
Anyone Want Buffalo Check Fabric?

Don't get around much anymore...

Those are the words in one of my favorite songs by Nat King Cole (and many others!) and boy is it true in my life!  Having a baby who naps twice a day and still needs her mama for most of her meals has left me on lockdown in my house.  I sneak out to Henry's preschool or to the grocery store, but it feels like a timer starts ticking as soon as I leave the house with baby Vivi, and I'm trying to beat the clock before the next meal or nap.  So, once again, I must ask for grace that I am not around as much as I used to be!

Since I've been home so much, I've been going through all my "stuff" in preparation for a huge garage sale this Saturday! Now, I promise you...what I'm about to say is not meant to "use" you guys to buy all my old stuff!  But...

I have buffalo check fabric!

A little over 16 yards, to be exact.  It's that gorgeous creamy bisque and warm golden color combo.  I am planning on just including it in my garage sale, but it occurred to me that there might be someone still searching for this fabric (as I was a few years ago!).  Perhaps I could make your day!  It just seemed like a waste to dump it in with all the other garage sale items.

The fabric is from Hobby Lobby, and is 54 inches wide.  The material is kind of like a silk shantung, not a traditional cotton, and lighter weight than traditional cotton too.  I have not washed it, so I don't know how it will behave if you do, but I have been storing it in my plastic fabric box since I bought it, so it's clean and non-smelly.

And just to be clear...this is the fabric only!  Not the actual curtains I have in my house.  Its just extra material that I've been holding onto in case I need it...but I don't think I do!  I would hate for someone to be disappointed, thinking they were getting finished curtains!

Here's the breakdown of the lengths I have:
Piece #1: 216 inches, or 6 yards **SOLD!!
Piece #2: 138 inches, or about 3 1/2 yards **SOLD!!
Piece #3: 192 inches, or about 5 1/3 yards **SOLD!!
Piece #4: 62 inches, or about 1 2/3 yard **SOLD!!

I won't cut the pieces any smaller (it seems like it would get pretty chaotic that way if there are multiple buyers), but I can certainly sell you more than once piece if you're interested.

I've never really done this before, so I don't know exactly how to "sell" it, but I'm thinking $10 a yard plus shipping.  I do have a Pay Pal account, so I can just send you an invoice to your email address if/when you are ready to buy.  My husband claims that that part is easy!  :)

Just leave me a comment with the piece(s) you're interested in, and a way to get in touch with you, and we'll go from there.  It will be first come, first served!

And, if I'm just loony and no one cares about this fabric in the decorating world any longer, that's OK too!  Some lucky garage sale shopper will hit the jackpot this weekend!  :)


  1. Oh...my...gosh, I'm so excited! I have been scouring my Hobby lobby each time I'm there but they only have the buffalo check in black and cream. I checked Country curtains and it's pretty stinkin expensive. I will go ahead and consider this Divine Providence that you posted this and that I happened to check on the right day. ;) I would love Piece #3. So I will email you now with my email address if that works-as I've never bought anything from a blog either. ;)

    Thanks, Holly

  2. I am interested in your buffalo check material, too. I would either want option #1 or #2. (Would a 3 1/2 foot wide window need a full piece on both sides, or is the fabric full enough to cut in half? I also have a window seat under my window so the window length if about 5 feet long. Any suggestions? Thanks, JoAnn
    P.S. I love your blog.

  3. Oh, I have loved that fabric for a long time! I would love piece #1 if the person above goes with #2. I have Pay Pal, so that should be easy if it works out. :) Thanks for sharing the wealth! ;)


  4. Oh my goodness! I am always on the lookout for buffalo check fabric because of your blog! If you still have any left, I'd love it!

  5. I'm interested in it all!!!! Email me: danette_schellhous at hotmail.com

  6. Hi Lizzy...I can't find an email address for you...so sorry! I'm still wading through my emails and I can't promise that I will still have any left but if I do, I want to be able to contact you. Email me or post a comment with your email address, thanks!

  7. I would love the 3 1/2 yard piece if it's still available.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh goodness, Carrie.... thanks for being so sweet! And so sorry, I should have thought through this better and posted my email. I'm sure the fabric's all gone by now, but if by a some slim chance it's not, my email is lizzylou26@live.com

    Thank you! More than anything, it's just awesome to see you posting a bit!

  10. I just noticed "SOLD" next to all of them.... that's great! =)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)