
Front Room Sneak Peek and a Few Awards

Happy Monday! I hope your weekend was wonderful! In Colorado we had a gorgeous Saturday and so my husband and I finally got to take our daughter to a pumpkin festival.  So fun!

To start the week off, I want to thank a few people for generously giving me some awards lately:

Duchess from The Daily Adventures of Four Eds awarded me with the "I Heart Your Blog" award.
Christina and Victoria from As Time Goes By gave me a "Fabulous Fall Decor" award.
Sandy Toes from Shell in your Pocket also gave me "Fabulous Fall Decor" award too, yippee!
Wendy from The Shabby Nest gave me a snazzy award that has a special explanation I am supposed to share:

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

Oh my gosh, I could pass along this award to so many women. A few of my recent favorites have been:
Lisa from Our Family (Lisa's blog is private, so I can't share the link with you, but trust me, she's terrific! And she's a Colorado girl, so how could I not award her?)

So ladies, consider yourself awarded! I enjoy you all so much!  And a huge thank you to the lovely girls who gave me these awards!  Their blogs are so fun and totally worth taking the time to visit!

And now, on to Day One of my front room reveal! (You didn't think I'd forget, did you?)

Here is a Goodwill lamp ($3) that got the royal treatment this weekend.  First, it came without a harp (the thing that the lampshade sits on) so we had to make a trip to Lowes.  No big deal, just a few dollars for a harp that fits.  Then I found this shade for $2 at another thrift store near my house.  They looked cute together as is, but needed a little color.

Enter my new favorite fabric, pasted on the lampshade with this technique!  I found the fabric in the red tag section at Joann's for $5 a yard.  I love the yellow color, and the little pinstripes add the perfect touch.  I am embarrassed to tell you how many yards I bought (eight!) but I loved it and I wasn't sure if I would ever find it again, since it was on clearance.  So you'll be seeing more of this fabric, both in my front room and in lots of other projects to come!

I'll be showing you more glimpses into the front room this week, with the big reveal on Friday.  See you tomorrow!


  1. Very exciting!!! I can't wait till Friday!!

    Congrats on your awards...you are one of my favorites!! I am getting ready to make one of those nightlights you did!! I am so excited!!
    Happy Monday!
    Sandy toes

  2. Shaving my legs must have paid off-Thank you for the award!!!
    I love the lamp!I heart your blog as well-I get great ideas from you-Keep blogging!!!

  3. I'm so glad the weather cooperated so you could take your daughter on the pumpkin outing! :)

  4. Can't wait to see it! I hit the motherlode at thrift stores this weekend also...gotta love 'em!

  5. Can't wait to see the final product!!!! Congrats on your awards too!

  6. Congratulations on your well deserved awards!!! Happy Monday!

  7. I'm excited to see what else you have up your sleeve!

  8. Love your cute lamp and shade! Can't wait to see the room!!

  9. Love it!! Such a cute makeover:)

  10. Ooooh -- love your little lamp -- it is so cute!! Congrats on the awards -- you are so creative -- I get tired just reading all that you do! We are still (week no. 2) painting our kitchen. . . can you say slowwwwww?? :)

    Thank you for the award! So sweet of you to think of me!


  11. I love the lamp! Stripes are so fun to work with! My favorite thing right now...Meme


    Come by & contact me, and we'll get started!

  13. Oh what a tease!! Can't wait until fri!!!

    My dd#1 is moving into her first house this week and I've been showing and telling he about a lot of your great projects!! We can't wait to try some of them!


  14. Congrats on all the awards! Your lamp looks great--I really like that fabric a lot! Can't wait to see the rest of this room!


  15. Congrats on you awards. Can't wait to see your reveal.

  16. The lamp looks good! And you can't beat the price!

  17. What an exciting way to make your big reveal. I will be tuning in.

  18. Now that was just a tease.....I cannot wait to see more!!

    Congrats on your awards!

    Happy Monday!


  19. You amaze me with your cute ideas and getting them implemented so quickly! ;)

    Can't wait til Friday!

    And Thank You for the award - you are sweet. I didn't know there was an award that described me. :) It's my first Bloggy Award. Thanks for thinking of me.

  20. Great job on your rewards!! You are so fun to read each and every day! I am planning to go to JoAnn's this coming weekend to get some of those nightlights to make for Christmas presents for friends! Thanks for always visiting my blog...even though I am a newbie!! I would be happy if I could be half as great as you and 320 Sycamore!

  21. love your new lamp.. glad you got to go to the pumpkin patch and the weather was nice!! just think next year you will have two to take.. wont that be fun!

  22. So glad the weather cooperated and you had some good fall family fun time! AWESOME! Congrats on your awards hun. I so can't wait to see your front room~ you're teasing us girl! Hugs, Les

  23. Well I keep seeing your name pop up on many of my friends blogs...so I thought I better amble over and check out all the buzz (pun totally intended...if only to amuse myself along the way...:-)).

    Anyway... I think I am right where I need to be...I am languishing in undecorated, doesn't feel like home land...and so need to get with it! YOu have inspired me to start small with something so simple as a lamp....BRILLIANT I tell you....

    Oh yeah...I'll so be back....keep the genius coming Queen Bee...keep it coming...

  24. i always wondered that the metal thing in the lamp was...a harp??? I had no idea! :O)

    Can't wait to see the reveal! You've motivated me to get moving on my loose ends in my house...thanks for the great tips....AND...

    My son drew your name last night as the winner of my "Dinner Blessings" Giveaway from last monday!! So email me tarabrown@cherishbound with your info so I can send you our Recipe Story Stater and coupon for the book!

  25. You tease!!! LOL. Cant wait to see more. And congrats on the awards!


  26. Very cute - I would've bought up the fabric, too! :) Can't wait to see your room.

  27. iam back congrats on the awards that sounds like fun the pumpkin patch too cool.

    iam reading and catching up today check for thoes pictures soon. i cried when emma victoria first saw minnie

  28. A friend of mine owns a kitchen shop in Craig CO - she mailed that candy corn cookie cutter to me last year
    Maybe you could try some local kitchen shops - or here's her contact info


  29. can't wait to see your posts this week. The lamp looks great.

  30. congrats on your awards. we all enjoy reading about your happenings. can't wait till friday!

  31. Can't wait to see the rest! I do love your lamp. And I love that you call it your front room. That's what my grandma always called their family room. I'd call mine that but it's in the back of the house.

  32. You always make me smile : ). Can't wait to see your room piece by piece : )! Hope you have a lovely fall week!

  33. Very nice and what a bargain! Can't wait to see more.

  34. Looking forward to the big reveal! You've got me curious.

  35. I love the way the lamp turned out! Can't wait to see the rest of the room.

  36. So you are leaving us hanging? HOW could you? Jeeeseee well...something to look forward too...glad you had a good weekend...we went to a pumpkin patch too and a corn maze. LOve this time of year. cherry

  37. Ooh, looks cute! Can't wait to see the room. Nothing like promising a gujillion ladies you'll have a project completed and ready to show them to keep you accountable, eh? LOL I know just from what you had in the room that you had good things to work with and it will be great!

  38. Carrie-you are too sweet! Thanks for thinking of me!
    Love the lamp! I would have grabbed all that fabric too:)

  39. Your lamp turned out great! I just bought a lamp shade from Hobby Lobby and I am getting ready to cover it for Kamree's room. I can't wait to show you how it turns out!

    Congrats on your awards too!

  40. I can't wait to see it all! I can't believe you are making us wait until Friday.

  41. Way to go on the great lamp. You were busy this weekend. I'd love to see a close-up of the fabric. I'm with you...if you see it and love it, better get it while you can. I've never regretted doing that.

  42. You deserve the awards. Your blog is so fun!

  43. Thank you so much for my award! The lamp looks great and I can't wait to see the rest!

  44. Looks great so far! And very good idea to get more yardage! Congrats on the awards, you definitely deserve them!

  45. Little by little I'm catching up on my blog.
    Congratulations! Happy Awards Day!
    The pumpkin Patch on a Fall afternoon... that's the makings for fun! I'm looking forward to more pics of your home.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Sweet Wishes,

  46. I came for my next sneak peak before going to work, and it is not up yet. OH NO! Hope your day is delightful!

  47. Congrats on all your awards! Wow! "They" love you, don't they? :o) LOVE the lamp. Can't wait to see all you did on Friday.

    Thank you so much for passing the award on to me. I'm not worthy!

  48. Can;t wait til Friday! Glad you got to the pp, it is SNOWING here - yes, snow, just back from Jamaica, ugh!!!!!

  49. Awe...thanks for the award! You are too sweet!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)