
How To Make a Homemade Subway Sign

Hi girls! I promised a tutorial on my homemade subway sign, and here it is!

To start, I had a few inspiration photos and a $3 four foot tall frame. That's about it.

First thing I did was paint the frame. You can see how I did that here. Then I sweetly asked my husband to cut a piece of plywood to fit into the frame. He acquiesced, and I painted the whole thing black.

Then I chose some street names that mean something to our family. I just thought that would be a fun twist on the other signs I've seen, which seem to be specific to one city. But since we've lived all over, this works better for us! Mildred Lane was where I grew up in Cincinnati. My husband grew up on Clover Street in Winston-Salem. We have every major stage in our lives represented on this sign! I printed each street name to fit the frame, using a font called Impact, in varying sizes and spacings.

After that, I traced each letter onto the black plywood using graphite paper. You can see a tutorial on how to do this here.

After that, it was just a simple matter of using a million white paint pens in varying sizes to fill in the letters. I did a few coats over every letter to make sure the white really stood out from the black. Totally time consuming, but totally worth it! Ta Da!

But you want to know the worst part? We don't even have subways in Denver. I am a total fraud! Have a great weekend!


  1. Looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing the tute. I will post a link to your post if I ever get around to making one of these. I am adding it to my list!

  2. Looks amazing! Love your tutorials...keep them coming.

  3. That is so cool -- I Love it! No subways here either, but I lived in Phila for a while and took the el-train - what a trip!

    Hope you and the fam have a great weekend!


  4. What a great sign. I LOVE it!!!

  5. hello, love the sign :) how do you attach the plywood to the frame and then hang it up? thanks:)

  6. Great job with the sign. Thanks for sharing how you did it. And you don't need to live near a subway to have that hanging in your home. : )
    We've lived in many different places as well. I like how you have all the places that mean something to you.

  7. Great job, Carrie! I love it. Thanks for the tutorial. I have two signs that I need (want) to make. This would be perfect for my laundry room makeover!

  8. Looks great. And I love the sentiment behind each name.

  9. I've been a big fan of this idea, and your creativity with using places that have meaning to your family just added to the wonderfulness!! I've been scared to try this project for fear of the dreaded paint brush shake...lol...with your suggestion to use PENS...I now have no reason not to give this a whirl!! Thanks bunches for sharing your technique!

  10. Very fun! I have a bunch of subway sign inspiration photos saved in my collection too. I think it's fun that you used streets that have been significant in your lives as your inspiration.

  11. I love the idea of using street names that mean something to your family! What a great way to decorate - you really give your home a personal touch!

  12. Too, too cute! What a great sign, and I love the meaning behind what you chose to have on it! It looks great hanging in your kitchen :).

  13. I don't think it matter that Denver doesn't have Subway signs. I too live in Denver and you have inspired me.

  14. OH my word...I love that--- LOVE IT-

    sandy toe

  15. fabulous! and i love the idea of using street names that mean something.

  16. Love that it's so meaningful! My DH and I have moved several times, too - it would be so cool to have our past homes on a great piece of art like this. Thanks for the tutorial!!

  17. This is gorgeous! I love the street signs.

    I'm hosting the 90 Days of Kindness Challenge. I'd love it if you took the challenge with me!

    Laura @ along for the ride

  18. This is so cool. It's great to create something that is meaningful!!!!

  19. Carrie, I love the idea of using significant street names! I wouldn't have thought of that. It looks awesome! Love the frame!

  20. hahaha Carrie, you are too cute. You may not have subways in Denver but maybe they should get one now! This project came out wonderful!! I can't believe you filled it in with paint pens. That must have taken forever! Worth it though... it looks fab and so special with your memorable street names :)

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend Love! And thanks for the update on baby Henry :)


  21. Viviane,
    My husband just used a staple gun to attach the plywood to the frame in the back. Then we just used a self-leveling hook (drilled into the frame) to hang it on the wall. Easy!!

  22. I'm set to redecorate our apartment soon + my ever-crafty mother just sent me this link to your blog! I'm positively smitten. Thanks for posting!

  23. Love it! So clever. Where can I do this...hmmm....

  24. I would be thrilled to create special steet / destination signs for anyone. I'm having such fun doing just that! Check out my affordable custom signs at



Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)