
Coming Out of Hibernation?


So, here I am.  It's been awhile!  I know I've been gone a long time.  Does anyone know how long bees hibernate anyway?  Could my absence still be called a hibernation after all these months?

We've had some big changes.  Some I can talk about, and some, as I'm sure you'll understand, are best left to a personal chat over a glass of wine on the back patio.  I will say that it's been an incredibly rough few years, starting with our move to California in the summer of 2010.  In some ways I feel like an entirely different person, but I guess hard things will do that to you.

In the good news department, though, it turns out I am still the Queen Bee!  In June, we were able to finally move back to Cincinnati, Ohio!  Here's a photo of us that we took mere minutes after crossing the Ohio River.  It's not the most flattering picture of any of us, considering we had just completed a LONG cross-country drive from northern California, but I will always treasure it because I know what emotions I felt when we drove across the bridge and saw my hometown again, knowing that this time I was here to stay.

My husband's job has taken us from Cincinnati (where we met, got married, and had Nina), to Colorado (where Henry was born), and then to California.  We've been gone for over five years.  I didn't always know that I wanted to return to Cincinnati, but as time wore on, it became obvious to us that we wanted to be back in the Midwest, close to family and friends.

Within a few days of moving back, we found ourselves at the Fourth of July parade in downtown Madeira, which is a small Cincinnati suburb.  This is where I grew up and where I always hoped to live again.  People call it Mayberry, and for good reason!

As you might have guessed, I am back on my blog because we are homeowners again!  It's been so fun after being home renters in California. We bought a fabulous family home in Madeira on a cul-de-sac, one that had been owned by the same family for over 30 years.  I'm so happy to know we're coming into a place with such wonderful memories within its walls.

I am so happy to be home, and I am slowly feeling more like myself again.  I'll be around periodically to share our home renovation projects with you.  That is, if there's anyone left out there to see them! :)


  1. I'm still here!! That is so great that y'all have moved back home! I have always loved your style and I can't wait to see your home again!

  2. You sound and look so happy to be back home. Good for you! And yes, we are still out here waiting to see what you create for your new home back home....

  3. Ditto to what Shannon said (and ironically she's one of my favorite bloggers, too! haha). You are one of my favorites and I'm so glad you're back! My husband and I live in CT but we went to college in SW Ohio and visited Cincinnati tons of times in college. I agree - it's a great city! :)

  4. Oh yay, yay, yay! So happy to see an update from you and glad to hear you are back in the Midwest. Actually I think of Cincinnati as being out east -- but that's cause I'm in Nebraska.

    Can't wait to see you put all your bee touches on your new place!!

    Missed you!!!


  5. Welcome back to Ohio! Cincinnati is a great place, I was just down there last week to go on the B and B riverboat cruise with my niece and nephew.

  6. I've been MIA myself and I'm finally itching to get started again, too. Welcome back and you aren't alone! :)

  7. Yay! I was so excited to see a new post pop up on my blog roll. I've been wondering if you'd return and I'm really looking forward to all those before and after pictures :) Congrats on your move home.

  8. So glad you're back! Hope you'll share some of what's been going on with you over the last year...

    (and please consider dumping the word verification!)

  9. Carrie, I'm still here! And I FEEL you on the returning to your home roots. My hubby and I are originally from Toledo, where we met, married, and had our first home and child, Seth. 2009 saw us move to Nashville, TN, where we said both hello and goodbye to our second son, Duncan, and welcomed our daughter Erin. But when the opportunity came to ring in 2012 back in Toledo, we jumped on it, and are here to stay! We welcomed baby #4 in May, our third son, James. I'd love to meet up with you sometime, now that you're back in the great buckeye state. We have family in Terrace Park, and good friends in Lebanon, so we're down your way often. In fact, we'll be passing through next Wednesday night on our way to Nashville. =)

    Welcome HOME!

  10. SO glad to see you back in my Google Reader!

  11. Definately still here, can't wait to see the transformations!!!! good luck !! :)

  12. I've been following you ever since you lived in the Denver area (where my husband and I spent 8 years. Now we are "back home" in the midwest and I feels so good. I has been such a blessing to have my mom and dad and in-laws nearby to spend time with our kids. I do miss some of the weather and amenities that came with Denver but we can always visit, right? Congratulations and Welcome back to the blog!

  13. Welcome back! So glad to hear things are going well for you again! In my opinion, the Midwest is a hidden secret!

    P.S. What kind of dog do you have? It looks very similar to our mini Goldendoodle, Ozzy!

  14. I am so glad you are back! I love your sense of style and can't wait to see what you do with your new home! Sounds like you have lived an adventure! It always makes one more grateful for what you once took for granted! Glad you are back where you want to be!

  15. Welcome back to blogging & to The East! LOL You were missed :) I look forward to seeing what you do with your new place.

  16. Welcome back to Cincy! We have lived in Mason for the last 15 years and love it here. Looking forward to many good decorating tips!

  17. YEAH!!! I'm so glad you're back! I can't wait to see all of your before and after pics!

  18. Welcome back Queen Bee!

    I love what you wrote about the picture you posted. And for the record, your family looks beautiful!

    So happy for you to be back in your hometown and to have a house of your own again.

  19. Welcome back, you have been missed.
    Coming home is so sweet especially when you can be close to family again. So happy for you and your family and I'm so excited to see what you'll do with your new home. Anxiously awaiting pictures.

  20. Welcome back! Definitely looking forward to the projects & possibilities!

  21. Hello again!! I'm so glad you are back. You wouldn't believe how excited I was to see a new post from you. Congrats on the new home and being back close to your family and friends. So looking forward to your updates to come!

  22. I am so happy that you got to be home again. We are raising our children where we grew up. It has been awesome. We feel blessed. Congrats. Looking forward to seeing you fix up your new house.

  23. welcome back!! So glad to hear that you are in a happier place for your family. I look forward to your posts!

  24. So glad to hear that you are back. I can't wait to see what you have in store for your new home.

  25. So glad that you are home and happy! Looking forward to seeing what fabulous things you do to your new house!

  26. Thank you everyone!!! I am glad to be "back" in the blogging world. You have all made me smile.

    To The Writer Chic--It would be fun to meet you! Unfortunately we won't be around this Wed. but it sounds like you'll be through town again sometime, with your local connections. Keep me posted and we can work it out!! :)

    To Jodee--Frankie the dog is a labradoodle, which explains why he looks so similar to your pup! He's crazy but we love him...I'm sure you know how I feel!

  27. I'm so glad you are back! Being my family is the greatest thing. I can't wait to see what you do with your new house.

  28. I am so, so glad you are back!! I am so thrilled to see you have a new project to post about. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!!!
    I am so happy for your family too. you all seem very happy. :)

  29. Very cool, we live in liberty township...which is reasonably close to your area. Maybe someday we can meet up...love your style!!

  30. So glad you're back! :) Congratulations on moving back home! I hope to have this same post one day. ;)

  31. Yea, you're back! Glad you were able to come back home! I'm a GA girl in CA, so I totally get it... :)

  32. Welcome back! So glad you will be back to sharing here again, and glad for you that you're home with friends and family again!

    I'm so eager to see what you do to make this home your own!

  33. So glad that you're back. I have always connected with your style and have not found another blog to take your place. I'm excited to see more of your new house. Thanks for sharing!

  34. Carrie, I'm so glad you're back! I can't remember how I found your blog, but I've read for a while. I check in periodically to see how your hibernation is coming. Imagine my surprise to find you in Madeira...we're practically neighbors! My son goes to preschool in Madeira, we are always at the library, and we live just outside of Madeira!
    I can't wait to see your magic touches on the new house.
    Welcome home!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)