
Christmas Topiary Revamp

I have been snagging Christmas decorations at thrift stores for months now.  Especially before everyone started getting into the spirit, I found a few simple things that just needed minimal adjustments to go from blah to so-stinkin'-cute!

Take these topiaries, for example.  I loved the red berries and the shape, but in person the leaves are a bit too, you know, green.  A fake-looking green that doesn't really match the rest of my decorations.

Luckily, the leaves pulled out easily and there were just a few spots that needed to be patched with-what else?-a glue gun.  Then I stood back and realized that the only thing these babies needed was (you guessed it!) grosgrain ribbon.  I am so happy with the results!

I am not sure where these will go in my house, but I think they will look good almost anywhere!

Speaking of my house, I owe you a little "trying-to-buy-the-house-next-door" update.  We heard from the bank and they have accepted the competing offer on the foreclosed house next door.  No surprise since the competing offer didn't hinge upon the buyers selling their house, while ours did.  However, our real estate agent is still hopeful because the other buyers are attempting to use a type of loan that has a high failure rate (about 30%) so there is a decent chance that it will fall through.  If it does, we will be at the head of the line.  So, amidst being 9 weeks away from having a new baby, and getting ready for the holidays, and switching Nina over to a big girl bed (which, of course, means a whole decorating overhaul in her room...who are we kidding?), our house is also on the market.  We are still hoping and praying that somehow it will work out.  I still believe in miracles, and it would certainly take one in this case!  But we are going to give it all we can.  I will keep you posted!


  1. What vision you have...the topiaries look great. Amazing how a little ribbon makes everything look better! I had to laugh when I read all that you have going on while trying to buy a new house...just when you think you couldn't possibly handle any thing else added to your list is exactly the time that a miracle will happen!

  2. I always love grosgrain ribbon and polka dots make it even better. Good luck with December - it's already a crazy month!

  3. Those look amazing! I have trees that are very similar to those and thanks to you I will be adding two big ole bows to them! I sold real estate for a few years and I have seen many deals fall through because of risky financing, so keep your spirits up:) ~Michelle

  4. The topiaries look so sood with the ribbon...I can't wait to see where you put them!!

    I do believe in miracles.....keep the faith! 9 weeks....oh my word, where does the time go....before you know it you will have a new baby in the house...how exciting!!

    Have a great day:)


  5. Super sute topiaries, and still keeping fingers crossed for you on the house next door!

  6. Oh my -- those topiaries -- they just needed the Queen's touch, didn't they!! Beautiful!! Hoping that house deal works out perfectly for you. And only 9 weeks until baby -- wow -- that is so exciting! Take care now.


  7. Love your trees & thanks for the update. I've been wondering how it's going & when you were due.
    Keep the faith.

  8. Praying for that house or something better for you! :)

  9. I love the ribbon on the topiaries...grosgrain is one of my favorites!! Good luck with the whole house thing! Hang in there.

  10. The topiaries are darling!

    Sounds like you are going to be one busy woman over the next month. :)

  11. Can you come thrift store shopping with me? You always find the coolest stuff and then you transform it into something special.

    Good luck with the house. It will work out if it's meant to be.

  12. What a wonderful simple makeover on those topiarys..love them! Anything with polka dot is great!!!

    Wishing you good thoughts on the "house" adventure!
    -sandy toes

  13. The topiaries turned out great! I love them!

    I do hope everything works out with the house!

  14. Ok, not to wish bad things for the other couple, but I really hope you still get the house. How exciting. Moving is stressful and this is a stressful time for you right now but it won't last long. I'll keep praying.

  15. cute, cute...what color is the ribbon? navy? love it! godd luck on the house front...its the holidays...good things can happen!!!

  16. Looks like y'all had a nice trip at Thanksgiving. I love Ohio Amish country! The rolling hills are beautiful and there's lots of fun shops too.

  17. Your topiaries are beautiful.....they really turned out cute!

    I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you and the new home.

  18. Very cute topiaries! Good luck on buying the house next door!!! What ever is meant to be will be! : )

    We all are a bunch of sickies right now, but hopefully we can get together soon. : ) I can't believe you are only 9 weeks away from having your baby! I promise to bring you a meal when the baby comes!!!

  19. I love the revamped topiaries. I think ribbon makes everything better.

  20. I went to Goodwill yesterday and didn't find anything worthwhile. I was bummed. Love your topiairies. You always seem to find the good stuff;)
    Good luck with the house. I'm still praying for you!

  21. Sending good thoughts your way. Hope the house thing works out. What is meant to be will be. Love the trees and we are needing to switch our little guy over to a big boy bed too. Any suggestions?

  22. What impressive ways you stay on top of it all and on your toes!!!! So many big events going on and yet a precious blog and decor!!!

  23. That polka dot ribbon makes the topiaries just adorable! Love them!

  24. The topiaries look wonderful for the holidays. :)

    Best wishes with your busy month...you sure have a lot on your plate right now!

  25. I love what you can find at thrift stores. Check my blog out in the morning and I will show you what I found.
    I hope everything will work out for you with the house.

  26. I'm sure if that house is meant to be yours, then everything will fall into place! I'll be praying everything works out.

    The topiaries are adorable! The ribbon looks so cute on them! You're the queen of re-do!

    Hope you're having a great Wednesday ☺

  27. I love those topiaries! They are so so cute!

    Thanks for the update about the house next door. I believe in miracles too!

  28. I will continue to pray for you. Maybe the offer was denied so that you could get your house sold, the other offer could fall through, and you could close and move right in. Stranger things have happened.

    And THAT is what I wanted my topiary to look like! LOL.

  29. Your little topiaries are just too cute! I'm like you - I put ribbon on everything. Ribbon and sprinkles make everything better! :)
    I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and wishing for the best on the house!

  30. What a GREAT find! Love the ribbons too!!!

    Good luck with the house thing, I know it's probably frustrating, bug everything will happen how it's supposed to!

  31. Thanks for the info on the Target pillows. Went and got some last night. I got the snowman and the lime green with the tree. I'm adding white pom pom fringe to them. Way to cute!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  32. I think you did a great job with the topiaries! Very pretty.

    I don't want to wish anything bad for anyone, but I am keeping my finger crossed for you to get the house you want. xxoo

  33. Carrie, those are just adorable now! good eye on scoping them out. I've done the same thing out yardsaling, picked up some tired Christmas decor & rework it.

  34. Best of luck girl on everything from big girl bed toselling your house

  35. Lvoe those polka dots....great idea. cherry

  36. Hi Carrie :)

    The topiaries turned out darling!!

    I really hope things work out for you and you get the house. Has anybody looked at yours yet?

    Have a great night!

  37. These turned out great! I love the ribbon!

    I believe in miracles too! I am still hoping you get the new house!

  38. Love the topiaries!
    Thanks for the advice to go to Target. I didn't find the cute pillow, but am now $300 poorer...At least all my Christmas gift shopping is done for all the nieces and nephews!
    Keeping the house and you guys in our prayers!

  39. They turned out cute. I like the black and white polka dot ribbon. I would not have thought to use it. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving.It looked like the perfect location.

    Hope everything works out with the house.We moved into our first house while I was in the hospital after having my first daughter and then again with a 6 week old and a 20 month old. Not fun times.At least I got out of all the lifting.

  40. The trees are fantabulous!!! The gros grain ribbon is so cute!

  41. Carrie the ability to look at something, beyond its outward appearance is a gift! I really enjoyed seeing the new life of your topiaries!

  42. do you get bord alot cause you are very creativite , you could start your own show , call it the crafty bee lady really start it with the blog friend make viedos on how to and stuff that wouuld be so cool so we can see visual how to do your amazing stuff. yoiur homew i guess welcome back did you freeze you botty off , i gather that from that awesomer picture taht i so wished i was small enough to fit in your luggage. lol glad your back missed ya.

  43. Love your topiary redos! They turned out super cute Carrie!
    And only 9 weeks? That is so exciting! What a special event coming up in your family...
    Lots of hugs to you~ Les

  44. love the topiary revamp! Nicely executed :)

    Hope the house thing goes your way!

  45. Thanks for keeping us posted about your house. I was wondering. Also, was wondering if you have favorite thrift stores to shop at.

  46. those topiaries are a great find!the ribbon makes all of the difference!

  47. What great creativity. Love the card basket! Jackie


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