
Warming Up the Bathroom

*Updated to add: The color in the bathroom is called "Cloudy Amber" and it is by Valspar.  I got it at Lowes.  Also, someone asked how I hung the wreath.  I just used a little nail in the drywall right above the mirror, so you can't see it as you are standing below.  Easy!

No news is good news, right?  We put an offer in on the house next door...a week ago.  Haven't heard a word about it.  We are competing with another buyer for the house, but the problem is that our offer is contingent upon us selling our current house. 

The "For Sale" sign is in our front yard.  We had one showing over the weekend.  No other developments.  We're not sure how this will all work out, but the one thing we need is time to sell our house so that we will be in a position to, you know, have enough money to buy the new house.  I guess we're still in the game.  But we have no idea what the score is!

So this weekend I spent a little time sprucing up our house for the real estate market.  Our agent recommended that we "warm up" our master bathroom.  It is full of windows, a huge mirror and a shower, with lots of tile.  Very stark.  Here is the "before" shot:  

First I scrounged up a wreath that I have had since college.  It once held a blue floral ribbon intertwined with some baby's breath (Yeah, my roommate and I thought we were awesome decorators in 1996!).  I ripped all that stuff off, added a brown grosgrain ribbon, and here are the results:

Then I grabbed a yellow pitcher that I've had sitting in a kitchen cupboard since we got married.  Added a few decorative sticks (and yes, I did actually pay for sticks, which boggles my husband's mind!) and placed it on the countertop:

I feel like these simple touches really give the bathroom a little more dimension and warmth.  Why didn't I do this before?

Now we just need a buyer with a lot of cash to come fall in love with our house, we need to win the bidding war for the house next door, and we need the timing to work perfectly so that we can pull this big puzzle together.  In other words, a miracle!  It could happen, right?


  1. Good luck!! The Selling/Buying process is like a rollercoaster! I love the changes to your masterbathroom!

  2. It could happen!! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. wishing you all the best! I know it isn't any fun!

  4. Yes, it can totally happen! It happened to us, just in the opposite order. We put ours up for sale then went looking. We had buyers but we needed to find a house so they could move in (within 2 weeks)! It all worked out and 2 weeks later we were sitting in our new house!

    What color is your bathroom? I love the yellow!

  5. Oh! I do hope you hear something soon! I love what you did in the master bath-It is warmed up! Keep us posted!!!

  6. I love your touches! They just don't get the stick thing, do they?? :)
    Keep us posted on developments~

  7. Of course it could happen.
    I love the little touches you did in the master bath.
    Keep the faith.

  8. Love your touches -- you always come up with the best solutions! And yes -- miracles do happen!!

    Have a great week!


  9. Your little touches are great! I like the yellow in your bathroom - so cheery. Fingers crossed for you here, too! :)

  10. You are right, you never know! Anything could happen. It is good to be prepared! I love the little touches. The wreath is simple and adorable. I had seen something similar on another blog that was a frame, no picture, hanging on the mirror.

  11. Best of luck to you. The bathroom is definitely warm and I love the simplicity of it.

  12. It could DEFINITELY happen! I wish you the best of luck. Oh and I laughed about the blue ribbon and baby's breath, because I know we had a wreath just like that in my college apartment! Hee hee!

  13. That looks FABULOUS!! Still wishing the best for you!!

  14. Wow, those few additions really warmed up the bathroom. Nice job! Good luck on the sale/purchase. I hope it all works out!

  15. WOW, it really did make a huge difference. Best of luck. Hope you win the war!

  16. Love the changes, it really did warm it up in there (although, I thought it looked really pretty to begin with!)!! I also love the candle-ier! The perfect place for a bath!! :) Maybe replace the candles on the tub surround with a rolled up towel or 2 or 3 tied with a coordinating ribbon? I've seen this done in lots of model homes around here! And since you have the pretty candles in the chandie, this might look soft and cozy, and add a touch of accent color! But, it's just a suggestion, I love how you've decorated in there!!! :) Hope your offer goes through for you!

  17. Now, if I could only convince my husband to pick up and move to CO, I'd be there in a heartbeat, buy your house and we could be great neighbors. Sniff. If only. I'm praying for you.

  18. I'm sure everything is going to work out just perfect. The bathroom looks great...it looked great before, but I love the "warming" touches! :)

    I left an award for you on my blog :)

  19. Of course it could happen! Your bathroom looks great!

  20. It's funny how big of a difference that the wreath and pitcher make. It looks great! Good luck!

  21. Yes indeed! Here's praying for the miracle. And Mission Accomplished on your "warm up." ;)

  22. I think the bathroom looks awesome! I will be hoping for a sale 4 u!!! How exciting!! Have a brilliant week!


  23. I am so stealing that wreath idea!! I hope your home sells quickly and you can get the one next door.

  24. I think your bathroom looks great before and after!! How did you hang the ribbon to the wall? A little nail or ??

  25. Mission accomplished - it looks great. You can most definitely have a Christmas miracle!

  26. I would be a nervous wreck trying to wait it out with no news...crossing my fingers for you.

    Your little decorating touches were perfect!

  27. I love the bathroom!! I will be praying for your house to sell and the offer to be accepted on your other house!

  28. Wow, it looks great. Love the wreath over the mirror. Hoping you will hear good news soon.

  29. Little changes make such a big difference! I love your chandelier over the tub. Good luck with selling the house!!

  30. Ok, just so you feel better, I too was a wonderful decorator in college;) I had some mad skills! Wink! Wink!
    Love what you did to warm it up! Great chandelier and wall color-must know the name of it. We tried for that color and I have not been happy with it since day one.
    Is that an outlet within the mirror? I've never seen that before! Our master bath has a big mirror like yours and I've wanted to trim it out back am not sure how to do it as the bottom of the mirror meets the tile above the sink. Not much room to work with.
    Anyway, good luck with the house. Seems like you are doing a good job keeping your patience. Way better than I would be:)

  31. How exciting! I've done the buying and selling far too much lately! I'm done and rested...for now. Good luck and with all your amazing decorating ideas I can't imagine you won't get a buyer quick!

  32. Just found your blog...loved every post so far! Good luck with the house(s). =)

  33. Good luck! It's a trying process in the best of times. I hope you hear soon!


  34. It can..crazier things happen every day!!! Love the wreath...so cute!
    -sandy toes

  35. I'd buy your house; it's beautiful! :)

    The little changes you made do add a lot to that space!

  36. Good Luck with the house...I am sure it is driving you crazy not knowing if they are going to accept your offer.....hang in there:)

    The bathroom looks great....and my husband would have said the same thing....why can't you just collect the sticks instead of buy them.....They just don't get it...do they!!

    Have a great week!


  37. Good Luck! We have had our house for sale for 3 years and nothing...the neighborhood really hurts us.

  38. The best things always happen - easier to say on one side, than the other. Good luck

  39. Carrie, I wish you the best on selling! Your bathroom is so pretty, love the black cabinets.

  40. Love your new warm bathroom. 4 years ago we were in the same position. Within 2 weeks it all worked out. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  41. I love your bathroom! It is so bright and cheery! I love your new touches too.

    Yes -- miracles happen every day! Hang in there!

  42. Love the wreath---what a great idea! I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog. I'm a new reader and I'm addicted! The day I found it, my hubby and I repainted our kitchen because I was so inspired! :)

  43. Little Bundles-
    Thanks for your sweet comment today! I tried to come visit you but your profile is blocked, which I totally understand...but just wanted to let you know I tried! :) I am sure your kitchen is beautiful!

  44. Love the warming up touches. If it's meant to be, it will happen. I know, easier to say than to hear when you really want something! I'm pulling for you ~ besides, I need to see more decorating tips and soon you'll run out in your current home. : )


  45. I believe it really can happen! And I hope it happens for you! I love the little touches of color you added to your bathroom. Your bathroom is absolutely gorgeous! :) I'll keep praying your house sells VERY soon! :)

    Hope you had a great day! :)

  46. woooow thats a teriffic idea!!! I just know that lickity split you will sel your house and by this time next year you will be all settled in to yuor new home looking foreward to christmas!! ;) LA

  47. Oh boy~ the anticipation is so not fair, is it? Fingers still crossed and a prayer said here!
    Bathrooms sell houses, right? And yours looks GREAT hun!
    Happy Monday~ Les

  48. the changes look great! i think it is the little touches that a buyer remembers. keeping you in our prayers ~nicole

  49. I believe if the time is right, you'll certainly sell...I mean how could a buyer resist your house?!

    We sold our last house in 7 hours. We'll be putting our present home on the market very soon because my husband is supposed to be transferred to another part of the state around December 31st. I hope we will be as blessed this time around, but we have a disadvantage with the time of year that could make it more difficult.

  50. Right next door - as in "right next door!" I can't imagine the ease/headache that would be! I think you did great with your bathroom, I'm crossing my fingers for you that it all works out in your favor!

  51. love your black cabinets and your faucets! I'd buy it!

  52. Now I know why you like my faucet, soooooo funny!!!! I like your's too?
    So is the real estate market not as bad there as it is everywhere else, or are you just a women of incredible faith?
    Thank you for visiting my blog, and for your sweet, sweet comments!

  53. I linked to your blog today, check it out!(well, tomorrow)

  54. Hi, it's me again! I just wanted to let you know that I have something over at my blog for you! :) Have a great night!

  55. Yes it could all happen that way! :) I like how you warmed up the master bath. Especially the wreath on the mirror.

  56. Miracles happen everyday. I'll keep a good thought. Mimi

  57. I love the paint color. And for the sticks...we lived in the Denver area for 10 yrs and it's HARD to find sticks! We have a Golden who loves sticks and we would go on hikes in the mtns and bring sticks home for her!

    I pray all will work out with the house situation...you just never know. : )

    ...thanks for visiting my blog!
    I'm a newbie blogger and learning tons; love yours!

  58. I love the wreath hanging the mirror! What a simple touch that does so much! I may have to "borrow" this idea! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)