
The Yurt

This, my friends, is a yurt.  Y-U-R-T.  I had never heard of a yurt until I moved to Colorado.  However, I will become intimately acquainted with yurts, since one of these will be my home for the next week.  (Not the one in the photo.  I have a feeling this is a deluxe yurt.  And please God, I am not ready for snow.  Photo is courtesy of coloradoyurt.com)  

We are leaving on a little vacation today, a little driving tour of Colorado.  And, since our first foray into tent camping was not what one would call successful, the yurt is a nice little compromise for my family.  It is insulated, with bunk beds, a propane stove, windows, a microwave and fridge.  It even has electricity!  Yes, we will have to walk outside to use the community toilets and showers, but I count myself lucky that I won't have to spend a week trying to get my toddler to sleep in a tent.

So I will be out of commission for a few days.  I am sure I will return with many yurt-related stories and an overwhelming need to take a bubble bath.  See you next week!


  1. That's So cool I have seen them around here ! You can rent them for a night or what ever near Port Stanley
    Hope you have a great trip!

  2. That is really neat...I've never heard of them either! Have a great vacation....talk to ya when you return!!

  3. I am right there with you.....not a tent girl myself!! Last time I went camping I ran an extension cord into the tent so I could use a straightening iron on my hair....it was quite a seen!

    Will be anxious to see what you think of the yurt...sounds much better than a tent!

    Have a wonderful trip!

  4. No yurts here in SC. It looks VERY interesting. Will look forward to photos and stories soon.

  5. That looks fun, and as long as it has electricity it is doable. Have fun and take lots of pics.

  6. I've never heard of a yurt...very intersting!! Have a safe and fun time!!!

  7. Have fun in your yurt! Wow....that is a new one! I have never heard of that! Enjoy your trip!
    -Sandy Toes

  8. I'm with everyone else ~ never heard nor seen a yurt. It's still too close to a tent for my comfort! :)

  9. Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear about a week in the Yurt!

  10. We live in Denver and have alays done our canping in a tent - I feel gypped. Have fun.

  11. There is a yurt a few blocks away--I think they use it for their office or something.

    Have fun in your yurt! (Saying that word just makes me grin!)

    ~ Sarah

  12. Sounds like you are going to have a very interesting vacation! Hope you have a great time!

  13. I have never heard of a yurt..Sounds very cool. Tent camping? Never..We go with the RV. I am not the type that can "rough it". I can't wait to hear the fun that y'all have!

  14. Have fun in your yurt! I have never heard of that either but it looks like my kind of camping!

  15. How interesting! Can't wait to hear about (and see photos) of the yurt vacation. Have fun!


  16. I have heard of yurts. They are very intriguing! Have fun in the yurt and tell us all kinds of yurt stories when you return! :)

  17. Girl, have FUN and I can't wait to hear all the stories you'll have for us! There is a lot of potential blog entries from this I'd imagine! I've never ever heard of a 'yurt' before. What a fun word to even say! When we went camping Jas brought a double bed matress for me (this was pre Bryce days) b/c I'm not a tenty kind of gal! Be safe~ Hugs, Les

  18. Girlfriend, I hope you have a good time!!! Please take a photo of the inside of your Yurt ( you expained my world today!)

  19. Enjoy your vacation and your yurt. Have fun!
    Best wishes,

  20. Never heard of them!

    My hubby has been trying to get me to go tent camping and I just not so sure about it. I wonder if they have Yurts in PA?!?!

  21. I could handle that kind of camping. The tent kind - not so much! Hope it goes well for you!!

  22. Have a fun vacation and I'll check back upon "yurt" return. xxoo

  23. A yurt, that's so funny! Hope you have a great time!!

  24. Been in CO 16 years, camping many times and have never heard of a yurt. So not fair! I hate tent camping!!

    Have a great trip!

  25. They have these in Grand Bend. I've never been in one but they look kinda cool. I hope you take photos of the inside.

  26. Oh I can't wait to hear about your adventure..

  27. Looking forward to yurt anecdotes! Have fun!

  28. Oh I love Yurts! We love snow camping in them:)

  29. Hi Carrie :)

    You made me laugh! A yurt? LOL I suppose it is better than a tent. Keep a sense of humor and have fun!


  30. I must admit that prior to your post I had never heard of a yurt....Have fun!!

  31. Those are VERY cute! That's definitely better than a tent!

  32. I hope you had a great trip! :) A friend of mine and her hubby took a little getaway and stayed in a yurt in Arkansas and they really enjoyed it! I hope you do too. :) And enjoy some beautiful mountain scenery!!!

  33. I have lived in CO almost my entire life, and I have never heard of a Yurt. Hope you're having a great time!

  34. Hope you're having a great time in the yurt!
    I posted pics of the new babe when you have time to stop by and look!

  35. I'm hoping you're having fun and not getting any rain! Can't wait to hear about your adventures and hoping they're not misadventures ;) TGIF~ Les

  36. Have a great time. We have a ton of yurt in Oregon! :)


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