
Getting Me Through To Thanksgiving!

My house has felt a little barren since I took my Halloween decorations down.  I just don't have a lot of Thanksgiving decorations, and there is this one spot above my fireplace that looks particularly sad:

Don't you agree?  Luckily, I was at Michael's recently and their faux pumpkins were 80% off, so I brought a cute white one home for $2.39.  I figured for that price, I could afford to try a new technique on it!  So I picked up some graphite paper for $1.50 or so.

This paper allows you to trace an image onto another surface.  So I found a font I liked, printed out a big "G" (our last name initial) on regular white paper, taped the graphite paper to the pumpkin, and then traced the letter.

When I was done tracing, I was left with a faint but very clear outline of my "G."

Then I just grabbed a black paint marker and colored in the lines!  The paint marker was really great for creating a much smoother line than I would have been able to create with a paintbrush.

I added a little grosgrain ribbon because...well, I add grosgrain ribbons to most everything that will stand still!  What do you think?  I have a few more little Thanksgiving projects that have spruced up my house lately.  I'll be sure to show them to you next week.  

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Very cute!! You are so talented! Have a fun weekend!


  2. Okay this is too cute! can't wait to see some more projects.

  3. It's perfect! Great choice and that little spot looks so happy now and inviting. :)

  4. I really like it! I didn't know you could do that with graphite paper. That would have helped me so much with a few projects. I'm just like you - I can't freehand anything, my hand is just too shaky and it ends up looking bad.

  5. So cute!! What a great idea. I love white pumpkins!!

  6. Cute & inexpensive...Love it ;)

  7. Too cute - I made the same thing for my daughter's teacher for Halloween. Even a polka dot grosgrain ribbon on top. I hope that means I'm starting to think like you - you're awesome.

  8. Well that certainly warmed up your little corner!! I Love it....and what a great price on the white pumpkin....I am heading to Michael's today for some more Christmas things!!

    Have a great weekend!


  9. Once again, great idea!

    I wanted to go to Michaels right after Halloween to get those pumpkins at a discounted price and totally forgot! Shoot!!! I am sure they are all gone by now. Oh well....

  10. I love letters on pumpkins! Good luck with getting the larger house......just remember, there will be more to clean :)

  11. I love that and I have never used graphite paper. I was just at Michaels and saw those pumpkins and I could could not figure out to use white pumpkins. Love your blog!!

  12. LOVE IT!! That turned out so CUTE!

  13. Very cute...love white pumpkins especially monogrammed..love it!!!
    Have a great weekend!
    -sandy toes

    p.s. sometime next week I am going to try to post about those newborn t-shirts with the year and framed...I think it is right up your "alley" :)!

  14. You know I love a monogram! Great job! (okay and I just have to tell you that my word verification for this comment is "whiner" - I just thought it was funny...)

  15. Very cute project -- you did great! I also love the grosgrain ribbon :)!! This is a fun project because you can keep it from year to year!

  16. What do I think? I think it's REALLY cute! I actually have a couple of those 80% off white pumpkins myself...maybe I should monogram? hmmmm.

    Have a fabulous Friday!

  17. I love it!! So cute, and of course I love the ribbon!

  18. I love ribbon, too - very cute! :)

  19. Very cute! What a simple, but creative touch.

  20. You always have the best ideas to pass along! Funny how I've walked by those white pumpkins at Michael's half a dozen times thinking about what to do with them. I could have (and should have) done something like this! And, of course, the black white polka dot ribbon gives it the perfect touch!

  21. You have the best ideas. I have the same pumpkin, but never thought to monogram it. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  22. Very cute!! That would have been a good idea when everyone was copying the "BOO" pumpkins that I have. Love it!!

  23. I love it! And, you're right...grosgrain ribbon makes everything a little better =)

  24. Cute girl! You are the queen of cute! How are you feeling? How far are you now?

  25. Will you come shopping with me? LOL seriously - I was in Michales and a thrift store yesterday and my head was spinning with all the ideas I've seen on blogs lately!! LOL

    I bought lots of goodies - but now I want to go back for a white pumpkin! LOL

  26. I love it! It was inexpensive and fills in that area perfectly. How creative are you?!

  27. I hope you do make the trees, and I hope you send them to me. :b

    Seriously, make them and post pics!

  28. What a simple, yet profound thing to with you pumpkin! I must confess, with all the snow we will get this week, I think I will pull out some Christmas decore. Nothing to crazy, like the tree...my Christmas china, a few candle holders...

    Have a great weekend! Shell

  29. great idea! it really dressed up the plain pumpkin.

  30. I love it! I have never tried to use tracing paper like that, but now I see that it works so I'll have to get some. Just think of all the cute projects you could use it for!

  31. You make it to easy to have an excuse! You are my hero!


  32. SOOO cute! The ribbon made it! Can't wait to see what else you are whpping up over there ;)

  33. turned out cute! I have so many projects to do - I just need the time!

  34. Carrie :) Thank you for the great response to my post. You made me smile.

  35. I've wondered how you use graphite paper! That looks great! You did a fantastic job! :)

  36. What a great idea! Love it:)
    Thanks for your encouraging words yesterday. I'm feeling a bit better. Just trying not to be so emotional;) Believe me if we lived closer, I'd be knocking on your door with one of those lemony drinks!

  37. I love this idea! I have never used the graphite paper before. I will have to try this on something!

  38. thank you so much bless you for being so thought ful , yes good news the rash is dissaperaing slowly but surely. thank god. we got a shot today that heleped her outand it already is taking the red inflmation down. what ever thi swas called a contact rash we do not know.

    but any way i loves all those crafts ideas i too went to michaeals and bought those pumpkins and did some deccorating awesome.

    have a great weekend

  39. Wow! You come up with some really good craft projects. And your pictures make them look so special. Thanks for sharing. You make me want to be crafty too. xxoo

  40. You truly come up with the most fun things girly! Where oh where do you get all of your creative vibes and energy? And you're preggers to boot? YOU ROCK! I love it!
    Hugs, Les

  41. It's amazing how much the ribbon adds to it. It looks great! :)

  42. I love this idea! I hit michaels for the 80% off sale, but no pumpkins at mine! Just my luck! :(

    By the way, I am having a giveaway over at my blog, I would love for you to come check it out! :)

  43. What a cute idea! Love those!
    Blessings, Angie Seaman

  44. I LOVE your blog. You have great ideas. I really like the pumpkin, so cute.

  45. Too Cute!! You have such great ideas!!

  46. That turned out so cute! It's just perfect for that corner!

  47. I love this Idea. It would be great on little pumpkins too for little gifts. I think I will try it, thanks!!

  48. I will have to get some graphite paper...AND some ink for my printer..so I can try that! Looks wonderful Carrie! Thanks so much for coming by and leaving such sweet comments! Blog buddies are the best! Cherry

  49. VERY CUTE!!! You are just way too good! I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve! : )

  50. Thanks, Carrie, for your comment today! :)

  51. coomgoas I cant wait to see wat your doing fpr christmas, this is seriously CUTE!!!! LA

  52. Love the white pumpkin ~ my favorite color this season! I hit the same sale with much success! I'm trying to hold on and enjoy the fall season before rushing onto Christmas ~ it's been a challenge with all the goodies out already!


  53. I need to pick up some of that paper! I didn't know it existed!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)