
Henry's Room

It was pretty important to us to get the kids' rooms done first, mostly because we wanted them to have a place to call their own.  But, I must admit, I was also really psyched to give Henry a little boy room!  The family who lived here before us had two girls, and we thought it was a good time to inject some boyishness into the place!

Just as with Nina's room, we stripped the wallpaper and replaced the pink carpets.

Henry's room got a board and batten wall treatment too, and a fresh coat of paint.  This color is called Sepia Tan by Benjamin Moore.

We removed the old vertical blinds, which lightened up the room considerably.  Henry's buffalo check curtains from Pottery Barn Kids are so cute in here!

I love Henry's bedding.  It's a quilt from Pottery Barn Kids with a camel colored duvet from Woolrich.  The "H" pillow, red ticking stripe pillow and brown corduroy pillow are all made by me, when I was sitting in California, trying to keep busy until we could make our move back to the Midwest!

I always try to use an area rug in rooms that have wall-to-wall carpet.  It just seems to cozy it up and define the space a little bit.  I picked up Henry's rug at Tuesday Morning and the colors are perfect in here!

He still has plenty of room for his toys and books and other little boy goodies!

I love how warm and welcoming the room feels.  When I go in to check on Henry at night, half the time I want to crawl into bed with him and take a nap.  (Plus, he still has that sweet little three-year-old boy smell that I can only get when he's asleep and actually holding still.  I'm going to soak it in as long as I can!)

I hope he loves his room as much as I do!


  1. Love it and I am so glad to see you are back! Can't wait to see more!

  2. The kids are getting so big. They are darling. I love what you have done. Great big boy's room. I love those big windows. Hope you are enjoying your new home. Great to have you back!

  3. The rooms are wonderful! I agree, they look so warm and cozy.

  4. Does this mean you're back? Oh, please be back!!

  5. Love the kids rooms! Welcome back Carrie. I am sorry you had such a hard time in CA. What a blessing to be back in your home town; so happy for you and your family!

  6. I don't have any boys, but if I did I would want the same kind of room! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm glad you are back to blogging! : )

  7. Wow! The rooms are so perfect! I love it. Thanks for sharing. It's an amazing experience to visit your blog. Thanks a lot!

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  8. Darling room! Wondering if you'd update your Today's Creative Blog button. All you have to do is change the blog address to todayscreativeblog.net instead of the blogspot.com Thank you so much.

  9. I keep checking back to see what else you have done on your home. Do you have any other pictures ready yet? I just love your style and enjoy looking at your pictures!! :)

  10. Just seeing if your going to blog again? Your transformations are great!

  11. Will You blog again? Love to see your ideas!

  12. Love the kids rooms! We always decorated our children's room first. My daughter had a garden room when we first moved into this house and my son had a race car theme. Now she is headed to college in the fall. Enjoy the time while you have it!



  13. How i wish that our tiny home will be as tidy as yours. Got to girls ages 4 and 2 and it is impossible for me to kept my house in order. ~ ilikesheds.com


  14. Beautifull photos and great blog, especially for me thanks.

  15. Oh my goodness, I love this! I have searched high and low for wide buffalo print curtains and these are exactly what I want.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)