
Stains Aren't Always Bad

Have you tried using stain in your projects lately?

I recently bought this antiquing polish at Michael's. It has been so fun to experiment! Take, for example, this mirror that I bought at Goodwill:

I spray painted it gold, but then it was, you know, too gold. So I used some of the antiquing polish to tone it down. Like the result?

I also had this sign in my kitchen that I hand painted years ago. I tried to antique it with sanding, but it just wasn't doing the trick.

So once I had the antiquing polish out, I started attacking everything I laid eyes on. See the difference?
Next was this barn wood frame that I painted a pale blue. Just rubbing a little antiquing polish over the top really gave it some great depth.

Same with this gold frame. I love how streak-y it looks now:

Give it a try sometime! Wet a paper towel and wring it out, then just blob a little antiquing polish on there. Rub it onto your frame or furniture piece or whatever you want, and then be ready with a dry paper towel to blot and tweak. Play around with it until you get the look you want!

Pretty cheap thrill, huh? (For us decorating dorks, at least!)


  1. Love it...I am generally afraid of all these stains, re-finishing, etc...but you are giving me some courage, how hard could it be right?

  2. Oh So glad I saw this post, I'm wanting to antique a dresser I have, but I feel a little intimidated by the huge cans of glaze, def need to run out and grab some of this tomorrow. Everything came out great, and I think I would do the same thing as you, start antiquing everything, lol!

  3. I love glazing and staining just about everything I get my hands on. But I always love to find new products that work well - I will be picking this one up on my next trip to Michaels.


  4. Well I didn't even know such a thing existed. How FUN!!! Insta makeover, huh? Yeah!

  5. It all looks great - I'll have to run out & buy a bottle now that I see how well it works.
    Hope your week is going well so far.

  6. oh la la!!! Love it! I will have to pick me some up this week!

  7. Thanks for sharing the staining love. I've been really wanting to try a stain out - but hadn't yet ventured out to really get any. But definatly will scoop this one up! Thanks for sharing the possibilities!

  8. Awesome idea! I'll have to try this!

  9. Oh my goodness Carrie - you just ROCK! I love your staining 'freak out'! Everything looks AWESOME!

    I have a mirror that I do not dig at all, I'm going to try it on there!

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow - very cool!! Think I need to read your archives on how to sand and/or paint a wooden frame a light color. Any tips? Have a great week!


  11. Coolio! I must get me some of that! :) Thanks for sharing!

  12. This is great! I've never used it, but I sure would like to now!

  13. Just beautiful...Stop by my blog..An award is awaitting for you...

  14. Carrie, you're awesome!!! :)
    I too NOW NEED to find some of this!!!! :)
    THanks for sharing!!

  15. I have always wondered how to get that look. Thanks for sharing. I am going to have to make a run to Michaels. There are a few things I need to stain:)

  16. Thanks for the great tip - I've been looking for something to tone down my "too gold" frames.

  17. Thanks for the great tip - I've been looking for something to tone down my "too gold" frames.

  18. you are giving me some courage, how hard could it be right?

    Work from home India

  19. I just love that look. I use Ralph Lauren smoke glaze to achieve the same look, it's great too. :)

  20. Oh, I cannot wait to try. I just added it to my Michael's shopping list (and yes, I have a list.) :)

  21. It really makes a difference in your kitchen sign - makes it look like someone would spend $200 on it from PB!

  22. Ahh, decorating dorks. LOVE it.even got the warm fuzzies! lol


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