
The Queen Bee Book Review, Part I

I have been on a house-related book kick lately. Julia from Hooked on Houses posted about a few books that she loves, and I took her advice and checked them out. (I have a hard time sleeping at night, which is when I get a lot of reading done! Can anyone relate?)

This first book is hilarious, and totally worth a trip to the library. It's one of those books that you can pick up at odd hours, and just read little snippets as you have the spare time. Each chapter is short and topic-specific: one is just about decorating kids' rooms, or maybe just how to arrange books and knickknacks. I was totally hooked!

In one chapter, the author writes about her friend, Lisa, who had an empty room in her house for which she couldn't decide on furniture:

"My husband doesn't know what's wrong with me," Lisa continues. "Every day he asks, 'Why don't you you buy some furniture?' I feel so inadequate."

I nod sympathetically, though I can't recall a moment in my marriage when my husband has ever said, "Why don't you buy some furniture?" That would be rather like letting a bear loose in a butcher shop. Instead I flash on the two long years our living room remained unfurnished, unless you count the Barbie Jeep and the fake ficus.

"It's so embarrassing," I said back then to my husband. "People think we have no money."

"They're right," he said. Sometimes his realism really bugs me.

See? Hilarious! (Not to mention the fact that I see my own conversations with my husband in this exchange. Anyone else?)

I have a few other books that I've discovered, all house-related, so I'll be sharing those sometime soon! Let me know if you try one of my recommendations, in your (abundant, I'm sure) spare time. :)


  1. I just finished The Comfortable Home by Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams. It was aspirational yet tangible all at the same time. Maybe a tad bit more inpractical with a 3 and 5 yr old...

    Also, I am reading "To Your Taste" by Celerie Kimble...there are some nuggets of goodness in there but it feels less realistic to me. And some of the images are so....Palm Beachy.

    This book likes like a good one! THANKS!

  2. That sounds like a great book. I need to check and see if my library has it.

  3. I ALWAYS read at night! I have the same problem, with sleep. I so need to head over and check this book out! Any books on cleaning and organization that you have found? I would be really interested!

  4. I'll add this to my reading list. I think it was you that recommended Kate Morton- I got one of her books and LOVED it! The second one is on hold at the library right now. I have to pace myself because I forget everything else when I read and our house becomes a disaster and nobody eats. :)

  5. That sounds awesome Carrie - thank you so much for telling us about it!

    I'll have to see if I can find it! =)


  6. Looks good - I'll have to go check it out (literally).;)
    Thanks, Carrie.

  7. Thanks for the tip! Will definitely look for that one!


  8. I love Hooked on Houses. One of my most favorite blogs.

    I passed on the Beautiful Blogger Award to you.


  9. I read this book last summer and LOVED it. You're right - so darn funny! I felt like Marni too - if only my husband would tell me to go buy furniture. A girl can dream, can't she?

  10. I love funny authors-so I am in to read that!!!
    Thanks for the review-

  11. Hi,
    Funny you brought this up ~ I just finished the first chapter of this book! I got it on Amazon for only $4.80 including shipping:) Marne writes a weekly column in my local newspaper which is what got me hooked. I like the play on words "The House Always Wins", just like gambling in a casino :)
    Karen A.

  12. Hi,

    I love to read Marni's column in the Denver Post on Saturday mornings - glad to hear her book is good, too. Did you know that she lives around Evergreen?
    Thanks for sharing all of your decorating fun with us. I enjoy reading your blog, and can relate as a fellow Denverite and mom of two little ones!


  13. Hi,
    I have been a blog stalker for awhile, just finally posting for the 1st time. Thanks for the review of this book, sounds like something right up my alley. Love the little tidbit you shared. Sounds like a convo my Hubbs and I would have, too!

  14. I have been getting caught up with your blog and just read your post about not being an "on the ball blogger". I am not an "on the ball blogger" either. In fact, I am a pretty poor blogger, but in the rare times I do get to visit other blogs, I enjoy doing it. And even more rare, are my blog posts... they tend to coincide with my vacation days. Always enjoy seeing what you're up too!

  15. Sounds like a great book..I think I better get my hands on a book too...Hope you have a wonderful day.. hugs..

  16. My mom and dad always joked that their first living room decor was "Early Tonka." I'll check out the book -- looks great!

  17. That sounds like a great book. I need to check and see if my library has it.

    Work from home India


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)