*Update: The paint I used on the legs of my new table below is Behr's "Country Dairy" in an eggshell finish. The wood color for the top is Minwax's "Dark Walnut" stain. I used three coats of Minwax polyurethane in satin to seal the top.
It's been quite a week! First of all, thank you for your sweet messages for Nina's birthday, and your compliments on our new family room! I have loved reading each and every one of them as I sit on my new couch and try to catch my breath. We had a blast this weekend with the parties and all the celebrating. But now I need a nap. For, like, two weeks.
Instead, I am going to show you one final project that I worked on last week for the new family room, and then...well, I am serious about that nap!
A few of you mentioned the new coffee table in my photos. Here is what it used to look like. Hello, 1970s! (Hey, nothing against the seventies. I was born there. But I don't want to live there now!)
And now, about that two-week nap I mentioned. :) I really am going to take a bit of a bloggy break. But I want to very sincerely apologize to all of you. I try to get around to visit each person who comes here, and with all the goings-on lately, I just have not been able to do that. I think if you take the time out of your busy life to leave a nice comment for me, I want to return the favor on your blog, and get to "know" you as well. And that has really fallen through the cracks in the past week.
I am not leaving for good or anything, but just need a week or two to gather my life together, spend some non-crazy time with my family, and get into the groove of having a little girl in pre-school and a baby and a new family room to enjoy! :) All good things. I will be back with more projects in a few weeks. Take care and I will miss you all!
Oh that looks great!
Beautiful! Do you mind sharing the name/brand of the stain and paint? I have a few tables that would look fantastic after a little makeover!
Okay, I knew that was a nice looking table, but to know you did all that work makes it even neater! You did an awesome job on it.
Also, thank you so much for answering the paint color question! We'll look that one up and hopefully someday soon we can decide on the color and start painting! I'm kind of scared. :)
Beautiful table. I've been thinking of adding some white paint to a few furniture pieces around my house too. Glad to see how it would turn out.
That looks awesome! Great job!
I am always amazed! LOVE it, and enjoy the break!
Carrie what a smart girl you are! The table looks great. What a great idea to take the wings off!
We understand that you have other top priorities...don't sweat it. Many of us have been in your shoes, and it's a tough circus to juggle. See you soon
So smart! It looks so good!
Gosh, I need to give '70s furniture more of a chance! Nicely done...you're family room makeover looks GREAT too! Hope you're getting your rest.
That table is beautiful! You do a great job on everything you do. I enjoy reading your blog to see what you will do next.
Try to stop by my blog on Thursday i will be posting my little ones dressing area.
I love the coffee table now! I have several pieces of hand-me-down furniture circa 1970. So I may steal your idea.
Oh my -- love that coffee table!! The only thing I can think of when I can't sleep is if it too early or too late for some chocolate! Can you telepathically send me some decorating mojo? Seriously, I need some help! :) Have a great little break -- but not too long!
WHAT???!! It's amazing! It's a brand new table! I LOVE it.
Dear Carrie, I appreciate your explanation of needing a break, but I hate to feel anyone has to apologize for taking one. No one is under contract to anyone, of course except our own selves. Some times we can be slave drivers to ourselves. Of course, it is nice to know one is not away for illness or other serious things. Girls just wanna have fun. That's me. You did a great job on that table. Ignited an idea for me. thanks
Amazing transformation! I LOVE it. :) Enjoy your time away...the whole blogging thing is wonderful but also very time consuming, so I totally understand where you're coming from.
Oh that turned out GREAT!
Fantastic. I love it!
What a great transformation! I hope you enjoy your bloggy break. It is hard getting into a routine when your getting a child ready for school. For me it is knowing I will have to leave again to pick her up from school. In Sept I will have two in school. One only 2 days a week though.
Love the coffee table, what a wonderful transformation.
I don't blame you on the blog break, sometimes you need to just forget about it, and focus on the most important things, Family.
The table looks wonderful. You did a nice job on it. Enjoy your break, your room and your family!
I totally understand the need for a blog-cation! I think mine was for a few months! LOL I wanted to ask you what color your paint was on the table legs. When you get back, let me know.
Your table looks fantastic and seriously no one expects you to leave comment for comment. I love that you are thoughtful enough to do that but no obligations to visit! Enjoy your nap :).
have a wonderful break! that table looks fantastic! :-)
Enjoy your break!
Yes, this is a wonderful idea that never would have occurred to me if I stared at that table forever. Well done!
I love it, looks great! Enjoy your nap and time with the family!
Great job on the coffee table! See, most people would put it to the curb, but we know the true treasures that lie behind 1970s decor and such! heehee!
Once again I'm in awe of your crafty skills! Brilliant!
Hi carrie,
LOVE the coffee table, what an awesome transformation.
Enjoy your blogging break!
As always, it looks great!
I have not been blogging a lot this whole summer and now that the kids are going back to school tomorrow, I need to do some serious cleaning:), so I am not getting back into it yet. Have a great break and enjoy that little baby during some alone time with no computer!
Wow, this looks great! Love love the creamy white legs with the darker wood tabletop!
Love the table! And totally understand the break. I had to declare one myself AND I even took a total technology break most of the weekend by not turning on my cell phone or computer for a good portion of the weekend. It was so refreshing AND the world didn't stop - ha! Have fun!
Love the coffee table and enjoy your blogging break!!
Well done as always! I bought a table at Salvation army for $40 bucks and I was wondering what to do with it! xxoo
Love it! It turned out so great - totally looks different!
I try to get to everyone that leaves a comment for me, but it's getting harder and harder. I feel guilty!! It's hard to juggle everything.
Enjoy your break!
What a great make-over!!!
Enjoy your break with your family! :)
You really are amazing. I love how you took a table that was totally crazy 70's and made it totally today fashionable. You really are always inspiring me! Enjoy your little break with your family and I really do hope you get lots and lots of naps this week!
That table turned out sooo cute. I especially love the legs!
Enjoy your time away. We will miss you!
OMG. THat Table is GORGEOUS! Can I buy it? Wow. I am seriously impressed. The re-varnishing of the top... what a difference.
Carrie, Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. : ) The table looks wonderful! Do you have a plan up your sleeves for the "wings?" (ooh...you could make shutters..or cool signs...)
Have a dreamy "nap!"
Julie M.
Carrie! IT looks Awesome! What a great transformation!
Carrie! IT looks Awesome! What a great transformation!
What a great transformation! I love what you've done with your table.
Wow I love it...Enjoy your little break..hugs...
What a great idea! I would have never thought that was once a table from the 70s. Enjoy your nap!!
The table looks really nice. I really want to tackle the end tables in my room...we'll see. Enjoy your time with your family. I can't believe Nina is in pre-school!
I love it. It looks like a totally different table.
Relax and enjoy your time, but hurry back soon, friend :)
Beautiful table! Enjoy your break.
It's wise to know when to take a break. After all, we juggle so many responsibilities that inevitably, we come to a point of not being able to do them all. Knowing what and when to let slide is so important! So enjoy your time away, and we'll be around when you get back.
Beautiful job on the table, by the way!
I absolutely love the table. How creative you are. Enjoy your time....we all need that every now and then.
Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog and have given you an award! Stop by to see which one :o)
Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training
So pretty - I love it. :) I know what you mean about needing to regroup and a break - I need one, too. Enjoy yourself and those sweet babies :)
What an awesome transformation! I would have never thought of that. It looks adorable!
Love your table transformation and your living room makeover! And what a great craigslist find with your rug.
Hope you are having a nice blogging break. :)
This is my first visit to your blog, but I plan to come back often. You are one clever, creative lady!
Enjoy your blogbreak!
Great job on teh coffee table. Have a great break, and I'll look forward to your return.
Bye bye 70's, HELLO adorable coffee table! You always have the best ideas!
Hope you're bloggy break and two week nap do you good. Life does get crazy sometimes! I've been a little MIA myself, just doing summer stuff.
Take care! :)
That table looks gorgeous with the stained top and white legs! You are one smart chick!
I have the SAME table only it is a drop leaf dining table that I replaced with something prettier. It's sitting in our barn waiting to be handed down or taken to the Goodwill. I think I may take it apart today. I've been looking for a sofa table and I think it will be PERFECT without the wings.
That is CA-RAZY....it doesn't even look kinda like the same time!!!!! What an AWESOME job you did..I am going to go redo something..lol
That looks great!!!
This is EXACTLY what I want to do with our old teacher's desk... leave the top wood tones and paint the bottom creamy white. I just didn't know it until now.
Hubby won't be in favor, but your photo will definitely help my cause. =)
Oooh, you did a wonderful job! I really like that a lot! =-)
Beautiful! It looks like something that would cost a lot of $$$. I would love to feature this sometime on my blog! C'mon over and check me out!
So new to this blogging thing, but I totally love that table,that im gonna be on the hunt for one?? I live in the Springs,did you get it in Denver?
Your table looks beautiful and it seems like the price was great too!
Just came over from the Nester's. Great job on the table! It seriously looks brand new! I'll have to go check out other posts on your living room. It looks amazing.
WOW! I just found your blog coming over from Nester and I love your ideas! =]
This is so beautiful. Just my style.
Can you loan me some of your creativity? You are amazing with the way you transform old into new.
Always inspired when I stop by,
From one Queen to another, this looks great, wonderful job.
I need to find an old table like that , we need a better one in our family room.
Linda Queen
That looks great.
Come check out the Knock Off Knock Out party.
Its So Very Cheri
That looks awesome! Great job!!!! It seriously looks brand new!!!!fantastic....That table looks gorgeous..
You cannot go wrong on the best security systems
Great job with the table! It looks amazing!
Just checking in with everyone and to give an update.
I have a new party starting- Wed Sept 2. So each week I will have the Knock Off Knock Out party on Mondays and the Holiday/Seasonal party on Wed. I hope you come for a visit.
New buttons to grab as well.
Its So Very Cheri
Love your table redo. How creative to think of taking off the extension pieces.
Oh wowie! That looks so wonderful! I had kept up with reading your blog a while back but lost all my favorites when I changed my url and so I just stumbled upon it again today and I had to become a follower so I wouldn't lose it again! I love to look at all your projects!:)
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