I have been tagged by Chris from
Just a Girl (She has an amazing blog, by the way! Such great projects and ideas, be sure to check it out if you haven't already!) to participate in this fun little game. She wants me to name five reasons why I love my state. I live in Colorado, so this was pretty easy!
Now, the truth is, I could easily tell you about the mountains, the weather, the absolutely gorgeous summers and snowy winters. I could tell you that I love Colorado because it is sunny 300 days a year. What does that mean? It means that it snows and it is pretty, but then it melts the next day so we aren't looking at gray slush for weeks afterward. (That's a personal shout out to my hometown, Cincinnati, which loves to provide weeks upon weeks of cold, gray, slushy days in a row in February!) But instead I will just sum up the Colorado surroundings by posting this photo, taken of my husband Brent and daughter Nina last Christmas on the bike path behind our house!
I love Colorado, and my little corner of it, because of how family-friendly it is. We regularly attend community parades, festivals, farmers' markets, and holiday celebrations. Here's a shot of us at the Fourth of July parade. Could we be more Americana?
I love Colorado because, through a strange twist of circumstances, we have lots of family here. My aunt, some cousins, and my husband's parents, to name a few. I am especially thrilled because my sister and her husband live one mile from us. Lindsay is my only sibling, and she is expecting her first baby in March, a month after me. My husband and her husband get along really well, and it has been so fun to live so close to them! Here they are with Nina last summer (she looks so little in this photo!)
You might think me strange, but I love that Colorado is such a football state, and that Denver is a classic football town. You have to remember that I was raised by a die hard Cleveland Browns fan, and I can totally get sentimental when I hear the Sports Center theme song or the comforting (to me) sounds of a football game on TV on a Sunday afternoon. Here's a shot of Invesco Field at Mile High, home of the Denver Broncos (photo courtesy of denverbroncos.com).
And since this is a mostly decorating blog, I have to mention the great shopping I have found in Colorado. Here's a photo of one of my favorite thrift stores (It's the Littleton/Highlands Ranch Goodwill, for those Denver girls out there!). I always find fantastic deals on things like furniture, home decor and lots of other little items that I can "rehab." (Photo courtesy of denvergoodwill.org)

So there are my Five Things! Hope you enjoyed this little tour of Colorado!