
Me In the Front Yard With a Barcalounger?

So, what did you do this weekend?  Me?  I had a little of this:

And maybe more than a little of this:

And I caught up on these:

And I spent a lot of time staring at this:

Why did I spend a lot of time staring at an ugly purple door?  Well, I'll tell you.

This is the door of the house next door to ours.  It is currently in foreclosure.  We live in a newly built neighborhood, and it seems that the previous owner of this purple door bit off a bit more than he could chew.  What does that mean for us?  Well, basically it means that there is a "smoking deal" (as my husband calls it) sitting with a big "For Sale" sign right next door to us.

Not only would it be a great move for us financially, but it would mean lots more space for our growing family.  As you might imagine, space is foremost in my mind these days since I am less than three months away from having a Baby #2.

So for the past few weeks, we've been meeting with our realtor, our mortgage broker, and talking to various others whose opinion we trust to see if this is a deal we should pursue.  We've also talked to God about it an awful lot.  As of today, Monday morning, we are putting in an offer, with fingers and toes crossed.

Why am I telling you all this?  I suppose it's because I am scared.  I am a woman, as you probably know, and an emotional one at that.  The past few weeks have been so full of emotion, thinking about leaving this house that we love but also thinking about how great it would be for our family to have space to grow into.  Planning to put our house on the market and wondering if we can sell it before someone else sneaks in and buys the house next door.  Watching real estate agents parade other potential buyers through the new house and balancing my expectations on the head of a pin...is today the day that it will work out, or the day we will lose the opportunity?  Having hope but yet not having too much hope, so as not to be disappointed.  For an emotional control freak like me, it's a tough position to be in!

We've prayed a lot about it, and we believe that God is in control, but if you have any spare prayers, I wouldn't object to you shooting them our way.  I will keep you posted. 

Oh, and do you think it's wrong for me to sit in my front yard with an old recliner and grill some meat on  my car's engine, you know, just to scare away any potential buyers from snapping up the house before we do? 


AJ said...

How exciting!! I know you are really anxious but just "try" to enjoy the process. It really is out of your hands. If it is meant to be, it will happen. BUT I think it would TOTALLY be ok if you parked an RV in your driveway ala Chevy Chase Christmas style.

CMB said...

I bet that door won't be purple for long once you get your hands on it! My prayers are with you, isn't it amazing how buying/selling a home can be so stressful and emotional? I say go for the lazy boy and maybe find an old junker to go along with it!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that used to have a lake house with a toilet in the front yard...just a thought

No, not whitetrash...just a humorous "planter" that the previous owners had left behind....

Anonymous said...

And I will definitely be keeping this in my prayers...I totally know how you feel. Although my home is small (1800 sf, 4 br...8 people), it is my dream home and I want to stay here forever!

Betsy said...

I say recliner is a fantastic idea. Especially if you really want the house. You cannot stop at anything for a home you want. Hope it works our for you and your family.

Stacey said...

How fun to move right next door. No moving vans for you!

I sure hope it all works out for you. Coming to that decision is very hard to do. It must be the right thing!

duchess said...

I feel for you. A decision like that is always difficult. Just remember whatever happens it was meant to be that way.

Go borrow some cinderblocks & jack your car up - that'll help.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

I'm still laughing over the "grilling meat on the hood of my car" picture that you have now put in my head. What a brilliant idea! :)

I'll be praying for you...hope you can find a place to put your worry away so you can have a bit of peace throughout all of this.

Anonymous said...

So very exciting :) I will be praying for you! Personally I think you should do what a neighbor in our old neighborhood used to do. She would go in her front yard with her teensie weenie bikini on & lay out. Then all the hubbies would gawk at her, as they drove home. I'm glad we don't live there anymore. HA HA :)

Darlene said...

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for your family to get the home.....how exciting.

I say absolutely do something to show you are a "trashy" neighbor that no one would want to live by.....ooooo what about every time you see people looking at it...let them know someone died there and mysterious things happen there.....

Faith said...

Your title is cracking me up! I pray that God works out every last detail if that is where He wants you!

Shannon said...

How exciting! I will be praying for you! That is always a scary and exciting time.

Sweet Simplicity said...

I think trying to buy a house is one of the most stressful things I have ever been through. I hope everything works out for you!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

First, your weekend sounded soooo great! Secondly, I will definitely be praying, it sounds like such a great opportunity and I will absolutely pray that it works out! And grill that meat and post pics, hahahaha!

CAC said...

omg, i love love love that peppermint ice cream. it is sooooo delicious!!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Just prayed for you.....Please keep up posted and get to grilling that meat ;)

Michelle said...

Best of luck!! Our little neck of the woods is a seller's market, so good deals are few and far between. What color will you paint your new front door?

Jboo said...

Wow -- that does sound exciting and nerve-racking!! Will send some prayers your way and keep my fingers crossed too that it all works out for you. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! I would think that in this economic climate the bank would be happy to work with people!


Wendy said...

Good luck to you with this adventure! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed too...and shoot a spare prayer your way! (You might want to pull out the barcalounger too!)

Oh and just so you know...I *heart* peppermint icecream!!!!

Kim said...

How exciting.... yet probably a bit overwhelming to handle while pregnant. Praying for you to have peace throughout this process, regardless of the outcome. And, praying for God to be bold in His decision.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wishing you the best..buying a house is always scary and exciting all at the same time!! Can't wait to hear what happens!!! Can you borrow a pit bull or some big barking dog? That always was a NO for me if the neighbor had a big dog!
-sandy toes

Julie said...

praying it works out...my heart longs everyday for a place bigger than our small 3 room flat on the 4th floor with no yard and housing two little crazy boys... so it is natural to want that!!! I think grilling the meat on your engine will definitely help! ha ha

Shannon said...

How exciting! I'm glad you shared and I can definitely spare a prayer for you today. . . hope it all goes well.

P.S. How is the eggnog creamer?

Kerri said...

Haha! I love the idea of scaring off other buyers. Good luck, I hate all of the emotions that coem along with buying a home!

Joanna said...

Good Luck! I wished that we were in a situation that we could move during this "buyers" market. But we need it to be a sellers market when we sale and then a buyers market when we buy. I wonder if that could happen...Hmm..

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I hope it all works out....holding a good thought for you!!

What a riot....I could just imagine you out there in that recliner.

This is exciting news...keep us posted....I see many new projects coming our way if you do get the house....HOORAY!!

Amanda said...

I truly believe houses are meant to be...so, good luck!!!!! thinking of you and sending paryers and good vibes your way - is it really next door? that would make for an eay move (if there is such a thing!!)...

jennykate77 said...

LOL...totally laughing at the last comment. I think that sounds like a fine idea...lounger and a ghetto grill...that should do the trick!

I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers. I'm sure everything will work out just as it should.

edie said...

I'm so excited for you and will offer up a prayer! Have a great week!

Emily said...

Wow I hope you get the house. Buying and Selling a house is one of the most stressful and emotional thing s to go through, not to mention being pregnant on top of it.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is exciting! God will guide your steps...if you are listening...and it sounds like you are. I wish you well-let us know what happens...

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! I'll be praying -- keep us posted!

Carry Grace said...

What fun! I would never be able to convince my husband that it was okay to move next door. He thinks that moves should be major!

I'll be praying for you, that is a big decision.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Carrie, I wish you the best with this & hope that it works out..and it will if it's His will.

blueladybug said...

I spent a lot of my weekend with the Pumpkin Spice coffeemate. Next shopping trip will be the peppermint one. I love them both. How exciting for you on the home next door bid! I hope you get that house!

Genny said...

What an exciting time for you! I will definitely keep you in my prayers. :)

Thanks for your sweet comment the other day, by the way.

Eloise said...

What an exciting opportunity! Please keep us posted.

I got a good laugh out of your front yard BBQ idea! Definitely think you should follow the Chevy Chase Vacation idea and have your husband wear some white patent shoes while he grills in his undershirt.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Hi Carrie,

Did you by chance leave me a comment using your hubands profile??? I just had a comment pop up from a "Tom", but it was signed by Carrie! You are the only Carrie I know....

Just curious....hope you are having a great day!


Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Oh I hope you get it!!!!

Sandy said...

I'm a firm believer that the details will be wortked out if meant to be! You can rest in that :)
(Congrats on baby #2!)

Ms. Tee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms. Tee said...

Oops - I thought my post went on twice, so I deleted the other one...

I'll be praying for you, for sure!
Oh, and I think the recliner is a great idea. :)

Anonymous said...

i will be remembering you in my prayers. i know this time in your life is stressful enough... just let god take control. and maybe it won't come to you standing guard in your lazy boy!!!

Kelli@SassySouthernMom said...

I know you're stressed out! Being pregnant with the 2nd baby is tough when you have a toddler to run after. I hope things work out with the house. We had someone make an offer on a house that we put earnest money down on, with the contingency that we would sell our house, and the other couple didn't have a house to sell, and we lost it! So, I know you're anxious about it. God will take care of everything! I'll keep ya'll in my prayers!

Sarah said...

Pop the hood of that car and get to grilling! How exciting to see what God is going to do for you and your family! I can't wait to hear what will happen and I will definitely be praying.
I haven't tried the peppermint ice cream yet...I think I'll put my shoes on right now and head to the store.

Jodee said...

Hoping and praying the new house falls into place for you. I know you could give that purple door a fabulous makeover! Hang in there and eat some more ice cream!

Lisa & Gerald said...

Best of luck with the house next door!

Tami said...

I hope it works out for you. I wanted and prayed over a house and we didn't sell ours in time. At the time we were so disappointed. Two years later God had a much better plan for us. Then we saw the big picture and have been in a better place, at a better time, in our current house. It was seven years ago and it's good for me to look back and know that God's plan is best.

In the meantime, may I suggest some blinking, musical outdoor Christmas lights for your house. May scare a few buyers away...



Midwest Mama said...

Good Luck! Our last house was a foreclosure. It is so fun getting a steal and fixing it up. Post a picture of the house! I would love to see more than the purple door!

Midwest Mama said...

Good Luck! Our last house was a foreclosure. It is so fun getting a steal and fixing it up. Post a picture of the house! I would love to see more than the purple door!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I've just returned (exhausted) from the Seattle trade show. If I could,I would have been sitting right next to you, eating ladles of ice- cream discouraging any prospective lookie-lous.

Sweet Wishes,

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

P.S. Is that a hood grillin' barb b que I smell LOL!!! I'll bring the buns!

houseade was my word verification, so i guess a new house is meant to *bee*
Sweet Wishes,

Lisa said...

How exciting! Hey, how many people get to buy your house and then be your next door neighbor? How cool is that? Good luck! I'm excited for you guys! Let's get together next week after I get back! :)

Harbor Hon said...

I will say prayers and light a candle for you. Just keep your cool and keep yourself well, ok? xxoo

AndreaLeigh said...

Wow, how exciting! You can find some incredible deals right now and if you can swing it, strike while the iron is hot! I will cross my fingers and send good vibes your way. God is in control!

Quiche Me, I'm Yours! said...

It sounds like to me you and your husband are exactly where you need to be, down on your knees turning it over to God. God bless you both and that baby!!!

Sunny said...

Although God has three answers to prayers (yes, no, wait)...I struggle with the wait. I can handle no because then I put on my big girl panties and deal, but the wait is horrendous! I hope you don't have to wait too long! You are doing the right thing by committing it in prayer. Keep us posted on how it all turns out!

Mimi Sue said...

I say get an old trailer, park it on the front lawn, and plug it into your house and make a real statement. Good luck with the new house. I guess there are great bargains out there. Mimi

Unknown said...

I wouldn't be above hood grilling. I've seen your name so many times and have meant to stop by...now I have. You have a neat blog. As far as the move thing goes, I totally understand. We did this just this last summer. It's hard to see while you're in it, but EVERYTHING always works out. It really does. THere's a plan... yadda yadda yadda. You know all of this stuff, but it's hard to trust in an unkown situation. God has your best interest in mind. You need to take care of your little on and the baby on the way. Don't stress too much about it. (easier said than done I know). Take care and good luck on all of this. Eat more ice cream!

Lindsay said...

I understand the feeling. When I was in eighth grade, my parents divorced and we were going to move out of our huge home. We LOVED our next door neighbors, and didn't want to leave them (or the neighborhood of my future high school). It just so happened that the house on the other side of the neighbors was for sale, and I would sit in my bedroom and watch and wish bad things upon others who looked at the house. Our offer went through and we were able to move two doors down, though we did have to move to a rental for 5 months to make it work. Do whatever you have to do! Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. I can see why you are feeling anxious! I would be a mess. I am really going to pray hard for you tonight before I go to sleep! I am so excited for you and hopeful! I can't wait to find out the outcome!

Jenni said...

Oh, I hope you get the house, I really do! I will definitely say a prayer for you that if it is the right house for you, that you will be able to have it! :)

I know how you feel about leaving your house, yet knowing you need the extra space. That is kind of where we are, only now isn't the right time for us because our fixin' up this fixer upper isn't done yet! :)

That would be hard, living next door and seeing others look at it! I hope you get it, though! :)

rebecca said...

So, is the Eggnog creamer good? I'm addicted to the coconut one, but willing to change for the holidays :)


Amber said...

Mmmm, I love me some Coffee Mate Holiday Creamer! I'm partial to the Peppermint Mocha. I seriously do a little happy dance at the grocery store when it appears in the case for the first time every season. ;)

You are too funny. Your illustration of sitting out front in your recliner grilling in the yard was too much! ;) What a mental image! Ha!

I'm sure the house process is a roller coaster! Hang in there and try to rest in the fact that God knows which house is best for you, and He will provide what you need! Best of luck snagging the house next door!!!