
Mossing It Up

I've been adding moss to stuff lately. Well, not just lately, but more than usual lately. Make sense? :)

Our last name starts with a "G." (I found this one at Hobby Lobby.) Add a little floral moss from W*lMart...

It hangs over my kitchen sink now...but please excuse my photo! I couldn't get a clear shot unless I closed the blinds, and then of course the lighting looks sad and ugly, but you get the idea.
I also had this little urn that I picked up at Goodwill for $3.

One of those little Styrofoam balls was the perfect size for the top.

Isn't everything (in decorating, anyway!) better with moss?


  1. I really like your goodwill urn! Great find.

    Your "g" turned out cute! I love monograms!!!

  2. Girl....those are both such pretty ideas! Thanks for sharing them!

  3. This is cute moss. Unlike the moss growing on top of my garage which totally creeps me out. haha Two very cute projects! I have a bag of moss that I've had for almost a year and haven't done a thing with.

  4. ooooo... if I just hadn't recently given the old HobLob gilded letter a make-over with some paint, I would TOTALLY do this! So cute!!!

  5. Cute projects. I already have one of those hobby lobby letters - maybe I'll moss mine up too.
    Thanks for the ideas.

  6. I couldn't be this crafty for the LIFE of me and YOU pick up MOSS and make something look like it's worth $100! You're amazing!

  7. Love the "G".....it looks perfect hanging in your window!! I would have never thought to do that.......which is why I love your blog so much.....you always share the most brilliant things with us:)

    have a wonderful week!



  8. Ohhhh! I adore that G covered in moss. I must do this! I have some moss projects on my to-to list, but that letter covered one just got moved to the top. Thanks!

  9. Both of these projects are something I REALLY want to do this spring!!!
    Glue gun: Check!
    Last name Letter:Check!
    Moss??? CHECK!!!
    I am good to go...
    I will head to Salvation Army to look for a great urn-you, and a neighbor have such good fortune when you go-I am hoping I will too!

  10. Looks great. I made the same mossy monogram from Hobby Lobby a few months ago...still love it.


  11. Get your moss on!!!
    That letter is perfect.

    I might have to steal, I mean borrow, this idea. :)

  12. I love moss! I especially love the monogram. Thanks for all of your inspirational ideas!

  13. Great finds. The moss is definitely working for you.

  14. So very cute!! Love it! I tried something with moss once and it got everywhere! Yours looks fabulous!


  15. Carrie - you are so incredibly talented!

    You go Moss Girl! Everything looks FABULOUS!


  16. Love them! I've been wanting to do that with some urns I have--I think I'll do it for after Valentine's Day. I'd love to get some of my milk glass out of storage and out on display. :)

    ~ Sarah

  17. I love the G! I always see those letters and want to do something for our name but the "O"'s always end up looking like a plain old wreath!

  18. Both of your projects look great! I might have to try using some of that moss!

  19. Both projects look great! Love it! I need to invest in some moss! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Yes, everything IS better with moss! I love it too, and it's so much easier to have around that REAL plants! :)

  21. I made my moss covered letter tonight and posted it, along with links to your blog, here:
    Thanks again for a great idea!

  22. Great idea for the "G" - I saw those at Hobby Lobby as well.

  23. So funny if you sent your kiddos to school draped in moss! Just kidding. Love it too! great idea with the "G".

  24. The "G" turned out really cute. I feel like moss is a perfect way to green up, especially for spring. I have the "L" that I got from Hobby Lobby that I spray painted silver and added to the shelves in our dining area.

  25. You had me at MOSS! I'm so addicted to moss and ferns. Cute projects!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)