
Finally, Some Nursery Photos!

Like I mentioned last week, I just haven't had the energy to get Henry's nursery completed! Maybe it's because he's still sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom, and we really only go in there to change his diapers.  And why does a 5 week old baby need a fancy nursery just to bare his bum?  :)

Nevertheless, here are a few little things that we have done.  I love this crib bumper, the vintage look of the stars, and the red color with the rich wood of the crib.

My favorite neighbor and friend, Aimee (remember how I showed you her house?), lent me these lamp shades from her daughter, Lulu's, nursery.  Lulu is now four years old and isn't missing them!  This lamp sits on a dresser that used to be in my husband's room as a child, and the mirror frame is made from reclaimed boards from an antique wagon.  It was a fun little shopping purchase from the days before Brent and I were married...you know, when we had time to leisurely wander the antique shops and hold hands!

Below is my next project.  The current curtains in the nursery are a little girly-girl for Master Henry, so we will be changing them out just as soon as I can get my act together.  I love the look of these, but Henry might not appreciate lilies of the valley as he gets older!

So, next I will be tackling the window treatments, and I will tell you for sure that it will involve a serious mistreatment of some fancy-schmancy curtains.  The Nester would be proud.  I'll be showing them to you soon!


  1. I love the mirror on the dresser..so cute! OH..it looks wonderful so far...can't wait to see how this room evolves with your special touches.
    sandy toe

  2. Glad you're getting your groove back. His room is coming together nicely & I love that mirror.

  3. I love the bumper pad. did you make them?


  4. precious...next we need to see master henry again!!! I bet he's grown!


  5. Everything is coming along beautifully! Enjoy your time with little Henry...he won't stay little for long!

  6. Super cute lamp shade. And I love the antique mirror resting right on the dresser. Henry must have very distinguished taste!

  7. I love the bumper and the lamp shades ~ it's looking great already!

  8. It is all looking great...love the look you have going, the lamp shades are adorable.

  9. Oh my -- it's beautiful, just as I knew it would be! Hope you are all having a great week!


  10. It is all looking adorable!♥

  11. Love the stars (red) and Love, love, love the lamp! Can't wait to see what's next - oh, and maybe a picture of how he's growing?!:)

  12. Very cute! I love the crib bumper...and what a fun lamp!

  13. I love that lamp shade! I think you have a good outlook on the nursery. I know I am going to get so worked up about how mine looks when it is my turn to have a baby. I will need to remind myself that it doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things!

  14. The nursery is looking great. That mirror with the salvaged boards is incredible. Can't wait to see your mistreatments, and can't believe Henry is 5 weeks already!

  15. It all looks so sweet - I love baby nurseries! tHe little lamp is adorable. :)

  16. I love the bumper pad...adorable and so boyish! What a great lamp and so neat that it belong to your husband.

  17. Love it all. His room is coming together nicely.

  18. It is looking good! I love that crib bumper! I can't wait to see your curtains. :)

  19. Oh, so cute! It would be fun to decorate for a boy! Challenging, I'm sure, after decorating for my 2 girls, but it would be fun. I love what you've done and can't wait to see more!

    BTW, I'm doing a monogram giveaway on my new blog - www.mydomesticdisaster.blogspot.com

  20. I love the bumper you chose....so cute and the lampshade is perfect!!

    Can't wait to see what you do with those window treatments......hope all is well:)


  21. The nursery is coming right along! I love the bumper pad and I can't wait to see the curtains!

    Hope things are going well for all of you!

  22. sounds like henry's room is going to be full of loving memories. love the mirror btw, great story to go along with it:)

  23. It is so good to read your blog! I think of you and your little family often, and send up prayers for a happy baby and mom!
    Love the things you have done to the nursery, and can't wait to see more.

  24. What a great room! I wish you would consider entering a few pics in my nursery pictures contest and you might win one of the cash prizes. The moms that visit the site would love to hear how you put it all together. Don't make me beg! ;-)

    Here's the url if you're interested


    Here are some entries from past contests:


  25. Seems like you are slowly (as you should) getting back into the groove. Remember when you thought having just one was so hard?? It is tough to meet the needs of two! Glad to have you back. Jill

  26. Love the crib bumper! Glad to see you're making progress and having fun!

  27. It's looking great! I love the curtains...they seem so fresh and clean! :)

  28. His room is looking good - glad everything is going well.

  29. The mirror and lamp shade are PERFECT! Love them! And that bumper is FAB -- I found big boy bedding at Restoration Hardware Baby that is very similar -- is that where you got it? Love it all, hope you are doing well!!

  30. Aw, his bumper is just perfect! Love the lamps and mirror and I can't wait to see the curtains! I know it will all look amazing as the rest of your home does!
    Have fun with it but make sure you're getting your naps in when you can chicadee!
    Love and hugs, Les

  31. Ok now...well done...th curtains are fine...as you said, he's 5 precious weeks old...now take a break from blogville and hang with master henry! : )

  32. I love the character of the worn wood on the mirror. I can't wait to see the room when it's all pulled Carrie style! Thanks for sharing a sneak peak.

  33. I have an award for you over on my blog.

  34. Great touches! I can't wait to see the big picture. Keep enjoying your little guy!

  35. Thank you so much for the peek at little Henry's room. I am just inlove with the crib bumper. Did you make it? Or did you buy it? Please share all the juicy details. Hope you're doing well!

  36. Oh what fun ~ I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    How is Miss Nina doing these days sharing the stage with her new little brother? :)


  37. Love the star crib bumper! It will be fun to see what you come up with for the curtains. I'm not surprised that you have a plan... :)

    Hope you're doing well and enjoying life as a family of four.

  38. Oh, to shop and hold hands again. My baby slept in my closet forever. I totally understand the nursery deal. It'll happen when it happens!

  39. I love the bumper pads! The red and stars are so cute.

  40. Your nursery looks great. I love the material you used for the bumper. Very nice!


  41. Simple, classic, and just BEAUTIFUL. I love how you incorporate family heirlooms. I too have a love of that history. I hate how some people want to pack that stuff away to "save it". I like to make those pieces a part of our everyday living

  42. Looks like little Henry's nursery is really coming together! I love the lamp shade your neighbor/friend let you borrow...so cute and just perfect for his room! Can't wait to see the window treatments!!

    Hope you're having a blessed Sunday!

  43. Darling bumper pads. And I'm in love with the lamp shade. It's coming along great!!!

  44. Cute lampshade. You should take your time and enjoy the baby. The nursery can wait but babies sure grow up too fast. Mimi

  45. Those bumper pads are so cute! Everything is, I love the mirror, what a precious little baby, how fun!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)