
Topiary Tragedy

I just love rescuing things!  I think you will see this again and again on my blog.  Today it is this unfortunate little topiary.  I bought it at a garage sale, and I swear the woman who sold it to me must have thought I was crazy to want it!  As you can see, the bright green leaves and sponge-painted pot weren't exactly screaming "beautiful" and "refined."  More like "sad" and "really ugly."

Don't worry, though, we can fix that.  I started out by spray painting the pot to cover the, um, interesting paint design.  Joy recommended using this new little gadget she found for spray painting, and I gotta say, it's fantastic!  Super-easy to use: just attach it to the nozzle of the spray paint can and pull the trigger.  No gooky fingers!  I wrapped the base of the topiary in tin foil so that it wouldn't get a dose of black paint in the process. 

Ahhh...much better already!  Actually, once I got the plastic ivy off, the mossy base layer was quite pretty.  I think the next time I will use moss instead of leaves, since I liked the look so much.

Then, all I did was grab the glue gun to affix my new (less fake and plastic) leaves!

I am working on a little topiary collection for my dining room.  I think they look so cute grouped together.  So much fun to bring something back to life!


  1. Ahh! The wonders of spray paint and our new favorite gadget. The topiary turned out great!
    Have you thought about just making slip covers for your chairs? They're easier than doing an entire upholstery job AND you can take them off and wash them or change them for the seasons.

  2. You did a great job on that. Yes, I'm sure that woman thought you must have a problem to want that ugly topiary....lol. But oh, the spray paint rescue and I LOVE those new leaves all over it.

  3. What a difference you made in that little topiary. You did very well in my opionion and I think it will look lovely wherever you put it. xxoo

  4. Very cute! I have a topiary similar and I put teeny weeny lights on a string on the topiary. It looked really cute! Great "makeover"!

    -Sandy Toes

  5. What a transformation!!! Looks great, and guess what, I have a little collection of topiaries in the back corner my dining room....I love them!!

    Keep the tips coming...you are giving me lots of great ideas!


  6. Very pretty! Only about 1000% better than the original. :o)

  7. Great job! Topiaries are so classic, I love them! Love your leaves too!

  8. Love what you did - again I will say, spray paint can fix anything! I love it.

    I will have to check out that nozzle thing because this past weekend my hands were all black from spray painting!

  9. Another fabulous rescue! It looks great.

  10. Hi Carrie! You don't know me, I'm knew to this blogging thing. I was looking on "The cutest blog on the block", and I found one that would match your blog header: "Buzzings of a Queen Bee". Just thought I'd pass that along to you!

  11. I love that mossy look. I have never thought about doing a topiary out of the mossy stuff. Good idea!

  12. wow!! Great job with the spraypaint! :) Isnt it awesome what we can do with it?

  13. Yea for your rescue! Awesome job girly! Hugs, Les


    I am getting that gadget this weekend!!!!

  15. A great improvement on the original ( :

  16. What a difference a little spray paint will do it looks great!

  17. It looks cute. I left you a faux-pholstery tutorial on my blog ;)

  18. I am a topiary-aholic.
    Sadly, I have none b/c I am sure my toddler would decide to swing it above his head & hurl it at me.
    He's a thrower you see.

    Great job at the transformation.

  19. That looks much better. I've been searching for affordable topiaries to redo my mantle for a year now. Guess how many I have?? ZERO!!

    ~ Sarah

  20. That turned out great! I wish I had your creative bone!

  21. Lovely! I just love topiaries! Good job!

  22. So cute!! I LOVE topiaries!! That looks super!


  23. Hi,
    It is fun to bring something back to life! It gives me a sense of accomplishment!

    Your makeover looks great!

  24. great job, looks so much better! other's peoples trash is other peoples treasures!!!


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