
Last Minute Teacher Gift Idea

Merry Christmas everyone!

I know this is a frenzied week for most of us. My older two kids are in school through Wednesday, so I have a list a mile long of things I need to accomplish before they're home with me. I'm sure you do too!

But this little idea was too cute not to share. I am Nina's room parent this year, and as such I am in charge of the teacher gift! I always ask the teacher at the beginning of the year for a list of her "favorite things"(similar to one I blogged about here). I figure (as a former teacher myself!) that what she probably wants most is gift cards, right? 

A friend of mine had a suggestion to help take the gift presentation to the next level. She donated this sweet Christmas tree to my cause, and I ran around collecting gift cards to decorate the tree. Since it looked a little bare with no other decorations, I did some quick cinnamon ornaments and dried orange slices (since I wanted some for my own house anyway...!). Then I found these little brass trumpets at a local antique mall, and they were the perfect final touch to the tree.

When you put them all together, it's the cutest teacher gift ever! I always judge a gift by how much I want one of my own when it's all put together. Let's just say if someone showed up on my doorstep with one of these for me, I'd do a gleeful little dance!

So, on the off-chance that you are still in need of a teacher gift, AND have the time and energy to execute it 6 days before Christmas, I wanted to help a sister out! If not...there's always next year! :)

Merry Christmas friends!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)