
Still Alive

Do you ever have days when it's just a relief to get up in the morning?

What I mean is this: Do you have those times when you've been tossing and turning in bed, half-dreaming of all you have to do the next day? Panicking that you won't get it all done? So, by the time your clock reaches a semi-normal time, you pop out of bed and you're just so glad to be doing, instead of worrying?

Not that I know anything about that.

We are living amidst boxes right now, and just hoping that somehow all our stuff makes it to California! The moving truck comes on Friday, and we officially start our drive west on Sunday. I can't decide if I feel sad, excited, scared, hopeful or just tired. I could practically create a whole new set of Seven Dwarfs over here.

Just thought I would check in to say that I am still alive. I do have some posts that I had planned before all this moving took over my life, so maybe I will entertain you with those sometime soon. But mostly I'll just be packing and trying to keep my kids away from the masking tape.

Hope you all are doing well! :)


  1. California is a great place - especially San Francisco! It doesn't get into the 100's like it does here in Sacramento in the summer. It's so diverse and there is so much to do. And I know the crazy feeling of packing everything up and moving - I'm moving all the way to New Jersey in 7 weeks!

  2. Hi Carrie! I just learned of your move. I'll be praying for you! Have a beautiful drive!

    God bless you!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. May you have peace in your journey,
    and be a blessing to those you meet on the way.

  4. Glad to hear you're not packed up in one of those boxes. Keep the faith - the move will be over before you know it. Can't wait to see your new digs.

  5. Yes, yes, and yes. :) We just moved, too - it's crazy. Take time to concentrate on yourself and your family - we will still be here when you get back!

  6. I've been wondering about your family and the move - will be praying for travel safety and that everything makes it to the right place, quickly!

  7. Good luck with everything! We too are planning a big, scarey, exciting move and I'm trying to embrace the adventure in it all, rather than worry that it isn't the right decision. After all, as long as you are with your family, then you are set! Take care!!

  8. Best of luck with the move. Can't wait for your new home posts.

  9. Good luck with the move! Can't wait to hear all about your new digs! :)


  10. How good to hear from you! I was just thinking of you yesterday and the Lord told me to pray instead of think! :) So I prayed for you and your family! Having moved about 15 times in teh last 10 years, I know the heartache! May He be your strength, comfort and joy!

  11. You poor thing! I can only imagine!

    This family is also moving to California (from Kansas City):


    Happy packing and moving!

  12. Oh, boy! I hadn't popped in for awhile--I knew your move was coming up, but I didn't know your house had sold and your move date was practically here! God bless you as you make your trek west. It'll be fun to see what you do with all new spaces!

  13. Try and take care of yourself and take lots of deep breaths.

  14. Carrie, where are you moving to? I didnt know...it has been awhile since I stopped in...A new place to decorate...FUN! Stop in to SM for a visit! Hugs,Meme

  15. I've myself stayed in California from 1975-82. Lovely place it is.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)