
Tea Time!

Hello ladies!

I've been out of town all weekend, so this will be a short post just to check in and share a few little discoveries I've made recently. We've had weird, winter-like weather out here in Colorado and I've been wanting to be all cozy and warm-by-the-fireplace-ish.

Have you tried Celestial Seasonings Chai Tea? Yum! With a little sugar and cream, it is so perfect on a cold day.

Also wanted to pass along an author who I've recently discovered. Kate Morton wrote "The House at Riverton" and "The Forgotten Garden" and I've just devoured both. They are great stories that kind of unravel a mystery as you go along, but nothing too scary (which is big for me, since I am a pansy about scary stories!). Both have a historical setting and just suck you into the plot right away.

If you're looking for a great way to pass the 20 minutes a day that you probably get to yourself...I highly recommend these things!


Jboo said...

Thanks for the tips! I love a cup of tea and always need some reading suggestions! Hope you have a great week!


Victoria said...

I'm always looking for new authors to read and these books sound great!

I have not tried the tea but it sounds yummy too.

LOL at the 20 min we get to ourselves. ;)

Joanna said...

I love chai tea! I haven't had any in years, I will have to try this out.

Southern Fried Gal said...

That tea sounds divine! Will have to try that out!

the undomesticated wife said...

Chai tea is my absolute favorite! I drink a cup or two every single day. And when I was working, I'd get a Chai tea latte at Saxby's or Starbucks. Those rocked!

I have my tea pot on the stove right now, in fact! :)

Darlene said...

I've never tried that tea but it sounds good. I'm always ready for a good book!

Christy said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend a chilly day!

Lisa & Gerald said...

mmmm did I hear you say it's tea time..Oh I will be right there...lol brrrrIts been very cold here to and very damp..we had the yuckest weather this summer..Oh and fall is already in the air..Its crazy..Stay warm girl friend..Hugs

No Longer 25 said...

I love Kate Morton too - those books just hooked me. I started reading The House at Riverton on a plane journey and got really engrossed which was great - I find it quite hard to concentrate on some books while flying.

Kelli said...

That screams relaxation. That book is huge but I love a good mystery.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Tea sounds good right now~
sandy toe

Shilo said...

Thanks for the tip on a good read! I'm always on the hunt for a good new author! :)
As for the tea...well that's a bit out of my reach...but you enjoy yours! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I want to be home curled up with a cup of tea and my book. I'm reading Animals in Translation right now and it is fascinating! I recommend it (if you like nonfiction). Oh, and have you tried Bengal Spice tea from Celestial Seasonings? It has a chai feel to it as well. I LOVE it. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I want to be home curled up with a cup of tea and my book. I'm reading Animals in Translation right now and it is fascinating! I recommend it (if you like nonfiction). Oh, and have you tried Bengal Spice tea from Celestial Seasonings? It has a chai feel to it as well. I LOVE it. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Sorry for the duplicate comment. I must have hit the button twice. :(

duchess said...

Wish I could enjoy that right now. Both look good.

jamie said...

Thanks for the great recommendations! I'll have to try celestial seasons. I love chai tea, and it just so happens that I need to buy some more!
The books sound really great too!

Shannon said...

I love a good book recommendation- thanks ( :

I was reading through the classics (Austen, Tolstoy) post-Twiight this past year, but just decided to return to school now that my youngest is in school all day. So, all I will be reading for a while is Anatomy and Physiology!

I really like 'constant comment' or good earth original teas in the fall/winter. Have you tried either?

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Ok - you just described exactly what I want to be doing right now. Chai tea, a cookie and a great book! Heavenly...

Oh, and thanks for the tip about the book. I've been on the lookout for something good.

Jessica Ryan said...

when you are done try Twining's Chai Tea!!! OUTSTANDING! In fact... I'm going to make some now!

Queen to my 3 Boys said...


Chai tea + good book = bliss

Candace said...

Oooh, I will have to try that Chai tea! We are getting the remnants of your winter weather here. It is making for a perfect fall beginning.

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

I love Chai and actually blogged about it today too. Linked to you :).

Carry Grace said...

I'm not much of a reader, but I will be trying that Chai Tea. Thanks for the tip.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

It's nice and cool here this morning in the SC Lowcountry. A chai tea might just be in order.

Amber said...

It has been especially chilly lately! I've loved every minute of it since I had, oh, maybe 3 weeks to pull out my fleece last year in TX! It puts me in the mood to make lots of soup for dinner.

I'm always on the lookout for a good book to read, especially during the winter months! Thanks for passing along your current favorites.

Sit A Spell said...

Having a cuppa tea right now...miss being near CS there in Boulder! It was in the 30's here this morning.

Those books are right up my alley, but would they be ok for a 14 yr old advanced reader?

Lisa-Marie said...

You have good taste, both in tea and in authors. At the moment, I am drinking Twinnings Earl Grey(from a large red tea cup), and reading Anita Shreve. There is nothing more staisfying than sitting with a cup of tea and book (ecept maybe the addition of s biscuit or some cake to the scenario).

Melanie said...

There is nothing better than a great book and a cup of something wwarm. I love hot tea during the winter months!

Shanna aka Eli n Lucas's mommy said...

Went out & got some og the tea after you posted this. It was good! For an even better treat I added a bit of Pumpkin spice coffee creamer. PURE HEAVEN!! Thanks for the tip....it added alot to my day!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

No, I have not tried either of those teas...but I guess I need to! Yum! Now that the weather is getting colder around here, I am looking for some new cozy foods and drinks! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I am a chai tea ADDICT, but I usually use the Tazo liquid concentrate, it's fabulous, and the same stuff they use at Starbucks. I'll give those tea bags a try!