online on a few specialty websites, and they didn't include postage!

Gotta love a bargain!  :)