
Burlap Candle Cover

Have I ever told you about my obsession with Yankee Candle? Specifically their Spiced Pumpkin scent. I burn it practically year-round! Problem is, the orange doesn't really, you know, go with my decor. And a girl's gotta think about her color scheme.

I had some extra burlap lying around, and a glue gun. I wrapped the burlap around the glass, then folded over a seam and ironed it to stay in place (I took it off the candle first!). Then I just used the glue gun to seal it up, and trimmed the top with some scissors. (Make sure if you do this that you trim the burlap low enough so that it won't catch fire when you light the candle!)

The candle cover was cute, but I thought it needed something more. So, I printed out some numbers in a cute font (Modern No. 20 in case you're wondering!) and used this technique to trace it onto the burlap.

Then I used a black fabric paint pen to trace the letters and numbers.

I loved the effect so much, I made a second one for the guest room. The covers fit tightly around the candles, but not so tightly that I can't take them off and on as I change candles. Yay for cute, easy and cheap!


  1. Okay, so now I might actually buy some of those candles I always skip over because I can't "live" with their color. My house is dusty from a whole-house renovation but still... candles (although lovely to smell) can come in some pretty offensive colors!!! I'm loving this fix!

  2. I love this Carrie! What a great idea.

  3. Now I can pull out all those candles I have sitting in my closet that weren't being used because I didn't like the labels.

    What a GREAT idea... thanks for sharing!!!!

  4. Great idea! I have found a lot of scents I love but not the color and/or label. I'm going to get me some burlap and try this soon.


  5. What a pretty idea!

    I'd love it if you linked up to my blog party going on right now!

  6. You are brilliant and I am SO going to copy this idea!

  7. Oh, what a fun idea! I love that it is simple enough for me to finish in one day! Your blog is full of inspiration!

  8. You should really look into Scentsy! They will have a warmer to match any decor! Much safer than candles. I love your blog and all of your great ideas! www.scentsy.com/jessharwood. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  9. This is one of my favourite scents too. Whenever we visit the States I always stock up on the melts as they are easy to pack etc.

    This blog is fabulous! I am signing up to follow you!

    Best wishes,


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