
Taking Care of Business!

I usually don't post on the weekends, but I am leaving for vacation on Monday and didn't want this to wait until after I got back.   I have a few little things to report, so bear with me!

First of all, I have been tagged by new every morning.  Thank you for the tag!  I get to share six more unique things about myself...not sure that there are six unique things about me, but I will give it a shot!

1. We have a yellow Labradoodle (mix between a lab and a poodle) named Frankie.  He is named after the restaurant where my husband proposed to me, called Frankie Rowland's.
2. I love football.  I am so excited that the new football season is here!  I am a third generation Cleveland Browns fan; my dad was born and raised in Cleveland and I had no choice!
3. Before Nina was born, we had to negotiate which sports teams we would teach her to follow.  I claimed the Browns, and my husband got, well, pretty much everything else.
4. I played on the high school tennis team for four years...and and probably haven't played in the past six years, since I tried to teach my husband and sprained my ankle in the process!
5. Once, through a series of strange events, I met the band Counting Crows, and ended up going out with them after one of their concerts in Cincinnati.  I felt cool for about two days.
6. I am not really a chocolate fan.  Given the choice, I would take something salty over sweet any day!  :)

Next, I have been very lucky to meet so many nice people through blogging, and a few of them have been kind enough to share some awards with me.  Thank you!

Thanks to mamajil at M is for Mommy, for this award:  

Thank you to Les at Our Complete Family for this:

And thanks to Lisa at What Have I Done for this award:

At the risk of committing some major blog faux-pas (and someone please tell me if I am, I really want to know!), I am going to simply direct you back to these lovely ladies' blogs.  They are so great and I have really enjoyed getting to know them.  This is an amazing community!


  1. Congrats on all of your awards!!

    Wow! The Counting Crows! How fun!! DK and I played tennis every Monday night before we had kids. It was so fun. Of course he always won. That wasn't so much fun!

  2. Congrats!!

    I agree, this is an incredible community and so glad that I came out of lurk mode to start my own blog!

    Didn't know you had a Labradoodle....I love those dogs, they are so cute!

    You only felt cool for two days after hanging with the counting crows? I think I would have been bragging about that one for at least a month!!!

    Have a wonderful vacation!


  3. Congrats - have a wonderful vacation. We have a lot in common - except for the chocolate part which I didn't even like until I got pregnant, now I maybe addicted.

  4. Good morning Carrie :)

    I hope you don't mind me coming back to visit after Fall week, but I really enjoyed your blog.

    Congratulations on your awards! Have fun on your vacation :)


  5. Congrats on your award! What fun information about you! I love your blog !

    -Have a wonderful vacation! I will miss your postings this week!

  6. Congrats on your awards!

    I think Labradoodles are so cute! It may be the only breed my hubby and I could ever agree on!

    I can't believe you don't like chocolate!

  7. Carrie, have a wonderful vacation and thank you for coming over to vist and comment on my blog.

    Congratulations on those lovely awards.

    Nice getting to know you better. xxoo

  8. Oh fun awards! Good job, you. :) Have a great time on your vacation! :)

  9. Have a great vacation! Love your blog!


  10. Congratulations on your many awards!

    Your baby girl's room is sooo darling!

    Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  11. My husband and I are originally from Ohio, as are both of our families- who are all huge Browns fans. Even though we are not (Brown's fans), we try hard to redeem ourselves through the fact that we're both HUGE Buckeye fans ( :


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)