
Fall Decorating for the Black Thumbs Among Us

You may or may not remember my problem with plants...keeping them alive, that is. But I will assure you, I have a problem. Whatever creative ability I have is strictly limited to crafts and decorating. The gardening gene has totally eluded me.

So every fall I have this debate in my head: Should I buy some mums for the front porch? I know I will kill them. But they look so pretty! But they'll be dead in a week. But I like them! Seriously with this? Dead. In a week. Bummer!

This year I decided to skip the mums, save the money, and just put pumpkins in the places where plants usually go. So my urns? They are now holding fake grass ($2 at W*lMart) and a cute pumpkin.

My tabletop has a dried gourd that requires no green thumb from me.

And my window boxes have an array of mini-pumpkins and gourds.

This makes me happy because 1) I still get that pop of fall color on my front porch, 2) this stuff can stay on the porch through Thanksgiving, look all cute and autumn-y, but 3) no watering!

Give it a try if you are as "challenged" as I am!


  1. Doesn't have to be "alive" to be beautiful. The spirit is the thing. Love your windowboxes.

  2. Looks lovely... and no "dead-heading" those nasty mums!

  3. Your decor, is MY decor! I also have a black thumb, and debated internally about the mums-I decided I would rather spend 40 dolllars on something I could keep, so made a trip to Hobby Lobby instead...I just killed off my final plant...I am just terrible with living plants-

  4. i was going to buy some "fallish" stuff today to put in my window boxes with a little moss. Great ideas... i'm off!

  5. Smart. I love the window box because little pumpkins are my favorite. Happy Fall!

  6. Fall is perfect - with all the pumpkins and gourds - no watering needed! Yours looks great.

  7. Looks fantastic! Fall decorating is so cozy I think!

  8. So funny....I posted about putting gourds in window boxes today as well. Great minds think alike!!!

  9. Your porch looks fabulous and screams fall! I'm not a huge fan of mums so adore the use of lots and lots of pumpkins!

  10. Great alternative. I'm shocked my mums are still living - I seriously doubt they'll make it til Thanksgiving.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Mums are like azaleas; they look great for about a WEEK.....pumpkins last a little longer and look great. Nice job!


  12. So cute! My only problem is that the squirrels in the neighborhood would be having a huge party and inviting all their friends if I put real pumpkins and gourds out! Believe me, squirrels are messy partiers -- pumpkin guts everywhere! I may try fake pumpkins!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. This cracked me up because I have very similar urns on my front porch. I went for the mums this year, beautiful fully orange ones. Loved them. They died just a couple weeks later because I suck. : ) I love your solution to this issue. It all looks great and I will keep this in mind for next year instead of wasting money. : )

  14. This is my idea of decorating too, Carrie! I painted some pumpkins this year and tied a cute ribbon on them - they now decorate the house and require no watering! :)

  15. So cute - thanks for sharing your ideas!No mums for me either.

  16. I love your little front porch table with the rug and everything!

  17. Fellow black thumb here ... if I could just convince my in-laws to stop buying me mums every fall. Oh, and they expect me to PLANT them before the snow. Love your decorating ideas - thanks for the inspiration.

  18. You are so funny! I love the pumpkins...they look great!

  19. We must be related...I am the same way. I even have that same conversation with myself regarding the mums! I like your pumpkin idea.

  20. I adore your pumpkins! I would never have thought of the little pumpkins and the gourd in windowboxes! I have a black thumb also, so I'm taking notes!

  21. Love it all! I haven't been by in awhile...I've been missing alot! The new blog look is awesome!

  22. I guess I am one step ahead of you in the color business. My thumb is only brown. I keep plants for months, sometimes up to a year, then BAM - they die! Go figure...
    Love your numbered pumpkins & your window box of gourds/pumpkins. My mums are still alive and pretty. Shock! You can see them in my last post.
    :-) Sue

  23. Oh how I love a punkin....We went to our local farmer's market today, and I ooohed, ahhhhed, and packed my car full of so many different types and colors... There are tons to see over on my blog. LOVE yours!

  24. Oops... Since I have about 22 blogs I thought I should leave you the address!

  25. Looks great! No watering...that's always a win-win! ;)

  26. As always - darling post!!! You've been awarded the Kreativ Blog Award here -


  27. Love all your fall primping! I'm going to attempt to monogram a pumpkin ~ I'll post if it works out.

    Your bracelet is fabulous. I really like the idea of using your anniversary date.


  28. Love all your fall primping! I'm going to attempt to monogram a pumpkin ~ I'll post if it works out.

    Your bracelet is fabulous. I really like the idea of using your anniversary date.


  29. Yay for living things you can't kill : )


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)