
Monogramming Makes Everything Better

Day Two of our front room reveal!  (I feel like I'm writing a script for a makeover show when I type that sentence.)

A while back I showed you a bench for my bathroom that I cobbled together with my monogram sewn on the top.  I found a local woman who does monogramming out of her home, and this little project below was another one that she did for me.  It's an inexpensive white table runner that I got from Pottery Barn on clearance years ago.  I thought it would benefit from a little embellishment (but really, what doesn't?).

Just a simple monogram in a rich chocolate brown.  The colors in the front room are this same brown, creamy yellow, and black.  A perfect fit!

Doesn't hurt that adding the monogram was only $12.  I love it!


  1. Very pretty! I love the classic look of something monogrammed....and it certainly jazzes up a plain table runner!!

    One day closer to the big reveal...the suspense is killing me!

  2. Wow...love it...very classy. I just ordered a bunch of stuff from Monogrammed Chick...I think a monogrammed gift shows you put some thought into it! I sure love anything like that!!

    Great idea on a runner...never thought of that!
    -Sandy toes

  3. I heart monograming...
    It looks lovely!

  4. You are absolutely right - monogramming does make everything better!

  5. I love a monogram...that looks lovely. I'm really getting excited to see the whole room... but then that's your master plan isn't it? ;-)

  6. Beautiful! I also like the little peek we got of the rug on your floor. That's gorgeous as well!

    Angie in OH

  7. That looks terrific. Monogramming makes everything better.

    BTW - Happy Halloween Week.....
    You've been "Boo-ed". Stop by & pick up your treat.

  8. Very pretty! I love monogramming too.

    I can't wait to see the entire room!!!

  9. I am a firm believer...when all else fails...monogram.

  10. Definitely love monograms! I can't wait to see more.

    Come visit me and share a recipe if you can. :)

  11. Like you I love monograming! It adds a eloquent touch to things. Great idea......as always ;)

  12. I love that monogram style.

    Enjoying the build-up to the big reveal but wishing your camera had a bit wider lens!

  13. What a beautiful turnout! I love the monogram - such a classy touch to the runner!

  14. Good morning Carrie :)

    The anticipation is killing me and I can't wait to see the big reveal! Love anything with a monogram :)


  15. I LOVE monogrammed...anything! If I had my way everything in my house would be toile and have a nice big "M" on it LOL! Love the runner!


  16. That is so classy looking--you have such style! Can't wait to see what is revealed tomorrow!

  17. It looks great! Very good idea.

  18. You've been BOOed...check out my blog!

  19. Ooooh -- very, very pretty!! Love the monogram. If I EVER get my dining room cleaned up, I'll have to try and remember some of your tips!

    Have a fun day!


  20. I can tell you right now!!! I love this room!!!...I can't wait to see everything!!!!

  21. Love monogrammed things...and glittered things, and bling things, and thrifted things...


  22. I love monograms! I wish I had one of those machines! I would go crazy.

  23. So clean and simple! I would have never thought of monogramming it. It really made the perfect touch.

  24. Oh this is adorable! Really creative way to use monograms.

    I get in the habit of monograming the same things. :)

    You could start the monogram club you know. ;)

  25. You inspire me to monogram...I just want to go put some letters on something.

    Can't wait to see the rest of the room...I bet it looks fabulous!

  26. That makes it look rich. What a great idea and so simple. I can't wait to see your room. Connie

  27. Very pretty! Just adds a little something nice...

  28. Amen to your post title! I love the runner. It looks fabulous!

  29. Very pretty! A monogram makes everything better.

    I'm guessing.....a dining room?!?!

  30. Oh I can hardly stand the wait to see the rest!

    "Nana's Box"

  31. Yellow, black and brown - perfect for the Queen Bee! Can't wait to see!

  32. The monogram looks so good. I love monograms!

  33. Now I'm thinking I need to find something I can go get monogrammed...

    Looking forward to the room reveal!

    (Are you secretly still adding touches and working on it and using the piece-by-piece reveal to buy time?! Ha ha! Maybe that reveals too much about how my mind works!!!!!

  34. I think it's about time I start incorporating some monograms

  35. Love the monogram. I'm anxious to see your room.

  36. I have been absent and I have missed many great ideas! I love the monogram idea. I think that it looks so regal. I love the idea as a table runner. This would make such a fun gift. (i am sure that you aleady knew this, you are the queen of gifts)
    I am a lover of lamps. Soft lighting in general. I have very little counter space in my bathroom, although I have always wanted a lamp. What a great idea!! I want some.
    When you covered the larger lampshade, are there any tricks?

  37. You know how much I LOVE monograms! Can't wait to see the rest of the room.


  38. Very classy - I'm having a giveaway from the Monogram Chick now - you'd love her stuff.

  39. very chic! love the runner - you can never have too many monograms! keep it coming...

  40. Gotta love anything with a monogram! I'm waiting patiently for the big reveal:)

  41. My mom has started to embroider and can do all kinds of fun stuff like that...you've given me lots of ideas!

  42. Wowzah! Gorgeous!!

    BTW, I see a little peek of your rug. I think I'm in love! LOL

  43. You're killin' me girlfriend! I can hardly stand to wait!!! Love the monogram. They are so classy, aren't they? xo, Les

  44. I love crisp white runners like that - so pretty! :)

  45. So pretty, I would love to find someone nearby who did that. My friends mom has ALL her towels done with a gold "C" on their white towels. It's so simple but I think it makes their simple bathrooms look gorgeous.

  46. I love monograms! I must find out who this lady is!! I just think monograms are so classy!! Ellie has a lot of her clothes monogramed. Love it!!!

  47. Ooh rich chocolate brown sounds soo luscious! Looks great!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)