Hi everyone! It's been a busy few days, and I want to start by saying thanks again for everyone who entered my giveaway and visited me over the weekend. The new traffic coming from
Today's Creative Blog is so much fun! I have really been trying to visit each of you in return, but please forgive me if I didn't make it to you.
Maybe when you see what I've been up to over the past few days you will cut me a little slack. I am trying to convert this pretty, organized and neat guest room into the baby's room:

How far do you think I've gotten? Yeah, not so far. Some of you have commented to me in the past that you didn't know where I got my energy. Well, I don't have it anymore! Even thinking about climbing the stairs makes me exhausted. This is why people should really start these projects earlier than 8 1/2 months into pregnancy.

In addition to organizing the baby's room, I needed to come up with a storage solution for all the things that are being re-zoned out of the guest room. So this space in the upstairs loft...

...got a new armoire instead. For those of you who have
Craig's List in your town, I will again sing it's praises. This new armoire was only $100!

Thank God it has a ton of space, so it can hold a bunch of stuff that used to live in the guest room.

The wrapping paper has a new home in the loft too. I got sick of pawing through it when it lived underneath the guest room bed. Now at least I can see what I have so I don't keep buying more and more Christmas paper on clearance!

So there you go. The big switch-a roo has begun in my house, and it has a bit of a deadline (say about three weeks, if this baby decides not to arrive until my actual due date)! I really hope that I'll be able to show you a somewhat completed baby's room in the next week or so. Otherwise I'll have to tromp down to the basement and just take photos of some baby clothes that still need to be washed and are sitting in a box somewhere. Yikes!
Oh, I'm the first one to comment and you are an hour earlier than me there in CO!
I hear you sister on getting the room done--I'm right there with you!
Oh, my best work was done at 8 1/2 mos. preggers, you wont believe it but you'll get bursts of late night energy or something and get it all done! Nest, Carrie, Carrie!!!! ...Can't wait to see. Amanda
The armoire is perfect. They do hold a lot of stuff. It looks great in your corner too. By the way, I love your windows. It's so bright and cheery.
We have two that are going to have to leave our house in the next year. Why? Over time your needs change. Craig's List here I come!
You know you could be having that little baby any minute now!!
I'd love to pop over & help.
The loft is looking good & I just love browsing on Craigs list.
Have fun with the baby's room & don't over do it.
It IS hard to get a lot done at 8 and 1/2 months pregnant. I found that during my last pregnancy, I would indeed get the legendary spurts of energy; but halfway through a project, the burst of energy would suddenly stop, leaving me surrounded by half-finished, half-organized, half-done CLUTTER. Drove me crazy. :)
I hope things go better for you! And just remember, that sweet little baby won't care a bit about his/her surroundings or if the clothes match or are clean. :)
But for your sake, I hope you make good progress and feel peaceful about the state of things in your home!
You are amazing. I can't wait to see the nursery - I am sure it will be just perfect!
Love the way your loft looks...so cozy! I know what you mean about the Christmas wrap. Everytime I see some on clearance, I just have to buy it...this madness must stop!!! :)
Take it easy on getting the baby's room done...it will all come together eventually! Happy Tuesday!
I'm a major Craigs List fan! Good find! Take it easy with all your rearranging!
Looks AMAZING...as usual!! I can't wait to see the finished product. I saw you on Today's Creative Blog...LOVE IT!!
Isn't it funny how you get everything done so early in the first pregnancy and the rest you are doing everything when you are due any day? I couldn't bend over to put paint on my roller when we did my second child's nursery. My stomach kept getting in the way!
I love Craigslist. You can find the best deals on there! Can't wait to see how the room comes together:) Crazy how you only have a few weeks left!!! How exciting:)
Love that you are organizing and nesting. If you little pea in the pod is anything like my two...he/she won't come early at all. I was so anxious the whole time...it drove me crazy.
Now I hope your not doing the lugging, save that for hubby. You do the fun part like haning pictures or putting on the bedding. I can't wait to see what it looks like :o)
Wish I lived closer so M and I could come over and help you out!! Am sure the baby's room will be lovely! Take care and put those feet up!
The room will be great - it's supposed to snow again tomorrow, so another day to just stay home! The armoire was a great find!
Congrats on getting so much done, I love the quilt in the first picture!
Good luck with the baby room. I feel for you! I love the armoire! What a pretty storage solution!
You will have it done before you know it! Can't wait to see how it turns out.
Wow...what a deal on Craig's List...I have never done that before. I need to "List" things on there!!
Everything is looking great...it's hard to sometimes find places for all our stuff..even when it's good stuff!
-sandy toe
Wow you are one busy momma! I can't wait to see how the room looks when it's done. I love that soft yellow and how it makes the room glow from the sunlight.
But of course, take it easy and save some of that energy for when you have your new love.
Just happened across this site, always new I had a a super creative niece! You're amazing, thanks for the inspiration!
Awww, it all will work out. Plus, if you're anything like me, the baby will stay in your room for the first few months and the nursery simply will be the "Royal Closet and Diaper Changing Station"...my husband kind of wondered why I was so intent on having it done before the baby's birth!
~ Sarah
I wish I had your energy!
Craigslist is awesome! I loved getting the nursery ready, but at 8.5 months I did not want to do anything either! I am sure that it will be beautiful!
Good luck!!
I love looking at things on Craigslist. You never know what you will come across. Good luck finishing the room! I'm sure it will turn out fantastic.
You have been a busy little bee (Queen Bee that is)! What a job and 8 1/2 months pregnant. There should be some sort of award for feats such as these! Can't wait to see the final pictures!
I've heard you can get some great deals from Craig's List and you sure did.
Can't wait to see the nursery.
I know that room is going to be beautiful just like the rest of your home. LOVE the armoire!
Isn't it funny how the nursery doesn't seem to get done as quickly with the second baby> Just wait until (if) you have a third...
I left you something on my blog!
Good Luck with your new arrival! What an exciting time!
I love the wrapping paper in the basket idea...I may have to borrow that one.
Thanks for the inspiration!!
I love that armoire! You have a beautiful home. Good luck getting everything done before that baby comes! I can't wait to see pictures of your baby! Hope your pregnancy isn't casusing you to lose too much sleep.
Have fun getting the baby room ready! Nesting is underway:-)
Wow - $100? What a great find! I never look at Craigslist, maybe I should!
I know you will get everything done! You always do! I love your wrapping paper storage idea! Very nice! Upright in a standing container! Great idea! I have to look back over your posts and see whats going on. I haven't been here in a while and I always miss so many great things when I am gone!
Hi Queen Bee! Ooh can't wait to see what you do with the baby's room! Take your time, well I guess you at least need a crib in there, but don't hurt yourself :) Knowing you and your talents, it's going to look awesome no matter what you do!
Your guest room is so pretty - it'll make such a great room for your new little bitty one :) And the new armoire is great! I keep forgetting to check Craig's List, but I'm off to check it now. Have a great day! :)
That armoire is great, what a steal. I can't wait to see the baby's room all done (I bet you feel the same!!) Wish I could come over and help you.
Oh my goodness - you have room in the armoire for your sewing machine to sit the other way??? Great find!! It doesn't even appear to take up much more space than your bookshelf it replaced!
I just LOVE that guest room! It is so sweet and simple! I am sure it will look fantastic as a nursery though, as well! :)
The loft looks great! Wow, love the armoire....$100! You did great on that one. Have a great day.
Wow- looks great! Are you Nesting!?? Don't do too much- ooops to late- wow you are doing a great job!
You are so inspiring!
Wow you have been one busy lady. I love your amoire! I am excited to see your nursery all done.
You are most welcome for the "add!" Have a wonderful day. I will stop by again soon, until then=)
You always find the coolest things on Craigslist! I'm jealous. Good vibes being sent as you get the nursery done.
Goodness...8 1/2 months pregnant. Cant wait to see the baby room. BTW I love craigslist. I have found so many great things and I also have sold many things I dont have room for. And the best part is that it is free.
Take is easy. Dont over do yourself! Wish we could all come over and give a helping hand.
Ashley Nichole
YOU go you little nester you! I remember that time.....it will all come together....don't worry. I love your new room though...and that armoire is gorgeous. cherry
Craigs list is wonderful! I have found some wonderful things on it. The armoire looks beautiful.
Great deal on the armoire! Thanks for the Craig's List reminder. I think we still have some ski racks to get rid of.
Good luck with the baby's room and your imminent delivery!
Hi Carrie!
Looks like you are busy buzzing away again in organizing for the new bee bee (Ha Ha!) Looks good so far-at least you have the room!
Congrats on the Creative Blog Award. You are very deserving :-D
Thanks for visiting my blog and your comments, you are a sweetheart. Take care!
It is looking good!! I can't wait to see it!
What a deal on the armoire.....I love Craig's list!! Looks like you are off to a great start on the new room...I am sure you will get it finished and it will be beautiful!!
Hang in there...only a couple more weeks!!
It looks like the nesting has officially kicked in! Can't wait to see the nursery!
My brushes with fame were just minor. I met Bryan White way back and I met Wade Hayes at the Purple Cow in Little Rock when I was there for lunch with a friend....only minor famous poeple. My brother has much better tales of famous people when he lived in Vegas and my other brother escorted Brad Pitt at Wal-Mart in Springfield when he was home visiting family....I never met Brad but his sister was a good friend of mine in college.
Your guest room looks so warm and inviting. Be sure you get some rest. You remember how it is when the baby comes. Sleep deprivation. Mimi
It all looks very nice Carrie! I can't believe it but I keep my wrapping paper in a basket just like that! ;)
Carrie, you're really looking organized to me! Love the new $100 find girl!
Sounds like someone is nesting!!!
Oh that armoire is wonderful! I guess I'll have to see if there is a Craig's List around me!
Great deal on the armoire! I check Craigs list but my local one kind of stinks. :o/
I like your wrapping paper basket. Mine resides in a copier paper box with the end cut off and taped all around to hold the top on. I've gotta get something like that. Thanks for showing it to us. xxoo
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