
Art and Way Talented Friends

Some of you asked about this photo, below, and the unique piece of artwork that sits on top of the desk in my guest room. I am so glad you asked! It's one of my very favorite pieces.

Remember Sarah? She's "my first spouse," as I called her in this post. We lived together in Casablanca, Morocco, from 1999-2000 and taught English and traveled to France and Spain and did all sorts of pre-husband, pre-baby, pre-settled-down types of things.

Ah, yes. Here we are today, very settled down. Sarah and her husband and adorable son just visited Colorado for a little mountain vacation, and we spent a few days with them. Love!

Anyway, back to the painting! When Brent and I got married, Sarah painted that canvas for me as a wedding gift. It's our love story in French. How cool is that? French was significant to us because when Sarah and I lived in Morocco, she spoke it fluently. I stumbled my way through it and managed to get to the post office or buy some fruit from a street vendor, but that's about it. Nevertheless, a good portion of our overseas life was conducted in French. Want to know the English translation? Here it is (and yes, I had to send Sarah a photo of the painting to get her to translate it for me!):
Once upon a time, there was a boy, wearing glasses and adorable curly hair, I love the way he made me laugh...There was something special about her, the way her blue eyes sparkle, her beautiful smile...Now, standing before friends and family, everything else disappears as we declare our love...forever.
Yep. Told you. Now head on over to Sarah's blog, The Life of Blights, and tell her how amazing she is! :)


  1. What a truly unique and special gift! Love it!

  2. What a wonderful story. I love the picture of you guys all together with your families.

  3. That is soooo special! Sounds like she is such a thoughtful friend!

  4. How sweet & yes, she is talented. I also love that desk it's sitting on - beautiful.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. hi i don't think i've ever commented on your blog, but obviously follow from afar. you have a wonderfully creative place here. the painting from your friend is so heartfelt and sweet. those kinds of friends only come along once in a lifetime! and since i'm cramming everything i've ever wanted to say all into this one comment....the curtains in your guest room? where. did. you. get. them??? the fabric is what i've been searching for to put in the master bedroom of our new/ old house. finally...it's nice to find other bloggers from colorado! thanks for sharing your craftiness! xoxo

  6. What a wonderful gift! And beautiful, too!

  7. Carrie, that is a real treasure!!!


  8. What a fun background story! :) I never would have guessed that Sarah painted that. I love having things in my home that have sweet meaning behind them. What a treasured gift! (And beautiful too!)

  9. i feel silly...i found my own answer. wasn't really that hard to find. lol!

  10. Wow, Carrie - the story is beautiful, the painting is beautiful, your family is beautiful, her family is beautiful . . . . BEAUTIFUL!!! =)


  11. Thanks for the kind words girlie:) I love that pic of all of us with the exception of that girl on the end who looks like she needs a good nap or has had one too many glasses of wine :) xoxo

  12. Ahh! I love that! What a great (and thoughtful) gift.

  13. That is about the coolest thing EVER!!! Lucky you!

  14. Aww what a sweet post.

    I came over to let you know that my blog has moved and I would be ever so grateful if you would come to the new site and RE-sign up to follow me there.



Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)