

Here's a hint about what we will soon be doing...

See all those boxes on that truck? That will be my life, all packed up, although loaded onto a slightly bigger rig.

We sold our house!

We've actually been in negotiations with the buyers for almost two weeks, and I haven't wanted to say anything until the deal was more finalized. But it looks like it's going to happen! I am so relieved, and so freaked out.

We don't have a house in California yet, because we wanted to make sure the sale of our house was certain before we committed to anything. Oh, and did I mention that we have to be out by August 28th?

God help me! (And if I'm not around too much over the next few weeks, you'll know why.)


  1. Congrats Carrie! Good luck with the move!

  2. You will love California, I think. I grew up there and there is so much to do and see. The ocean, Disneyland, mountains, deserts. Enjoy.

  3. Congratulations! Don't fret about buying, just rent until you figure out what you really want/need. You're lucky you're going to such a great city. Good luck!

  4. Yeah!!! That's wonderful Carrie!

    ps... I used that pic of the truck above as an 'iron-on' for my son's t-shirt (turned out really cute).

  5. Congrats! I've been thinking of you as we too are going to be selling and moving for my hubbies dream job. We are also going to a city where houses are approx twice as expensive as where we are now, and you betcha, it's scarey and exciting all in one!! Good luck with everything!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the new digs =)

  6. Congrats on selling your home and Good luck with your move!! Can't wait to see your new home!

  7. That is great news! Farewell to my Colorado blogging buddy. Congrats and good luck :-)


  8. Carrie, wow! Just like my BFF who's house sold w/in 72hrs of being on the market. She has to be out by the 30th and I'm sure can completely commiserate about the about the packing thing. Yesterday she was in search for 200 boxes - yes, I said 200. eeeeek! I wish you the best!

  9. Congratulations. Hope you love California. Atleast you will be moving to warmer weather and giving up the cold.

  10. Good luck and happy packing!! Can't wait to read about your adventures in California!


  11. That's wonderful about the sale, but I'm sure overwhelming at the same time! I pray that God will give you the wisdom to take each day as it comes and protect you from worry about the future!

  12. Congratulations and good luck with your move! I can’t wait to follow you to California!

  13. How exciting!! I'm sure you will love California!

  14. Congratulations, Carrie!

    Best of luck to you guys and I can't wait for your return!

  15. Holy cow Batman, that is awesome!!!! Same wonderful thing happened to us and I was so grateful.

    Good luck with the move!

  16. Congratulations!!! Happy packing! Happy new adventures!!


  17. Just stumbled across your blog and I love it. Love the bee thing. Good luck with the move! Lx

  18. Just stumbled across your blog and I love it. Love the bee thing. Good luck with the move! Lx

  19. So glad you were able to sell your home. We just moved cross country ourselves. It was nuts, but an advenutre. Safe travels to CA and luck finding a new abode.

  20. Congratulations on your big move! We just got back from 2 months in Africa and I've been catching up on blog reading and saw your big news. Will you PLEASE let your local blog readers know when you have your garage sale? I just know it is going to be a treasure trove of finds because you have such awesome style! Good luck finding the perfect home to rent in CA!

  21. Congratulations! Good luck with the packing and the move (and finding a house.) ;-)

  22. Wishing you all the best with your new adventure - I can relate - we too had to move out of our home on short notice with nowhere to go- God organised it all for us and we had accommodation for two months before we found our home - He will provide for you too in your move. Trusting it all goes well.

  23. congrats! in this market you are soooo darn lucky!

  24. Oh my! Things are going to be moving along quickly for you the next few days.

    Congrats on the sale, and good luck on the move!

  25. Do you know what a miracle that is in this market????? God bless you on your journey!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)