
Vintage Christmas Pillow!

Hello friends!  Just a little Christmas tip for you today:

Get yourself on over to Target!  I was there the other day and found this cute little snowman pillow for $2.50 in the Dollar Spot.  They had so many great ones, too, not just this little guy.  I considered making some felt pillows for Christmas, because I had a lot of fun making these for Halloween, but for $2.50?  Forget it!  I'll just buy them!

He's the perfect little spot of color on my favorite houndstooth chair!

Also, a few little housekeeping items today.  I have been looking for a post in which to thank a few ladies for some awards, but apparently I am very wordy (no surprise to my husband) and this is the first post that wouldn't be a mile long if I added to it.  So here goes:

Thank you to Coco of Ordinary Miracles for this award:

Thanks to Circle of Life for this little beauty:

And a shout out to Jenni of Nest to Keep for this one:

And lastly, thank you to JennyKate at JennyKate'sSpot for this one:

You girls are such great blogging friends and it has been fun to get to know you!  And now...I am off to do some serious Christmas decorating.


  1. Congrats on your awards!!!

    wow..2.50..I am off to Target!!! So very cute!!
    Enjoy decorating!!!
    -sandy toes

  2. That pillow is so cute, especially for $2.50! It looks perfect on that chair.

    Congrats on your awards!

  3. That pillow is such a bargain!!

    Have fun decorating....and Congrats on your awards!


  4. Happy Decorating!!!

    Love the pillow. I'll have to check that out!

  5. OOh...love the pillow. And congrats on your awards!

  6. The Target Dollar Spot has the best finds...and that pillow is one of the cutest I have seen there in awhile! Great find.

  7. Look at you racking up those awards - congrats.

    The pillow is really cute. I was in Target yesterday - I can't believe I didn't see them. Guess I'll just have to go back.

  8. Love me some Target...and good deals like that...heck yeah!

  9. Yes, I think I will have to head over to Target myself, hopefully we all don't live in the same area! :]

    Big congrats on all of your awards!

  10. That pillow is ADORABLE. I wish my Target was closer!!!!

  11. Ok Carrie,
    I am off to Target. I am looking for a classic christmas tree shape to embellish w/ trim and ric rac etc. I saw one in a shop for $184.00 and I do not want to spend that. I always count on you for great ideas!

  12. Congrats on your awards! You deserve them! And that pillow -- so cute. Hmmmm -- may have to make a Target run!

    Hope you have a great day!


  13. Congrats on your awards! Cute pillow...I'm heading to Target today anyway...I'll keep my eyes open.

  14. I love that pillow! How cute!

    Congrats on all of your awards!

  15. Okay, now that I'm knee deep in felt! So cute.

  16. Congrats on your awards...you totally deserve them! :)

    I love the pillow! I was just in the dollar bins at Target and didn't see that. I'll have to make another trip...darn :)

    Happy Christmas Decorating!

  17. Congrats on your awards! Well deserved!

    Love that pillow!!

  18. Wow, I can't believe it - you couldn't make it for $2.50, probably. Very cute!

    P.S. I'm wordy to! ;)

  19. Congrats on your awards!

    I gotta go, gotta get to Target!!

  20. Hello,
    Your pillow was a great find at target! your Dad's place is beautiful!! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! When are you due?

  21. That pillow is so cute! What a great deal!

    Congratulations on all of your awards!

  22. That is an adorable pillow for a great price! Congrats on your well-deserved awards!

  23. Just was at the dollar spot at Target. Didn’t see the pillow I'm sure everyone got them already but I did get a cute fabric bag for a $1.00 that I will put a gift in.

  24. Congrats on all those lovely awards!

    That pillow is just too cute!

  25. I wish there was a Target nearby! My closest one is about 7 hours away! Gah! That Dollar Spot just cannot be beat. Congrats on your awards!!

  26. that's a nice add touch for any room for Christmas!

  27. Cute pillow! Congrats on the awards!

  28. Cute pillow! Target has some really cute things this Christmas. Congratulations on all those awards!


  29. Cute pillow! I need to go to Target now!

  30. Yay!! Congratulations on your awards!!!!!

  31. Congratulations on your awards! That is fun!

    I'm heading to Target tomorrow!!!

  32. Love the cute pillow! It would fit in nicely for the long winter ahead of me!

    I hope you and your family enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving in Ohio.


  33. Very cute..love how it pops against the black. cherry

  34. Congrats on your awards! I love your blog, just found it recently. Great ideas...so much talent out there in blogland. I got inspired to create my own. Hope you'll stop by for a visit some time! :)

  35. Oh, I haven't see that pillow yet! I will put it on my list. And I have another award for you on my blog!

  36. I love the dollar section at Target! The pillow is darling . . .and you are so correct. . . why sew at that price. I am heading to Target.

  37. I am heading to Target tomorrow morning!

  38. ok, I haven't been to Target in a few weeks, looks like I need to make a trip!! Those would make a great pick me up for me to get my dd for her new house!!

    Congrats on all your awards!


  39. you deserve it my friend wow so many awards i tell you.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)