
I've Got Wreaths in Weird Places

My husband recently pointed out that I have a bit of a wreath obsession. As I looked around my house, I realized he was right. I buy (or make, in most cases) these things, and then I am bound and determined to find a place to put them.

For example, we all know about putting wreaths on our front doors.

And sometimes we put wreaths on the back of the front door, like this apple version I just made.

But then we get tired of it on the back of the door, so we move it to the dining room hutch. I strung a pretty green ribbon and then just attached it to one of those removable plastic hooks on the top of the hutch.

Then I decided that the mirror in the master bathroom was quite large and boring. Just a little grapevine wreath in the center makes me feel better.

I made another wreath a few months ago and would not rest until I found a place for it in my house. (To see how I made this Pottery Barn knockoff, click here!) Windows that are not being constantly opened and closed, or covered by curtains, are great places for a wreath!

This chalkboard in my family room looked a little lonely all by itself, so adding a wreath on top gave it a bit more dimension, and brought some green into the room too. If I ever feel the need to move it and actually write on the chalkboard, the wreath is just tacked to the top of the frame with an upholstery tack.

See? Lots of room for wreaths around the house...not just the front door! They can be cheap to make, can bring lots of color into a room, and just make a space feel more finished. Now you can be all wreath-obsessed like me!


  1. A couple of weeks ago, I talked about the same thing. I have them on my kitchen counter, too! I love Wreaths! They are so fun and yours are too~
    sandy toe

  2. I love the wreaths in random places. warms up the place. that makes me want to add another one. isn't it funny how you don't realize you have a lot of something? I had that revelation with birds in my house a week ago!

  3. I hang wreaths on furniture and mirrors too. Great minds think alike!

  4. Oooo. Wreath love. Thanks for the idea about the bathroom mirror. They all look great.

  5. I love the wreath on the bathroom mirror. We also have the large mirror in the bath that needed something...thanks for the inspiration!!

  6. Love all the beautiful wreath..Just beautiful...You go girl...

  7. Love these ideas. Everything you do looks beautiful though, so I'm not surprised!

  8. Cute, Carrie...and none of US think you have a problem...so there! :)


  9. I don't think they are in weird places. they add a special extra to a room.

  10. I hang wreaths on our hutch and on windows with only cafe curtains...totally normal. lol

  11. I always have something on my hutch. Usually a painting that is waiting to dry. I hang all around and wait to see is someone wants it. I paint all the time. I don't know what I am going to do with all of them. I will have a giveaway in November.

  12. I like all the wreaths!! I didn't know that one was a Pottery Barn knockoff... I was thinking about making one like it! :)

  13. Wreaths are fabulous. I liked your square one too. Didn't you have a boxwoodesque one, or was that someone else? Anyhow, I hang wreaths on doors, cabinets, windows, backs of chairs, etc. Right there with you girlfriend!

  14. I need wreaths....in a major way. I have none hanging. One sitting on a box bc I can't decide where to hang him. Now I have a plethora of ideas. Thank you!

  15. I think wreaths look cute anywhere! They're just so quaint and welcoming. My mom always puts them in her bathroom over the mirror or window...and sometimes she hangs them over the showerhead of the guest bathroom (when no one is using it, of course) and leaves the shower curtain drawn. It looks really cute.

    Hope you're having a great week!♥

  16. Well since your my friend I won't say obsession....hmmm I think they look GREAT!!! :)

  17. Your wreaths are so homey. Very Pretty! I need more wreaths! I don't always know what to do with them...thanks for the inspiration.

  18. Love your wreaths! I put them on furniture and mirrors too...love how they look there. Hope you have a FUN week!


  19. Uh oh. I don't have a single wreath in my house. Not even on the front door, that's where my huge monogram goes! :)
    Think I needed some lessons, thanks, girl!

  20. That is okay! I have a wreath and window obsession!

  21. Am I the only one that read your post title to the tune of a Garth Brooks song?! Is that what you intended?

    I love your wreaths.
    I wish I had a house and the expected accompanying storage so I could have more wreaths.

    For now, I have one year round wreath on my condo door (I'm getting a bit tired of it.) and for Winter season... I have a sparkly clear/white crystal encrusted wreath. I keep it up from Dec 1 to the end of Feb.

    I have some red heart ornaments that I put on it for February - see... I can be as cool as you!

  22. I love them too! and yours look great, love the one on the bathroom mirror

    I've been collecting the 'wreath' bit from garage sales for nothing, just need to get working on them


  23. Hi Carrie,
    I'm a newbie to your blog and I really enjoyed your post about your wreath fetish. I have a similar fetish but it's with berry garlands. I have garlands around my chandeliers, in my antique wood bowls, on our front door and they'll be a couple wound around our Christmas Tree as well. Just love them. They seem to blend perfectly with our circa 1724 house somehow.
    Take care,

  24. I stumbled on your blog recently and I am so glad I found you. I'll have to go back and read all your past entries. I love your taste and style!

  25. Google reader suggested your blog to me - how funny, I'm wreath obsessed too! I have just like your front door photo hanging on the wall behind my stove! My 4 year old loves the apple wreath - I think we'll be trying that out soon! You should take pics later on of your Christmas wreaths - I bet you have bunch just waiting to come out (I wait all year for the chance to put my glass ornament ball wreath up!).

  26. I love all of your wreaths! Most of the ones I see are somewhat tacky looking but not yours! Is there a wreath give-a-way in your bloggy future?!?!? If not, the tutorials are very helpful :-)


  27. Well if you love wreaths you will love my giveaway! I am giving away a set of 12 berry wreath napkin rings! Stop on by and take a peek. I love your blog by the way! I will be back.

  28. Beautiful! I like the one in the bathroom and the front door the best. You gave me some ideas for my new house. Thanks!

  29. I also love wreaths, they add such a wonderful touch to doors and even just on the wall or just laying kind of slanted on a chest..I had a Christmas one, very simple and I laid it on a chest,kind of propped up until I could hang it and I got so many compliments on the way I propped it I just left it...lol, I am a new follower and I will be back...come visit

  30. I love wreaths too!! I don't have them all of my house, but you are giving me some very fun ideas. :) Thanks!! I love love LOVE all of yours!!

  31. I love a nice wreath : ) Your new apple one is fab!

  32. Hmm, I sense an obsession.

    Oh, and I'm reminded to put up my fall wreath (just a little late!).

  33. I am just getting into the wreath obsession, but I can totally see myself putting wreaths everywhere. They are just too darn cute. I love your style!

  34. I love your pottery barn wreath but i can't get the link to open up. Is there somewhere else that I can look to see how to make that wreath.Love your blog.Thanks

  35. Jennifer-
    I fixed the link to the Pottery Barn copy wreath. Good luck!


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