
More Cowboy Cuteness

Happy Tuesday!

A few more little peeks into Henry's adorable cowboy room. It's really too bad he's only eight months old and really doesn't care about this at all. If he only knew how lucky he was. :)

An ugly lampshade I got for $1 at a garage sale. Poor thing.

But look what happens when she meets some sassy polka-dot fabric. Hello cutie! (For a tutorial on recovering a lampshade with fabric, click here.)

U-G-L-Y. I think even the woman at Goodwill who sold this frame to me for $5 was wondering if I had cracked up.

Chalkboard paint. A refreshing little wood stain on the frame. And grosgrain ribbon. All of which I had on hand in the garage. I'd say that's a good use of $5!

It's all coming together! Next I will show you the final product...I hope it's worth the wait!


  1. Oh, how fun you are making Henry's room.....love the brown and red...and your projects are looking good!! Can't wait to see the whole room!!


  2. So very cute....you have the "eye"!
    sandy toe

  3. The frame turned out perfect... An old neighbor of mine used to have that same "farm" collage print hanging in her home years ago! Goes without saying, your chalkboard is much better indeed!

  4. Oooh, this all makes for a gorgeous bedroom! Great job!

  5. I know it will be worth the way. I love both items. I just love polka dot fabric!

  6. I feel like Wayne & Garth at an Aerosmith concert...


    You are thrify, girl!

    and that horrible art...looks so familiar...I think my parents had that SAME print somewhere in the house when I was little....oh, SHAME!!

  7. you are THRIFTY...

    Not thrify...


  8. Oh wow -- so much cuteness in one place! Adorable!


  9. I can't wait to see it all together! The lamp shade turned out great, as well as the chalk board.

  10. Cute framed chalkboard! I love the lamp makeover too. I am a sucker for polka dots.

  11. My grandmother and my aunt had the ugly picture when I was growing up. I like the chalkboard much better!

  12. Ha! I think my mom had that picture when I was really young. You did a great job transforming the ugly into cute :-) Isn't it so much fun decorating for kids? They are SO easy to please! Can't wait to see the entire cowboy room, which by the way is so fitting for Colorado.


  13. Love the embellishments to the little cowboys room!

  14. I wish you could mail me a touch of you inspiration so I could finish my boys' room! :)
    It's looking great! Can't wait to see the reveal!
    Blessings, Shilo

  15. Seeing what you've done in the rest of your house...I'm sure it will be worth the wait! Can't wait to see the adorable nursery!

  16. Can't wait to see it all together.

  17. So cute! All your little touches are adorable. I can't wait to see it all together.

  18. I bought the same ugly picture for $5 not too long ago :). It looks great so far and I'm sure it will be adorable all pulled together. I just finished my boys' room too. Come over for a look when you get the chance.


  19. Holy cow! You are soooo good! I am pretty sure we had that ugly artwork when I was growing up too. It looks familiar!

  20. Too cute for words! I just love the lamp. I want one for my house. :) Can't wait to see the whole room put together!

  21. Ha! I love when people at Goodwill give you funny looks when they check out your items. The chalkboard turned out cute with a rustic feel. All of the little details just add so much character to a room. Looking forward to seeing the finished room!

  22. I am sure it will be worth the wait!! What you have showed us so far has been fantastic......it is all the little things that make a difference and you have such an eye for the little things. Not to mention that you know how to achieve the look at a bargain price:)

    Have a great night!


  23. the frame turned out great! looks like it is from the pages of pottery barn. way to go!!!

  24. You are seriously AMAZING. Amazing. I am Loving everything you are showing us so far. Amazing.

  25. That looks soo cute! I am doing a farm animal theme for my baby using the farm baby crib set found at Babies R us. What cute ideas you have! I've also seen people use vinyl on the wall with the saying, 'Lil Buckaroo' in a red vinyl...I'm so doing this in my baby room. I'll send a photo once it's complete although it might be two months or so.

    Thanks again for all of your great ideas!

  26. Ca-ute. That frame looks so great with the chalkboard in it.

    Amanda @ blackandwhiteandhomeallover

  27. What fun ~ you are so darn creative! I could never "see" those items and turn them into such treasures.

    Quick question~ have you ever recovered anything? I have something I want to try but I'm not exactly sure how are where to start.


  28. I am always amazed at the uses you find for things. I can't wait to see the finished room!

  29. You are so creative!
    I am always inspired!!!!

  30. Oh my gosh, those polka dots are AWESOME. Love the chalkboard too. I hope Henry appreciates all of your hard work! ;) well, at least you'll get to enjoy it!

  31. The lampshade in this post is pleated and it looks like you were removing it to add the red fabric...I would love to know how you replaced it with the dot fabric. I'm pretty craft-challenged but can do okay if I have a step-by-step and I have several of those ugly pleated shades! Thanks, Carrie!

  32. Karen,
    The pleats were super-easy to remove...just ripped them right off and I was left with just the shell of the lampshade. For the "how to" on recovering a lampshade with fabric, check out the link in this post to my lampshade tutorial from a few months ago! :)

  33. Too cute! I just made my daughter a burlap shade , I was going to buy her one from Target and throw the old one away but after seeing these all over blog land I decided to try it and it was super easy.
    His room is coming together so cute and can't wait to see the reveal.

  34. Very cute projects, I'm looking forward to seeing his little cowboy room.

  35. Hi Carrie..
    looks as if we somehow are neighbors!
    love your blog! have had to start a new one as the powers that be wont let me into my old one..Lou in Denver
    so..won't you and your friends join me at my work in progress?..
    Mountain Mermaid
    hope to see ya!

  36. Love the chalkboard!!! And thanks for the tips on Hob Lob. :)

  37. Oh Carrie! I just love the lamp! And that chalk board is AWESOME! You are so creative and fun. I want to be more like you. Or have you come decorate my house, either or : )
    I know the final thing will be worth the wait! What do you ever make that is NOT worth the wait? : )

  38. Greetings Carrie~ I'm finally back from my summer long blogcation.
    I've sure missed your creative inspiration!
    I've had that same funny look by the Goodwill clerks too. It usually means a good deal for me. I love the cowboy theme. I'm working on a cowboy bench for a holiday bazaar. I'll let you know if it turns out.

    I've enjoyed catching up. Please stop by...I look forward to the return of your company.
    Sweet wishes,

  39. Oh how FUNNY....my MOM had that UGLY print back in the 70's...hard to believe that someone still had it in 2009...it was UGLY back then.
    Thanks for sharing.


  40. My mom STILL has that ugly picture in her dining room. I may have to steal it next time I'm over there.

    So funny how many of us had that print in our homes growing up. It must have been a blue light special or something!

    Henry's room turned out great. So creative as usual!

  41. How cute! Love your blog too.

    I have a thing for bees too.

    cristin @ simplified bee


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)