
Mother's Day Wrap Up

Hi everyone! Did you have a good weekend?

However you celebrated Mother's Day, I hope it was a good one. I got to spend mine with my two favorite little people. See them below? We went to brunch and had a great day! But does anyone know how to get a three-year-old to smile at the camera?

And my favorite big person (aka husband Brent) took great care of me on Mother's Day. Check out my new gift!
It's this adorable purse kind of thing from Lucky Brand. The straps are long enough that it can cross over my chest instead of the usual juggling-Henry-on-one-arm-and-slugging-my-purse-around-on-the-other-arm routine. I highly recommend it if you are in the market for a fancy new way to drag around your junk.

I'll see you later this week...I promise I'll get back to the regularly scheduled house stuff!


  1. I'm glad that you had a great Mother's Day, Carrie! You look gorgeous with your two adorable kiddos. And, way to go, hubby! I LOVE the bag!

  2. Oh my goodness... that is an adorable photo of you and your cuties!! And what a wonderful gift from your husband. That bag is fantastic! :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day. That picture is adorable - and so is that bag. Enjoy.

  4. What a great photo of you and your littles -- though they both are sure growing! You have such a cute and sweet family! Nice gift from the Hub! You are one lucky Mama!


  5. Happy belated Mother's Day, Carrie!

  6. that pictures is fantastic. very precious!

  7. Beautiful photo of the three of you, even if one isn't smiling. What a great Mother's Day gift!

  8. LOVE the new bag! Your husband has great taste. Glad you had a nice Mother's Day.

  9. Happy Belated Mother's Day! Great photo of the 3 of you and I love your new bag! ;)


  10. awww what a great picture!! so sweet! (and you look great!) Happy Mother's Day! :)

  11. WhaT a great photo of you and your kiddos. I was just in Colorado last week and loved it! My son and his wife bought a house in Aurora....so excited for them. We have the same problem getting Bella to look...she's 4! I finally bribed her with Kit Kat's for a couple good photos. I'm in trouble the next time I visit if I don't bring chocolate! Ha! :)


  12. that is an adorable photo of you and your cuties!!
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Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)