
Polka Dot Alphabet

For the longest time, I've been meaning to show you all a little gift idea that I use all the time. I am sure you've seen these wooden letters. I bought mine at Michael's, but I've seen similar ones at Joann's, Hobby Lobby, etc.

I love to get these letters for people as baby gifts. I just spray paint them, and then use a little round sponge brush to make the dots. I staple a grosgrain ribbon to the back.

Nina and Henry both have them hanging on their bedroom doors.

You know, in case they forget where their rooms are. Or for whenever they learn to read.

Next time you are looking for a unique little gift, give one of these a try! Or who says you can't make one for your own kids? :)

Have a great Halloween! I'll be back next week with a fun idea for the holiday season, a giveaway (yippee!) and maybe a few photos from our weekend. We're going to a Halloween party where the whole family gets to dress up. Yep, should be interesting!


  1. Adorable idea, Carrie!!! Love those!


  2. You're not going to believe this but I did the exact same thing to the letters in Averi's room! Round sponge brush and all. I painted the letters light pink and did brown and white polka dots in two different sizes. They turned out great! I like how the sponge effect makes them look.

  3. Here is the other weird thing...I was wondering last night what I could hang on the girls doors to identify their rooms! Great idea!

  4. Cute idea. Have a great Halloween with the kiddos.

  5. So simple and cute. I may have to do this for my kids and a gift. Thanks.

  6. Hi Carrie..
    great idea!
    glad to see you aren't all snowed in!
    I posted a few from my home yesterday.I'll be out and about today with the camera..
    can't wait to see your Halloween party pics! Have fun!

  7. Cute, cute, cute... I have letters for my kids sitting on my work bench. Still unfinished!

  8. Great idea -- yours are so cute!! Have a fun Halloween! Photos of the whole family all dressed up are required next week -- don't forget! ;)


  9. I always love a monogram! Great idea!

  10. my boys both have letters on their doors too and my 2.5 year old who doesn't know any letters of the alphabet at all now knows what a K is and that it stands for Kaed. So hurray for educational decorating :)

  11. I love those letters from Hobby Lobby...I also discovered a place called craftcuts.com. You can have letters cut from TONS of fonts for CHEAP. I did both of my girl's names on the wall in their rooms....I've also looked at them to do a HUGE monogram on our bathroom wall...This post makes me wanna go order those letters!

  12. Those are absolutely adorable! Hope you have a fun-filled Halloween!

  13. I love these letters. I did my daughter's name like this and put it in her bedroom under wall words, so cute!!!


  14. You are soooo creative! What a perfect gift!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. The letters are adorable. Have a great weekend!

  16. Had to come over when I saw your name at one of the blogs I was leaving a comment on. The Queen Bee-
    Love it! I just became a bee keeper this summer and so the name caught my attention!

    Then I see you are in Castle Rock- I live in Walsenburg, CO-- almost neighbors! LOL


  17. I have something similar on my kids room doors-
    My bff made the kids a small (4x5?) canvas painted with their names and designed like their rooms-an airplane for one, and trucks for two of them...
    I love things hanging on the doors!

  18. What a cute idea. Thanks for sharing!

  19. LOVE YOUR Super cute idea!!!
    Have fun trick-or-treating. We love to all dress up. Fun memories!
    God's blessings, Sarah :D

  20. What a fabulous idea!

    Hope you are all having fun celebrating Halloween!


  21. These are so cute....and a wonderful idea for a gift!

    Happy Halloween to you all!


  22. As so as I saw this, i thought 'Christmas garland!'. Im going to find letters half that size to make one now!

  23. Such a great idea. I love it : )

  24. Love those letters! The polka dots are adorable on them.

  25. The polka dots are so much fun! This is adorable. I recently found you and I JUST LOVE your blog!! I'm a new follower too. :)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)