
Our New Digs

We are here in California! Almost two weeks ago, the moving truck came and deposited all our stuff in the new house. Ever since, it's been all about unpacking, figuring out where the grocery store is, and keeping the kids from falling over (or into!) the boxes. You know, the usual.

I thought it was about time I showed you a few glimpses of our new digs. Even as I type this, I am struck by the differences between our old place in Colorado:

...and the new one in California:
The house was described as a Spanish Colonial, and it was built in the 1930s. It is so charming! I have had lots of fun imagining how things will look (eventually), once all the boxes and clutter have been removed.

So, in the meantime, I will leave you on our front doorstep, where my numbered pumpkins have already made an appearance. Maybe next week I will get brave enough to invite you into the chaos!


  1. Cute! You're going to have so much fun!

  2. It's charming! You will make it even more so!
    I hope you are feeling energetic and optimistic about unpacking! It's such a process and always takes longer than you think it should!

  3. Oh my! It's so pretty! Charming, indeed. I can't wait to see the inside.

  4. Your new place looks super charming and so cute! Can't wait to see the inside!

  5. You are going to love California. We lived there for almost five years and I love that area.

  6. Wow, you're right - completely different styles of house, but your CA home looks straight out of a movie! Can't wait to see how you're decorating this new place!

  7. So excited for you. Looks adorable from the outside - can't wait to see the inside after you work your magic. Enjoy.

  8. Wow! Definitely a big difference, but I know you'll make this place feel just like home, too!

    Enjoy, Carrie!

  9. Welcome HOME to you & your family! I'm thrilled for you to be settling in and getting the chance to decorate in a whole new environment - what fun! And we get to watch! So cool that you have your punks out already - I still love this project so much!! I'm on the hunt for cheap fake punks somewhere soon.

  10. Love, love, love, the house!
    Can't wait to see the inside and what great things you're going to do :)

  11. I'm amazed not just at the change in styles, but also your ability to adapt to the change in environment, both inside and out! I can't imagine making such a big move. The outside of the new "old" house looks wonderful,can't wait to see the inside.

  12. It looks adorable! For some reason I thought you all were getting an apartment in the city, but it looks like you at least have SOME space. Or no?

    Can't wait to see the inside!

  13. Darling house! If you don't mind me asking what city did you end up in? I'm not too far from SF :)

  14. Darling house! If you don't mind me asking what city did you end up in? I'm not too far from SF :)

  15. It's very cute. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I love your numbered pumpkins too!

  16. Squeal!!! I cannot wait to see more! :D


  17. I LOVE the new house!! Can't wait to see the inside!

  18. Can't wait to see inside! It looks like it has interesting archetecture...In no time you will have it feeling like home :)

  19. It looks so pretty!! Can't wait to see the inside! :)

  20. I can't wait to see the inside. Love the outside already.

  21. Can't wait to see where you have landed! All the best.

  22. Can't wait to see where you have landed! All the best to you and your family.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)