I interrupt my usual house ramblings for this post!
I don't know enough about the blogging world to answer this question for myself. When I started "Buzzings of a Queen Bee" in August of 2008, I had lots of ideas and house projects to share. (I still do, don't worry!) But I always believed that an important part of blogging was not just the posts I write, but what I contribute to the community as a whole: read other bloggers' posts, leave comments generously, build relationships (strange as that sounds since few of us have met each other, but you know what I mean!).
However, since August of 2008, I have had Baby #2, and the somewhat predictable life I once led has gotten chopped up into lots of tiny moments of my day. This leaves little time for projects and even less time to be the commenting, responsive blogger I once was.
I blame these cute little people:

And sometimes I blame this, undeniably
less cute, mountain of laundry:

And I find myself, when I do have free time, being drawn to the very projects that drive this blog:

Problem is, that leaves very little time to give to you, my reader, in terms of visiting your blogs when you visit mine, leaving comments so you know I care enough to be there, etc.
So my question is this: Which is more important? To be an on-the-ball blogger with lots of time to visit and reciprocate to all of you? Or spend my time doing the things that you like to read about when you come here? Which is more important to you as my readers? To have that personal connection with me? Or to be able to come here and maybe get a new, fun idea for your own house? Is it enough for you to just get the house ideas and inspiration? What really draws you to someone's blog to begin with?
OK, now that I have laid that question out there, I ask you to be kind to me! This has been on my mind for awhile now, because in a perfect world, I would have enough time for everything: my family, my responsibilities, my projects, my real-life friends and my blogging-friends. It really bothers me when I read your sweet comments (and I really do read each one) and I know I just don't have the time to be able to respond to you all. So I worry I am hurting and offending people and that's the last thing I want to do. (Yep, I also over-think things, in case you can't tell!)
Have a great weekend, and if you've gotten to the end of this post and you still have the energy to share your thoughts with me, I applaud you! :)