
Pee-Pee Teepee, Anyone?

Hi everyone!

I think that JoAnn Fabrics, Hobby Lobby and Michael's must certainly be hurting financially because of my 6 week absence.  Hopefully you all are picking up my slack out there!

Thankfully, Jamie at Right at Home has tagged me, and I will take it on since my home projects are all half-finished at the moment.  :)  Thanks, Jamie!  

Eight Random Things About Me:

1. The nuances of having two males in my house are abundant!  Who knew that a 6-week-old boy would rival his father in terms of his, ah, nocturnal noises?  Toots, burps, and grunts are the norm in my life these days!  

2. I am a sucker for my DVR.  Since we are house-bound, we have gotten into Friday Night Lights, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, and, of course, Lost.  Can anyone relate?

3. I love being an auntie!  Baby Caroline is such a joy, even in the two short weeks she has been here.  I can't wait for all the girlie-girl times to come!  Here's a recent photo of me, my daughter Nina, and sweet niece Caroline:

4. My latest obsession: Cookies and cream ice cream.  I figure that the baby needs the calories to grow big and strong, right? 

5. My dad and his wife are visiting this week from Ohio to meet the two new grandbabies!  He just celebrated his 60th birthday, and my sister and I are flying them out as a birthday gift.  I can't wait!

6. Just had my six-week checkup at my "lady doctor."  Things are all good...and I got the approval to start working out again.  Oh goodie!  (Sense the sarcasm.)  I wonder what this will do to my ice cream habits?

7. Two words: Pee-Pee Teepee.  Am I the only one who hadn't heard of this?

8. Baby Henry is cuter every day and is now weighing over 8 pounds!  Not bad for a little 5lb. 13 oz. peanut!  Check out his little chubby cheeks!


  1. That is the sweetest photo of baby Henry - what a precious little smile! The picture of you and the girls is adorable, too. :) Oh, and I had never heard of the teepee thing, either - but what a great invention. Hope you have a wonderful week enjoying your little ones!

  2. I only watch DVR'd shows now and i get irritated at comercials. i am a reality tv girl survivor, amazing race, top chef etc....

  3. Hi Carrie~
    Baby Henry changes everytime I see a picture of him...such a cutie! Love the one of you and the girls, too! Nope, the pee-pee teepee is new to me!

  4. I can very much relate to being in love with the DVR, especially for Lost (I can't believe it's not on this week!). I've heard of the pee pee teepee and we needed one for Caleb's first few weeks...he got everyone!
    Happy Tuesday and enjoy your little ones (all 3).

  5. I enjoyed reading your random list. I love the DVR too!

    Cute picture of Henry! Sounds like things are going great!

  6. What a sweet babe! I only heard of the teetee peepee recently---when I had a new nephew. ; )

    I love your antique wagon mirror.

  7. Oh what cute pictures!

    Have fun with your family coming~

    Sandy toe

  8. Your son is so cute! Love his little smile.

    No DVR here but we watched The Office on DVD over Christmas break (all seasons!) and I LOVE that show!

  9. I have 2 boys, so I had pee-pee teepees in my life. I didn't use them as often as I should have, so I ended up having to change clothes quite a bit!
    I'm glad your family is coming for a visit. I just love when my parents come to town. And you are right about master Henry. He is just getting cuter and cuter, if that is even possible!

  10. So adorable - both babies. We are totally addicted to Friday Night Lights - it's so good.
    Don't workout too hard.

  11. He's so sweet, I miss those newborn days. Well, sort of. I'm becoming convinced that the teen years are almost as much work! :)
    Have a great visit with your family.

  12. He has grown so much! Better get your pee pee tee pee ready. That spray goes further with time.

  13. We know what Pee Pee Teepees are, but thankfully I have more girls than boys. I don't know what I'd do with a baby that small - my last one was 9 lbs. 8 ozs.!!

  14. Hi Carrie -- so fun to see a post! You look fabulous with little Nina and Baby Caroline. Henry looks like he has gotten so big already! Wow -- changing fast!
    Had never of the peepee teepee thing -- but my boys were babies a LONG time ago! Have a great week!

  15. I'm old....peepee teepees were a cloth diaper in my day!! :)
    He's adorable.


  16. as I contemplate the gym myself this morning, I feel your pain!


  17. The Pee-pee Teepee-I have heard of it-with three boys, I have had my drapes peed on, my walls peed on my FACE peed on, and themselves peed on! I learned a washcloth works wonders if you cover up their little sprayers...
    Have you been initiated yet into the "He peed on me club" yet?!
    Glad to hear you are all doing great-you look great, and so does the baby!!

  18. Henry is growing and changing...just beautiful. Pee-pee teepee is new to me. With 2 boys where have I been? I will be purchasing for a baby shower gift for my oldest son's teacher that is having her first, a boy. So funny.

  19. I found those teepees in the same fabric as my son's bedding and almost got them!! We didn't need them for too long anyway, he stopped "spraying" fairly soon. ;) OH, and the DVR is my best friend too!! Your son is adorable!

  20. He is precious!
    I have only recently heard of the tepee:) My friend has a new baby boy and she showed me. When my son was a baby, I always had the dry diaper ready to hold over "it". You know what always happens when the air hits!

  21. Henry is adorable! Such a tiny little guy but getting bigger. I have heard of the teepee's but heard they are expensive and overrated. How do you feel? We have had two ultrasounds already and I am only 9.5 weeks. My doctor thinks I am high risk b/c of my last m/c but everything looks good so far! Glad to hear you are doing well.

  22. Carrie, if you had a post office box or a business address, giveaway might be a possibility. Just a thought. Thanks so much for stopping by. You can also go to their website to see the mag....www.southernladymagazine.com. Take care and have a great day.


  23. Baby Henry is just adorable and growing away!!! I have never heard of the tee pee but what a clever idea!!!!...lol

  24. He is adorable! I have heard that those pee pee teepees are a must for little boys. :)

    We are into all those tv shows (minus How I Met Your Mother) plus so so so many more! :)

  25. We sell those at work...they are a hoot. What a cutie pie!


  26. My DVR became my best friend when I had Adleigh too!

    You should check out The Big Bang Theory...it is now my fave over the Office which is saying a lot for me.

    Little one is precious!!

  27. My little boy is 6 now...I just used a tissue. Little Henry is adorable Carrie! Yes, love the DVR! (and I don't have a newborn)
    How exciting that your Dad is coming to visit! Enjoy.

  28. Can you believe our babies are 6 weeks already! Ok, get this... I was just telling someone on Twitter that they needed to get Tivo because I would die without it... two days later, mine dies! We have to wait a week to get our new one... its so horrible... having to watch commercials and I cant even remember what day and time my shows are on! The teepee rocks - we have two!

  29. Never heard of the teepee either. Love the pics!

  30. What a sweet picture of baby Henry! He's just adorable! I've never had to use the pee-pee teepee before, since I have 2 girls, but my friends swear by it! Oh, and don't worry about Hobby Lobby and Michaels suffering - I'm picking up your slack!

  31. Love the picture of baby Henry. He is adorable. What a great birthday gift for the grandparents. I hope ya'll have a wonderful visit.

  32. I bet the people at Hobby Lobby is wondering where you have been...lol!!

    Little Henry is so cute.....sounds like you are all doing well and what fun to have a niece so close in age to Henry. Great to see you and Nina in a picture too.....you have such a beautiful family my friend!!

    Enjoy your week,


  33. Ha, ha! Isn't the tee pee thing funny...and a great idea! Loved your list! Thanks for joining the fun! And that's such a sweet picture of your little guy.

  34. oh, i just have to laugh. my sister has some of the pee-pee teepees! who do you think came up with that idea??? and i LOVE my dvr:)

  35. Never heard of the teepee thing...hmmm. I love the photos of your babies! Absolutely precious!

  36. The pee-pee teepee cracks me up! Did you see it on Brothers and Sisters last week? Beautiful photos!

  37. I never heard of a peepee teepee until I was pg with a boy. I bought some on etsy because I thought they were funny - the fact that they actually came in handy was a bonus!

  38. You can just use a small baby sock instead of buying anything or making anything. It works just as well! :)

  39. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Friday Night Lights. I told my daughter I would miss her if Tim Riggins came for me!

  40. You look great girl! Loved seeing you in a photo with Nina and Caroline Jr (he, he, he!).
    Jason and I are HOOKED on Friday Night Lights~ isn't it a great show? I, too, love my dvr. Best invention ever!!!
    Give Henry some smooches and Nina some hugs and a smooch as well!
    Happy day wishes sweetie~ Les

  41. I SO MISS my TIVO! I want it BACK! But that is a story for another time. Your family is beautiful!!!

  42. How fun! Great learning a little more about you!

  43. Henry is adorable! I did make a small trip to Michaels just a few days ago. I have two girls so I hadn't heard of the teepee things either.

  44. Catchy title. Hee-hee. : )
    I loved the photos. You look great six weeks after giving birth. And the last photo of baby Henry is adorable!

  45. love the pee pee tee pee! why didn't I think of that? I have a new grandson born Feb. 6. I think my daughter really needs these!

  46. He's beautiful! :)

  47. Sorry I've been away for so long! A big congratulations to you and the fam!!! Henry is adorable!! Oh we would be so addicted to a DVR if we had one! Such cute pics too!

  48. How blessed you are to have such cute and healthy kids and your niece is just precious. What a lucky family - and lucky grandparents!

    I have never heard of Pee-pee Teepees before but they are a totally great invention. As auntie to two adorable little boys, I know it's a must!

  49. I must not tell a lie but you had me at the pee pee tee pee?! I have never heard of such a thing..too funny! Enjoy that baby and yes! Eat that ice cream...he needs it too~

  50. Ahh, he looks so cute. It's crazy, all the new things that are out there for babies nowadays. I always would just lay a cloth diaper over my brothers when I had to change them. haha. Too bad I didn't invent the teepee. haha.

  51. What a beautiful little boy! I have never heard of the pee pee teepee. Sounds pretty interesting. Have a great day!

  52. OMGosh, Carrie...the picture of Henry is adorable. He's the sweetest! You know, I heard of a pee-pee tee-pee a little too late. Isaiah was already out of that stage by the time I knew what they were. I remember wishing I had those! Oh, and I LOVE my DVR. Don't know what I would do without it. It's the only way I get to watch my shows in peace and quiet.

    Hope you're having a great week!

  53. Friday Night Lights is the best show on television.

    Henry is absolutely precious!

  54. Oh my goodness. He is so totally adorable! And perfect : ). Do you think pee-pee teepee is 2 words or 3? Just something I wonder about : ). Your niece is adorable. So sweet.

  55. So cute! I thought your 6 week go ahead was for something else besides workin' out. ;)

  56. He's a doll! And yes boys are definitely different than girls in so many ways. You will be so surprised at the differences. Mimi

  57. We actually have the pee-pee teepee!! SOmeone gave them to us when Kijsa's son was born- too funny!!
    kari & kijsa

  58. Hi Carrie...He's a sweetie and you look great! Don't you wish you would have designed the Pee Pee Tee Pee??? My daughter got some of those and never used them...just change the diaper quick!! COnnie

  59. I am so glad you are doing good! Enjoy that ice-cream and cookies and your sweet babies!=) Love the photo's.

  60. Pee-Pee Teepee? That is too funny! I had never heard of it, although with all my boys I've certainly had the need for that. Fortunately, a wadded up cloth diaper or receiving blanket works just fine, too. And eventually they grow out of it! :)

    I hope you had a wonderful visit with your dad!

  61. Oh honey I am so with you on the DVR! We were up until 10 last night putting primer on the new walls. I didn't stress missing Jon & Kate Plus 8, cause I knew I could climb into bed and watch it sans commercials before I went to lala land!

  62. I don't have a DVR, but do watch Lost and 24 on the computer- we don't only have tv for a movie once and awhile....
    Your blog looks like a lot of fun to check out...will be back!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)