
How Inspiring!

How many of you keep an inspiration book for decorating? It's the best thing I've done. You know how, sometimes when you see an adorable new idea, you can almost get stressed out, thinking "How am I going to ever make something that cute?" Well, maybe you don't get that feeling, but I do!

Now I just tear the page out of the magazine, or save it digitally if I see it online. Then I can always go back and shamelessly copy it, on my own time. Here are a few of my favorites:

Adorable Pottery Barn wreath! Not paying for it though...

image from PotteryBarn.com

I grabbed a glue gun, some moss in a bag, and a Styrofoam wreath. Ta Da! (Read about the wreath-making here.)

I have always loved this dresser, in an image torn out of Country Home magazine before it went under (the magazine, not the dresser):

image from Country Home, November 2008

Here's my renovated knock-off version (you can read more about it here):

How about a Ballard Designs "laundry" sign, with a $45 price tag? No thanks.

image from BallardDesigns.com

Here's my version of the laundry sign (that my husband made for me, using wooden letters from JoAnn's and some scrap wood). Probably cost $15 total. Click here to read more about it!

Here's one of the first inspiration pages I ever saved. It's dated October 2003. I loved the kitchen, and especially the "Eat, Drink and be Merry" sign.

So I made my own version, using a French phrase ("Let the Good Times Roll!"). It hangs above my kitchen sink just like my inspiration photo:

This next one, I admit, it's origin I can't recall. Somewhere online. Undoubtedly it's someone's home, and if that someone happens to be you, please tell me so I can credit you. Does it help you to know how much I love your family room, whoever you are?

You may not initially see the inspiration, but I loved how the photo frames above the couch are kind of hodge-podged, different colors, shapes, sizes. That's the look I was going for in my upstairs hallway. I am on the lookout for more frames at Goodwill.

Most of you probably keep an inspiration file anyway. But I just thought I'd show you, truly, how many of my ideas are pilfered. And as my parents used to tell me when my younger sister "copied" everything I did: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Get over it.

Have a great day!


  1. I have had a decorating/home notebook since I first got my own place in college. I just recently went through and organized it really well and threw out things that no longer interestede.

    I have sections for general home decor plus sections for each season of the tear where I keep holiday decorating ideas. I also have sections for articles on cleaning/organizing,parenting,skincare, and plants. I like to keep information about the plants and flowers that did well in my yard. So I remember for the next year.

  2. your laundry sign is soooo much better! I have an inspiration book... though I've never called it that... it's a loose leaf binder that has odds and ends tucked in.Perhaps I should dress it up and give it a fancy name!

  3. I love, love, love your laundry sign! That turned out sooo cute!

    Yep -- I have a folder full of inspiration!

    Happy Hump Day!

  4. Great post, Carrie.....and I do love that family room, too! I try to keep an inspiration book, but I am sadly behind in keeping it up.


  5. Carrie, here's the link for the photo. I loved it too and had it saved in my tumblr.
    Have a great rest of your week! :)

  6. I definitely keep an inspriation book....or seven. ;-) I have three ring binders for all the magazine pags I tear out...they're divided into categories like Holidays, Home Decor, Entertaining Ideas, etc. I totally agree it helps to keep those creative juices flowing sometimes! Love all the projects you have been "inspired" to create!

  7. Gosh Carrie, what an awesome, awesome post - thank you for sharing your inspiration with us all! It was so fun to see this!
    And your parents - oh so wise they are!!!!

    You did an AWESOME job on the wreath and dresser! =)


  8. Amen sister! It cracks me up when friends tell me I'm a good decorator. I have NO original ideas. I just study pages and copy. :)

  9. I love to browse through my folder of "ideas". It always puts a smile on my face. Hope you are having a great day.♥

  10. Love the photo wall and the round gold mirror add just the perfect look I think...I like too how you've mixed gold and black...everyone just does black it seems...

  11. Great post! I have done this a time or two, cut a magazine picture for inspiration. It is such a great incentive to start a project if you have a piece of paper sitting where you have to look at it every day...like on your kitchen counter. Speaking of incentives, your front door has inspired me to paint my front door and shutters in a shade of black this spring! I can't wait....

  12. I am the same way! I really need to come up with a good way to store all the ideas that I come across! Could the picture that you were unsure about be from Erika at Urban Grace Interiors? Looks really similar to pictures I've seen of her family room.

  13. So talented! Love all your "projects"!


  14. I have an idea file on my computer. I try to save things with the name of the blog so I can remember where I found them. Sometimes I forget though. I am wanting to start a wall of mirrors/frames in my dining room. Thanks for the inspiration.

  15. I passed on the “Happy 101” award to you today! Feel free to “accept” if it’s not too corny to you! :)

  16. Love your wreath. You are quite the talented lady.

  17. My inspiration notebook...and file on my computer are invaluable!!!

  18. As I go thru magazines I pull out pictures of images I would like to shoot : )

  19. You've inspired me; right now my inspiration notebook consists of a pile of ripped out magazine pages stuffed into a drawer. I want to get organized, go through them, and actually do some of them! I might start with that frame wall though- LOVE it!

  20. thank you for sharing your inspiration with us all! It was so fun to see this!

    Work from home India

  21. I love what you have done. I hope you don't mind if I copy your French sign above your sink. :) I'll give you the credit of course!

  22. Carrie, you are a really talented "cheater"! And I mean that with love. :)
    Such an inspiring post, I actually don't have an inspiration file, but I should, and now I will!

  23. The dresser turned out pretty good . . . I like it. Too bad about Country Home magazine, I sure do miss it. Enjoyed my first visit here. Thanks!

  24. I keep a three-ring binder with plastic page protectors. I slip inspiring ideas in and when they become less inspiring, take them out and replace them with NEW inspiring ideas. Actually, I DO feel quite a bit of stress about recreating beautiful rooms...that's probably not good, huh?

  25. I have an inspiration file on my computer where I save pictures of things that I like and want to copy. I'm not original, either, but I think you add your own style to something even if you are copying it, so it is still somewhat original. BTW, I LOVE that eat, drink and be merry sign, but I refuse to pay $60 for it. I've saved a picture of it and one of these days, I'm going to make my version of it and I hope it looks as good as yours!

  26. I also saw the picture with the hodge podge pictures and loved it. I recently re-arrange my living room so my big couch was along the wall. I love the lamps on each side and all the pictures. So far, I have the lamps on each side, now just to get my act together to get some frames and pictures going.

    I am trying to get an ispiration notebook, but everytime I rip out a picture I go back through the magazine and find more. It is almost like the whole magazine would have to go in the notebook.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)