

I have an upholstery guardian angel, and her name is Jen.  She blogs at Sanctuary Arts at Home.  Go check out her new post on "faux-pholstery."  It is fantastic!  I love how she says "If you can't do it the right way, you might as well really do it the wrong way."  A woman after my own heart!  Thank you, Jen!


  1. Hey Carrie!
    I just gave you an award for your blog! I love it so much ! You always have great finds and yummy recipes!
    Hope you have a great day!
    Sending you hugs and kisses your way!

  2. Carrie,
    If you get a chance, please email me at JoLW35@yahoo.com. You were on my mind this afternoon and I have a quick question for you.
    Thanks a ton,

  3. Cool site and great saying!


  4. Wow- Neat site. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.

  5. Carrie,

    Your words so much to me today. I picture their birthday as just that...a true celebration with Jesus! Thank you for prayers too, Mike and I definitely felt them today as we rested in peace and joy as we remembered our daughters.

  6. Oh, I love your blog background. I'd like to upholster something in that pattern!

    I love anything to do with decorating and DIY projects. I'm trying to remember how I found your blog tonight....I think through a string of other blogs (while watching John McCain's speech). Maybe it was through Mamajil or Davene?

    Anyway- I'm doing a little decorating tour over at my blog. I'd love to see what you think.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)