
Loft to Guest Room Transformation!

I just returned from a paint-free weekend and am happy to share my new guest room with you all! When we bought this house, we loved the idea of this loft area at the top of our stairs:

However, over the course of time we saw that it would be better used as another bedroom. "We" (like how I include myself in the equation, even though all I did was provide pizza and other snacks to the people who did all the work?) completed the half-wall, added a closet and a door. Here's a "during" view, with a shot of our friend James, who worked with my husband to get the job done:

And here's a peek through the doorway today!

I still plan on using the room for my sewing and other projects, so this table had to stay. Doesn't normally look this clean, though!

My antique bed and my husband's grandfather's desk look like they were made for each other!

A shot of the lovely closet which now houses all my junk. Looks serene and organized from the outside, though! :)
The wall color is Valspar's "Shadow Blue," but with a twist. I put it on the wall and it was way too dark for me. So I bought a 3 gallon bucket and added 1 gallon of "Shadow Blue" to 1 1/2 gallons of plain white. If I could do it again I might even add 2 full gallons of white. Much better!

You might recognize the curtains, since they're made from the same toile material I used in the master bedroom, and the lamp on my work table, which is the twin to this one. Because you never know how you might want to use things differently in another house, I love to give myself options by having two or four of something. Pairs are good!

And with that, I am off to take care of my pair of children, who at this moment are dismantling our DVD collection, one by one. Have a great day!


  1. Looks great, Carrie!! I think it's a lovely guest room/work room. If your guests only knew just how much you accomplish in that room!!!
    Love it all.


  2. Your room turned out great! I like the blue paint color. Blues are harder to pick than one would think.

    I especially love the desk!! It's beautiful.

  3. Looks beautiful & I'm sure you added a ton of value to your house. Great call.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Looks great! I am in love with the little farmhouse table!
    I'd love to see a closeup of the cute framed piece on top of the desk sometime....

  6. It's gorgeous. Love the color and the curtains. And, it looks really big. How nice

  7. What a great guest room to "retreat to"!

  8. Beautiful! What a calming room. A great place for guests to rest their heads.

  9. I love what you did!
    What a huge project to tackle, and it turned out fantastic-love the curtains, and the paint, and the desks, and the bed, and...

  10. You have some amazing talent!!! My sister was just telling me how she went to my blogroll and found someones blog and loved this and that, and it was you! We are in love with your armoire you just redid. And this room is beautiful! It looks so happy and bright and inviting. Love the curtains. And the desk. And the bed. etc. etc. You are inspiring!

  11. The curtains are fabulous. I think people will have wonderful dreams in there. :)

  12. What a great room. I love the colors, the furniture, and the usefulness. Nice!

  13. this is a great transformation! the wall color turned out really nice...i like it :) and i agree...the bed and the desk compliment each other nicely!

  14. Looks beautiful! I love the wall color!!! And that round mirror is fab.

  15. Wow Carrie -- that turned out beautiful! Now you're all ready for visitors, right!! :)


  16. What a great guest room & what a transformation! Wow! :) I love the colors you used, that wall color is really beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us!

  17. I love your before and your after! Nice save on the blue paint color, btw!

    ~ Sarah

  18. Wow, Carrie - it is very, very beautiful!! You did a wonderful, wonderful job!!! =)


  19. It is beautiful and cozy...the perfect combination for a guest room! I really like the chair cover on the chair at your work table. And the art on top of the desk is fun and intriguing. Your guests will love it!

  20. Hi, I am new to blogging and love yours! I am so in love with your curtains! I adore your master bedroom and had a few questions. What is your wall color in there and how many yards of fabric did you buy? We just moved into a new home and I am in such a need to paint and get new stuff in my master bedroom. Plus a lady mentioned to me the other day that we have a calico corners. I am soo excited.

  21. I'm positively drooling..it's gorgeous! It makes me want to redo my guest room...to a place where you just want to come in a lay down and read a book!

  22. Beautiful! Love the new room! We are actually in the process of doing a very similar project -- turning a small upstairs loft into a bedroom. We already had the closet so my hubby is just adding the wall and door. Then its up to me to decorate. Your designs always give me inspiration!

  23. Very pretty.

    I'm intrigued by the art on top of the desk. Will you give us a little close up and info on it?

  24. Love it! And man do you have a hottie handy husband with hottie handy friends. Does everyone look that good in CO? ;)

  25. I love it. What a great example of making your house work for you! Also, I could have toile in every room. Compliments to your handy husband too!

  26. It turned out great!! I love everything especially the wall color. We just (like last week)finished gutting and redoing two bathrooms and tomorrow we start construction to add a bedroom to our loft. I am done living in the remodeling mess but I know it will be worth it in the end. Our loft is huge so we are keeping one side as a family room. Hope mine turns out as nice as yours. Great job!

  27. Love this room so much. I am copying your ideas left and right over here. :-) Thanks for all the inspiration and beautiful showcasing of your rooms and projects. So much fun!!! We just moved into our new house a few months ago, so I am itching for a new style and new ideas.

  28. It's gorgeous, Carrie. The wall color turned out great and I love all the little touches! Just right. The desk is gorgeous and I am so in love with that made-over armoire! Beautiful job! Enjoy.

  29. I am so glad I came across your blog...I am inspired to transform my master...might copy cat you on the paint color! I love the closet, what a great use of space! How generous of your husband, what an act of LOVE!

  30. Oh it looks just beautiful! Love the wall color...and furnishings...and closet for organising your goodies....GREAT PROJECT!!

  31. You did such a great job decorating your new guest bedroom/craft room! I love your style.

  32. Carrie, your guest room is to die for. I love the colors and the fabric you chose. The family furniture is just perfect.

    Would you come by and look at my dining room project? What do you think about drapery panels on the sides? I see that you hung drapes with your shutters and it looks great!

  33. Wow, Carrie--this looks wonderful! I'm with you: the idea of an open space is nice, but an extra bedroom that can also double as your workspace is a more practical option. And you obviously had just the right things to furnish it! It's beautiful.

  34. Your guest room is beautiful. I really like the colours and the antique furniture pieces. I'm sure you will inspire others to look at their spaces in a different way to see if the space best suits their needs. Thanks for sharing.

  35. The room turned out so adorable! I love the paint color. Looks like a fantastic room with many uses.

  36. Juice, you seriously crack me up! There does seem to be an abundance of cute cowboy types out here in Colorado...not a bad place to find yourself one...you should check it out! :)

  37. Hi,

    Love your new guest room. I'm painting our bedroom now in a cape cod blue with white trim.

    I was wondering if you remember the original color of the room? I want a butter cream yellow for my living room & the original color you have is just what I'm looking for.

    I'll check by later to see if you have posted. Luv your blog too!!


  38. Fran,
    The original color in the loft was "Cracker Crumb" by Valspar. I painted it about three years ago. Good luck! :)

    You are AMAZING!
    I LOVE how you decorate!!!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)