
Nina's Room

As promised, here is the first of many stops along our renovation path.  You may not want to hold your breath between posts, though, because these room-by-room changes are taking a LONG time!  

Out of respect for the previous owners of the home, the "before" photos are going to be rather limited.  So you'll have to forgive me if the angles of the before and after photos don't match up!

That being said, here is a photo of my daughter (age 5) Nina's room, from the day we had our home inspection.  Yep, that's my husband, who had Achilles tendon surgery in the spring and was on crutches for weeks!  

A few things I will point out about the room.  The carpet was pink.  There was lots of wallpaper.  There was pink crown molding.  In short, this is a room I would have rocked in the 1980s.  I wish I had something this cool when I was a kid.  Alas, decorating times have changed, and this room needed a change too!

I get lots of inspiration from all over the web, and this pin board was the kick start of the whole room.  It came from the amazing Holly Mathis.  (Have you girls discovered her yet?  Unbelievable!!)

I also loved the colors of this gorgeous room from a furniture store in California called Art For Kids:

And...here is how Nina's room looks today!

We went with a gorgeous seafoam green for the walls. (That is, after days upon days of removing wallpaper!)  It's called "Pale Vista" by Olympic.  My talented husband even indulged me and created a board and batten treatment for the lower half of the walls.  (We relied a lot on this tutorial from Just a Girl for the board and batten.)  I love it!!

You'll notice we also changed out the pink carpet and painted the crown molding a crisp white.  Here's another shot, a little closer up, of the wall treatment.

I would lay awake for hours in the months before we moved to Ohio, counting the days until the house would be ours.  All those sleepless nights translated into lots of ideas for projects to keep myself busy, and these Euro pillows and striped accent pillows are one of the many results!

The kids' rooms both have these adorable window recesses.  I can just imagine them hiding away in there with the curtains closed, reading a book or daydreaming.

I am so glad we decided to complete the kids' rooms first.  I think it helps for them to be excited about their new house, and it gives them a place to hang out where I don't have to tell them "Don't touch that!"  So many other parts of the house feel like a crazy jungle gym of boxes and piles and paint cans.

Now all Nina needs are a few little pals and she'll be ready for her first sleepover!


  1. Love, love, love the room. I can't wait to see the transformation of the rest of the house.

  2. Hi Carrie-
    I came across your blog right before your move to CA and have loved going back and reading your blog! I am a stay at home mom to a girl and boy and I have gotten so many great ideas from you! Thanks for sharing! Marci in TN

  3. It looks great! I bet ripping out the pink carpet was the best feeling :) I love the board and batten. It adds such a classic element and keeps the room from being too young. Can't wait to see the other rooms!

  4. Aww! It's so sweet and perfect for her to grow into. I love the placement of the furniture and her shelving unit is fab. So pretty! I hope she loves it!! SO glad you're back!

  5. What a sweet room to grow into. I love the houses like you bought where the rooms are so spacious and comfortable. SO unlike new houses today. I am anxious to see what else you have been up to. Lori L
    P.S. We bought a new (old) house in June 2011. I fell down the stairs soon after buying it and had to have knee surgery. Then two weeks ago I had to have achilles tendon surgery...from the same fall. I have that same boot. The doctor told me it was a LONG recovery! I am so impatient!!

  6. Holy smokes! You guys have been busy already! Nina's room is turning out sooo cute!

  7. Beautiful carrie! Welcome home!

  8. Beautiful!

    You have such a knack for making rooms both beautiful and inviting. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the rest of the house!

  9. What a sweet room! I love the colors and the wall treatment is perfect.

    Glad you're back! :)

  10. Oh my heavens this is glorious!!! WOW!!!!!-gillian www.seaonsgredings.com

  11. Love it. You should make them a window seat !

  12. Hooray! The room looks awesome. Classic, simple, fun!

    I have to tell you how happy I am you are blogging again! I found your blog a long time ago, and read the whole thing, and was so sad you weren't blogging anymore! So needless to say, I will be following and enjoying your posts! :)

  13. Tells us about the curtains. Did you make them or buy them, I love the stripes.
    Glad you are back!

  14. I love your blog and am delighted that you are back after your "hibernation!" Are you on Pinterest? I would love to follow you there, too. Thanks!

  15. I love the "Pale Vista" wall color, its simple yet very refreshing. Nina's room is elegantly design, she will definitely love to hang out there because of its cozy and comfy ambiance.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)