
Henry's Tour de Nursery

Welcome to Henry's room! Come on in. Henry would like to show you around. He's very excited.

Check out this little hook with the cowboy boots on it! Henry has been hunting for something to hang his footed PJ's on in the morning.

He is very proud of this vintage cowboy fabric on his rocking chair. His mama got it on clearance for $6 a yard, which just excites Henry to no end. He loves a deal.

This chalkboard is a great way to create a "headboard," so Henry's crib can come out from the wall rather than be smashed up against it. Otherwise the whole room has this "spin cycle" effect, where all the furniture feels pushed up against the wall, with no dimension. This is Henry's decorating sense at work, I tell you.

He loves the shelf above his changing table, and keeps some of his favorite pieces up there. A boy needs something to look at when he's getting his diaper changed.

Above all, Henry is a worldly sort of cowboy, and wants to be reminded of this with a kitschy globe on his dresser. And check out his cowboy art, painted by his mama and aunt, next to the window.

Speaking of the window, he also loves how the chocolate-and-cream buffalo check curtains tie the room together. And P.S.? The curtains have a room darkening liner, perfect for those little cowboy naps! (Curtains from Pottery Barn Kids.)

Who knew an eight month old baby boy could have such a sense of style? Next stop: HGTV.


  1. I'm so excited your back! I've missed having posts to read from you!! Henry's room is ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing HIS design expertise with us!

  2. It turned out so cute! I love that Henry has such a trained eye and great sense of style at the ripe old age of...how many months now??? I am in love with your buffalo check curtains.

  3. Did he get his style in "Utero"?
    He really has the "eye"-when does he hire himself out??!!

  4. fabulous... love the checked curtains,too. i just did a chalkboard in my kitchen area. now, i want to do them EVERYWHERE! i need professional help. yours is perfectly placed. kudos!

  5. Henry is one stylin' cowboy!!! LOoks great!


  6. Henry has fabulous taste! His room turned out soooo cute!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Love, love, love the checked curtains. What little boy wouldn't want to spend time in that room - beautiful.

  8. so sweet!! I love it, the chalkboard headboard is amazing!!

  9. It just doesn't get any cuter than that!

  10. It turned out great! I just love the theme that you went with. So out of the ordinary of what you find in the stores.

  11. So cute! Just like Henry...so it's perfect.

  12. This is adorable - but what happened to the striped panels? I do love the buffalo check!

  13. What a sweet room. I had a cowboy when my son was little too. God bless their hearts!

  14. Oh, I LOVE IT!!!

    Great job, the details are adorable! :)

  15. He already has a GREAT sense of style! I absolutely LOVE it!!

  16. His nursery is so cute!! I love all the cowboy touches. Those curtains are adorable!!

  17. Henry's nursery is absolutley adoreable. He has such style. : )

  18. Loving Henry's room! He does have fabulous taste.

  19. What a beautiful room! It's gonna be a room he can grow with, he wont outgrow it soon!

  20. Oh my goodness! His room his adorable... I think the cowboy theme is too cute & so much of the colors/style can move into big-boy days too. Great job!

  21. Oh my! "Henry" really thought of everything! Not a detail missed! :) Great work, little buddy. You have an amazing career ahead of you! :)

  22. Henry's room looks terrific! You did a great job! I love the cowboy boot hook! It's perfect and the cowboy art looks great on the walls! He is a lucky little cowboy to have that fun room! : )

  23. What a great little designer! His room is adorable.

  24. I love it! And all of it will work as he grows older :)

  25. That Henry! What a lot of talent in a precious little bundle! His room looks awesome.

  26. Stunning!!!! I especially love the first shot of him sitting on the floor. Does he have a rocking horse? I think he needs one ;)

    Seriously, I think clothing and decorating for boys is so much fun because it is more of a challenge to make it special and good looking and not generic.

    You have outdone yourself!

  27. Darling Carrie! I love the brown...esp. the dot shade and buffalo check panels. I just saw a choc. brown minky dot change pad cover on sale too at b.r.us too that would be a fun extra to have. Hope all is well, can't believe he is 8 months already!

  28. Oh that Henry! What a good design eye he has. He takes after his momma. His room is so darling! Please thank him for the tour for me. Seeing him in the first picture totally made me smile. :)

  29. I love touring Henry's room! The cowboy theme is just precious!

  30. It turned out great! I love the use of browns & reds...rather than the too common blues & greens. Nice job Henry!

  31. Precious! The cowboy boot hook and the vintage fabric on the chair might be my favorite details. The paintings are so adorable in their spots by the curtains. I love that Henry can totally "grow into" his Western room as a big boy too.

  32. Love it. You are seriously A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Seriously.

  33. Adorable!! I knew your Henry would have a great sense of style too! Sign him up for the next HGTV designstar competition -- he's sure to win!

    Hope y'all have a good weekend!


  34. Henry is not only adorable...he is quite talented...Maybe he should try out for next years HGTV design star?!!!!!!

  35. I had been forgetting to check to see if you were back to blogging. I'm glad I came over today. Henry's nursery looks adorable! I love the cowboy theme. He has such great taste! ;)

    Hope you're having a fabulous Friday!♥

  36. First time reader-- your blog is so cute! I love the nursery. And hey, my daughter is the same age!

  37. What an adorable room... it turned out great!

  38. He has great taste and is very creative. I wonder where he gets it from. Great job on the room and I love the hook with the cowboy boots.

  39. Everything is so cute! Great job!

  40. That little Henry is too amazing for words : ) LOVE the decorations to bits! The fabric is amazing! And that globe is too perfect! You are the coolest mom around!

  41. I adore this room. I love all the attention to detail!

  42. It was almost freaky...I'm sitting on our couch, looking at your pictures...the boys have the same globe...sitting right in front of me...same angle and everything! Your room is too cute, love the not to cartoony cowboy theme!

  43. He certainly is a talented designer! Is he available to come over and help me with my new project? It's actually a footstool/small ottoman. Perhaps you could provide some insight? :)


  44. Wow, little H has quite the style! I love all the details...everything fits together so perfectly! :)

  45. Henry's room is fabulous. He's one very stylish boy. : )

    Love how it all came together. This is how I love to see little boys rooms. With all kinds of goodness/textures and not matchy-matchy.

  46. Did you know I am starting this Friday to do home tours of peoples homes, if you want your name on the list let me know.
    Be sure to come by tonight around 9pm (Eastern time) for the announcement so you don't miss out. I promise-it good-really really good.
    Its So Very Cheri

  47. I love, love, love it!!! Such an adorable and masculine room!

  48. Carrie, the vintage cowboy look is adorable!

  49. Carrie,
    Hope you are all doing well, he is just adorable, and so is his little cowboy oasis!

  50. The room looks great! I really like how the bed isn't pushed up against the wall. And I love those curtains. Great job, Henry!!

  51. Sooo cute! Henry has talent! :) Love it!

  52. Sorry I missed this one....I fell off the bloggy wagon this past week. His room looks incredible.....you really did a superb job with everthing.....the little details really make it cozy. I hope little Henry loves it:)


  53. Super super cute! I love your sense of style. :)

  54. I think clothing and decorating for boys is so much fun because it is more of a challenge to make it special and good looking and not generic.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)