
Anniversary Bracelet Cuteness

A few weeks ago, I won something! Did any of you participate in The Nester's Giveaway Day? So fun! I just recently broke down and got a Post Office Box, which excites me to no end, because now I can enter fun giveaways like this. Before, my husband and I had an agreement that I needed to keep this blog anonymous, as much as possible, because I do post photos of my kiddos and real life. So my home address, no matter how many lovely ladies I met (and there have been a lot!), needed to stay private.

But now I have a PO Box and so it's time for some fun! OK, enough about my postal woes. Want to see what I've won?

This beautiful bracelet from Joey and Chase Designs!

She let me choose the date to display on the bracelet, as well as the colors. The date is my wedding anniversary. (I know what you are thinking. I should get one for my husband so that he never forgets. He's just not the bangle bracelet type...what's a girl to do?)

I love wearing it! If you're looking for a unique Christmas gift for a girlfriend, mom or sister, this would be so fun. Or maybe for that forgetful husband, who knows...


  1. Very cute!!!

    I think this is perfect..we all wear so many things about our kids...but sometimes we forget how we got those kids....

    remembering your anniversary is sweet~
    sandy toe

  2. I love that-what a great idea to put your wedding date on there-

  3. Looks great on you, CArrie, and I'm so glad you can now participate in giveaways!!! Cool...


  4. Hi Carrie....
    Lucky you!!
    the bracelet is beautiful!
    and I too would've chosen my anniversary date..
    You and i are sharing the same view this morning...
    ♥ warm hugs and smiles..

  5. So cute - that is adorable!! Hmmm - maybe my Hub needs one -- one year I actually had to show him our wedding invitation to prove I had the date right and he was off by a day -- late, of course! :)


  6. Very pretty & here's to more winning in the future.

  7. That is my wedding day also, just 5years earlier! Cute bracelet!

  8. Adorable!

    I actually had our wedding date engraved on the inside of his wedding ring. Just so he wouldn't have the excuse!

  9. Very cute! Looks great on you. CoNGratES on winning. The Twins

  10. Your man's not a bangle-bracelet-wearin'-kind-o-guy? BE GLAD! At Casa St. Michael, I always say that if there's money to be spent on hair, jewelry, or clothes, it should be spent on ME! LOL!

    Enjoy your gorgemous bracelet!


  11. i love it but i love your watch too!~ do tell...i am on the lookout for a new one, i want tag, we'll see if santa brings it, ha! hope all is well.

  12. I love those bracelets. I have a double one with my girls names on it but it keeps breaking. Drives me crazy.


  13. Congrats! It's a lovely win!


  14. Very cute. I love your watch too. Congrats on the PO Box!

  15. What a great choice! Congrats on the win.

  16. I saw that you won on that giveaway - how fun! It looks great on you!

  17. You lucky duck! That is a fabulous bracelet! So glad you got a P.O. Box!!

  18. Lucky you ... it's beautiful. I'm with you guys on the PO box ... can't be too careful.

  19. Looks great on you! Enjoy it! :)

  20. What a handy idea...I might look into this!

  21. LOL, we have the same anniversary! My husband and I got married on July 31, 1999 =0)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)